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Industrialization & The Gilded Age

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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization & The Gilded Age"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization & The Gilded Age

2 Entry Task If you did not turn in your textbook packet yesterday, put it in the box now please. Take out the lyrics for Kilkelly from yesterday. What can we tell from this song about the experience of immigrants and their families?

3 Gallery walk In groups, we are going to look at a series of images and documents (primary sources) about immigration. At each one you need to do 2 things:

4 Gallery walk Take notes in your notebook (what is the image/doc about? What is the message/main idea?) Write a comment, question, or response (to someone else’s comment/question) on the poster paper. Put your initials by your comment.

5 In your notes: Description Main idea/message

6 Last Step Get the ½ sheet from me. Complete sentences!
How do you know this? What did you see today in our gallery walk that told you this? Turn in to my box when you finish, otherwise due on Monday.

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