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國立雲林科技大學 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

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Presentation on theme: "國立雲林科技大學 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 國立雲林科技大學 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Interactive visualization for opportunistic exploration of large document collections Presenter : Chun-Ping Wu  Authors :Simon Lehmann, Ulrich Schwanecke, Ralf Dorner IS 2010

2 Outline Motivation Objective Methodology Experiments Conclusion

3 Motivation Finding relevant information in a large and comprehensive collection of cross-referenced documents like Wikipedia usually requires a quite accurate idea where to look for the pieces of data being sought.

4 Objective This paper describes the interactive visualization Wivi which enables users to intuitively navigate Wikipedia by visualizing the structure of visited articles and emphasizing relevant other topics.

5 Methodology The current Degree of interest(DOI) of an article v:
A-priori-importance(API) of the unvisited articles can be formally defined as The temporal distance D of an unvisited article v can then be defined as

6 Methodology The architecture of Wivi.

7 Experiments

8 Experiments

9 Conclusion The approach combines both a visualization of visited articles and articles that could be immediately reached from all visited articles. It also calculates a degree of interest of the unvisited articles based on the structure and history of the article graph. 9

10 Comments Advantage Drawback Application
The system is very interesting. The approach can help users more easily to read. Drawback When a large amount of data, the system performance is poor. Application Browsing, Searching 10

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