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Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination

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1 Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination
1st Meeting of the preparatory group of the strategic co-ordination group for the WFD-CIS 13/9/2013

2 Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination
Water Accounts Data & Information Sharing Economics

3 Knowledge needs (1/2) Not only compliance checking…
Build the business case for investment in measures that will deliver water policy objectives or impact water resources. Costs of inaction, scenarios, vulnerability assessments Costs and benefits measures Integration funding instruments / sectoral policies Link to macro-economic policy At all levels! European Union, Member State, River Basin, Region, sector, etc. Link to Europe 2020 and Impact Assessment Processes

4 Knowledge needs (2/2) Support to EU-wide impact assessment tools (base year water availability and use) Production of water exploitation, consumption, efficiency indicators including quality aspects Ecosystem services accounting Cost-effective production of data required under ESTAT/OECD questionnaires, SoE#3, etc. Identify gaps / ensure consistent assessment of water resources accross the EU

5 Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination WG Economics
S. Scanlan (UK) B. Bœuf / T. Davy (FR) J. Delsalle (EC)

6 Deliverables: • Exchange of experience on Art.5 analysis: workshop in 2nd semester follow-up • Review WATECO Guidance to clarify aspects linked to cost-recovery and cost/benefits analysis by 2014 • Exchange of experience on WFD exemptions: workshop in follow-up

7 Objectives: Ensure that the 2nd and 3rd RBMPs are based on an increasingly thorough economic analysis of pressures, and proper quantification of the costs and impacts of measures needed to comply with WFD objectives. Establish clear and transparent methodologies, improve the common knowledge base and when needed agree on practical CIS guidance complementing/updating WATECO

8 Kick-off workshop on 1-2 October 2013
Gather experiences from River Basins and Member States on the review of Art 5 reports, from the economic analysis perspective. Questionnaire + presentations Agree on a short list of urgent issues for a CIS guidance to be approved by Water Directors at a time it can still have an impact on the 2nd RBMPs Establish the work programme of the WFD-CIS WG Economics for issues less urgent or requiring substantial background work

9 Potential topics for discussion
A detailed agenda will be established on the basis of the feedback received to the framing questionnaire (see section 4 below). Tentatively, the potential topics for discussion would be : Cost/Benefits Analysis (CBA) Disproportionate costs Cost Recovery Reporting Wider focus

10 Cost/Benefits Analysis (CBA)
At what level is Cost/Benefits Analysis (CBA) best carried out? (National vs. River Basin vs. Water Body) For which purpose? (As a decision-making tool, to check decisions relevance from an economic point of view, etc.) How to ensure a robust CBA? To which extent should a common methodology be developed to ensure comparability across countries? How to take into account uncertainties, valuation methods (e.g. for environmental costs/ecosystem services)? How to integrate it efficiently in a planning process (e.g. ranking of projects).

11 Disproportionate costs
Which methodology(ies) should be used for disproportionate costs analysis from a planning perspective How to perform a good analysis in the context of Art 4(4), 4(5) and 4(7) WFD? Are there other parameters than CBA, such as affordability / financing of the measures, that should be part of the discussion on disproportionate costs? In this case, how should affordability be assessed? (should common indicators be used?)

12 Cost Recovery How to communicate / report on cost recovery, pricing policies, ensuring transparency and comparability? Inter-calibration exercise? How to link Cost Recovery to financing of the Programme of Measures and other sources of funding Ex-ante conditionality structural funds How to integrate the question of affordability in the economic analysis.

13 Reporting How to improve the reporting of Costs and Benefits of measures, economic analysis and instruments? (link with on-going work under WG Data & Information Sharing)?

14 Wider focus How to ensure economic analysis and economic instruments have a wider focus (not only GES but also water efficiency and extreme events/climate change)? Link between economic instruments (incl PES) and regulatory measures How can the economic assessments performed at the river basin scale account for the Europe 2020 issues? accounting for indirect impacts and impacts on the socio-economic development of territories macro-economic link in the context of the European Semester How to improve the links with Floods Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive? (MSFD group on economics)

15 A. Borchmann (DE) B. Werner (EEA) J. Delsalle (EC)
Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination WG Data & Information Sharing A. Borchmann (DE) B. Werner (EEA) J. Delsalle (EC)

16 Priorities Short term revision guidance reporting for 2nd RBMP
Long term perspective (WISE 2.0 / SIIF) Wider focus: Streamlining reporting other directives Strengthening knowledge-sharing across EU water policies

17 Short term revision guidance reporting for 2nd RBMP
A short term perspective for a revised reporting strategy for the 2nd RBMPs which will entail the revision of the guidance on reporting and the adaptation of task sheets. The purpose of this revision is to adapt the reporting tools by December 2013, on the basis of the lessons learned from the reporting of the first RBMPs and covering INSPIRE requirements. Reduce content and workload for both MS and COM, strengthen focus on products, ensure comparability throughout MS and develop indicators and common understanding on definitions (dictionary, glossary)

18 WISE Where are we now? RBMP RBMP RBMP RBMP EC Assessment reports
Concept paper for RBMP assessment No full link with other EEA db (waterbase) Reporting guidance and sheets Tables and maps Need for clearer definition of requirements and scope for streamlining Lack of flexible tool to perform queries and design adhoc maps Limited harmonisation schemas WFD Master db EC Assessment reports RBMP Room for clarification, simplification, INSPIRE compliance RBMP Shape files RBMP assessment db xml RBMP Member states RBMP RBMP pdf Additional information Poor and expensive contribution to reports MS/RBD websites No proper indexation of files, common structure missing Common Data Repository (CDR) Costly and ineffective process for analysis and comparison

19 principles for the revision of reporting schemes
as agreed by Water Directors in Dublin in May 2013: To clearly define the requirements, specifying exactly the data and information needed to be reported, on the basis of the requirements of the WFD and additional agreements approved by the water directors. To explore possibilities for additional information based on an identification of the outputs linked to compliance checking, EU-wide assessments and benchmarking (see section 2.1 above) To keep the main lines of reporting to be able to keep track of the progress. To simplify the schemas as much as possible. The limit and focus the changes made to the reporting sheets To harmonize the reporting scales.

20 Long term perspective (WISE 2.0 / SIIF)
A long term perspective to evolve from reporting towards information sharing between Member States and the Commission from 2015 on, to be implemented in the 3rd cycle RBMPs. This implies upgrading WISE into an interoperable information system, taking account of the Commission's plans for an Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring (IPCheM) and learning from the pilot exercise on the Structured Information and Implementation Framework (SIIF) for the urban wastewater directive.

21 Long-term vision: What do we want to get out?
A distributed / decentralised–how and when do we get it? (need for tools such as reference datasets, …) Define User Needs / products first Improve processes (reduce time needed to process reported information, increase cost-effectiveness, clarify the roles of all actors) An integrated data model for fresh, coastal and marine waters (DPSIR driven) All this should be translated into a renewed WISE vision and a timeline for stepwise implementation in three phases (2015, 2018, 2025)

22 Wider focus Streamlining reporting under the WFD, Floods, Nitrates, Water Industry Directives and the MSFD The EEA together with the MS, should work on defining the formats and procedures. Linking the information reported under the different EU water directives with the development and the implementation of the PoMs including the possible development of a joint reporting for MSFD and WFD programme of measures by 2015. Strengthening knowledge-sharing across EU water policies, reinforcing knowledge and best-practice dissemination at EU, national and RB level.

23 Link with other WG All WG are concerned!
Agreement on data needs for compliance checking and further assessments Methodologies: codification available methods, so that reporting refers better to CIS work Common DPSIR taxonomy: a link between Status assessment, PoM and economic analysis

24 C. Marcuello (ES) A. Romanowicz (EEA) J. Delsalle (EC)
Cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination Activity on Water Accounts C. Marcuello (ES) A. Romanowicz (EEA) J. Delsalle (EC)

25 Objectives Support the CIS process in relation to economic analysis and the assessment of the POMs from an EU-wide perspective. Build on the prototypes of EU water balances and hydro-economic modelling built by the Commission and the EEA in the context of the Blueprint Fill data gaps, add functionalities and ensure consistency with existing results and tools at national/river basin levels. Develop a multi-scale assessment framework in the spirit of SEIS, integrated into the CIS, avoid duplication with national/RB tools

26 Lessons learned from the 2011-2012 process
WB at sub-catchment levels with monthly resolution, under the SEEAW enhanced methodology, are technically feasible and affordable. WB tells very important information on water resource issues (for uses and ecological support) and their diversity across EU. Current data flows not adapted to the production of water balances.

27 Work organised around service contracts financed by EC
Production of revised and complete EU water balance at sub-catchment level and monthly resolution (will start in nov-dec 2013) Address the most relevant data gaps Set the basis for a cost-efficient permanent process Geolocalised database of water use in thermal power plants and manufacturing cooling processes (started in Sept 2013)

28 Link with other WG CIS and other processes
Reporting Ensure cost-effective production of water accounts based on improved reporting flows + access to already available information Economic Analysis Consolidated framework at EU kevel + homogeneous set of information to support Art 5 economic analysis, help focusing investments and assessing cost-recovery levels Indicators of water productivity at sectoral and RBD/SU level : What does water use mean for the economy Cross-sectoral analysis on the whole value chain e.g. water used for agriculture triggers activity in industrial, energy, transport and services sectors Inclusion blue / green / grey water Problem of scale: economic information not at RBD/SU level: how to « territorialize » the information? Other groups: Groundwater: progress in quantification GW resources All WG Cluster Water Status (in particular E-flows) : key element for the production of meaningful water resource indicators Cluster Water management: water balances to be used as baseline for assessment cost-effectiveness programmes of measures: ensure consistent analysis at RBD / National / EU levels Further work with EUROSTAT / National Stat Institutes: common taxonomy, cross-fertilization.

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