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Remembering Essay Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Remembering Essay Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remembering Essay Techniques

2 Remembering Essay: Writing a Focused NARRATIVE
Show Don’t Tell—observing techniques Topic Choice—focus on occasion and cultural context. Limit and Focus—create a specific scene in TIME and SPACE Avoid monotonously summarizing Cliches— “My life will never be the same” Subjective vs. Objective Details

3 Note: Changes, Contrasts & Conflict
Changes—in people and places Contrasts—between memories or appearance vs. reality CONFLICT = TENSION Connections—between past events, people, places, and the present Insight—Main Idea Why is the memory important?

4 Other Techniques to Consider:
TIME ORDER In medias res = “in the middle” Flashback Chronological POINT OF VIEW and TENSE First person Past verse Present

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