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Bringing comprehensive suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention planning to schools: addressing the whole school environment. Keith Kline, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing comprehensive suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention planning to schools: addressing the whole school environment. Keith Kline, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing comprehensive suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention planning to schools: addressing the whole school environment. Keith Kline, Ph.D. Executive Director - Grant Us Hope Jennifer Wright-Berryman, Ph.D. National Hope Squad Lead Researcher Researcher and Evaluator, Grant Us Hope Assistant Professor of Social Work, University of Cincinnati

2 Who is Grant Us Hope? A 501(c)(3) in Cincinnati, Ohio
Founded by Diane Egbers, a mother who lost her 15 year-old son to suicide in 2015 Current Team Executive Director- former superintendent Program Manager Lead Researcher/Program Evaluator- Hope Squad national researcher Expanding team Adding trainers, implementation coordinators, regional oversight Administrative assistant

3 GUH: Vision and Mission
Accelerate capacity to prevent teen suicide within the Greater Cincinnati region and beyond, through increased awareness, collaboration, and advocacy. Mission Transform the conversation on suicide prevention and bridge local service gaps through collaborative, evidence-based research, education and programs.

4 The GUH Story Started by searching for a school-based program to implement in the Southwestern Ohio region Discovered Hope Squad via partnership with Jennifer Wright-Berryman Began Hope Squads in local schools this year Identified additional needs in districts (comprehensive prevention- intervention-postvention – “PIP” plans) Added the PIP planning package for schools who desired additional support

5 Current Delivery Model for School Districts
Mental Health Agencies Government Mandates Community Advocates School-Based Services Hospitals Creates a fragmented system of service that has limited district-wide impact ©2018 Grant Us Hope

ASSESS District needs around Mental Health, Trauma Supports, Suicide Prevention and Safety IDENTIFY Goals and Deliverables that enhance existing supports and close identified gaps in district’s infrastructure ENLIST community input, support and ownership of research based strategies CONNECT local resources AND agencies to match the needs of the district EVALUATE & ADJUST District plan to assess progress and additional areas of focus DISTRICT NEEDS BASED SERVICE MODEL ©2018 Grant Us Hope

7 Assess Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention Inventory
Review together in first meeting (can also be done ahead of first meeting for efficiency) What are schools already doing well? In what areas do schools need to bolster their efforts, and what programs and activities do schools want to implement?

8 Prevention Hope Squad, peer-to-peer intentional outreach program
Suicide prevention and resource app* Community and Parent education and training Prevention research and evaluation Mental health activities and events Hope Squad leadership support Student safety and education plan *optional

9 Prevention Inventory and Opportunities
Prevention: Proactive suicide and safety programs that are continuously evaluated and meet the school’s needs. Area of Focus What are you doing currently? Service Provider Resources Other than Hope Squad, what school-based prevention efforts exist (universal, selective, indicated)? How do you currently monitor student distress (electronic, student file, etc.)? What is the plan to educate staff, students, parents, and community about mental wellness, school safety and suicide? Are you expecting any barriers to fully implement your prevention plan based on your needs and timeline? Areas of Opportunity What does this look like? How would we measure success?

10 Intervention Resource guide for easy access to information for adult responders Imminent risk plans with safety planning, training and support Community mental health partnerships for streamlined access to care Reintegration services for after students are hospitalized or out of school for mental health or suicide attempt Suicide safety intervention program

11 Intervention Inventory and Opportunities
Intervention: Focused efforts on supporting streamlined access to internal and external emergency and treatment services, both immediate and ongoing, including safety monitoring and reintegration of students at risk. Area of Focus What are you doing currently? Service Provider Resources Do you have a resource guide or repository for quick access? If not, what assistance would be needed to create a guide? Do you have an imminent risk protocol for a suicidal student? Do you employ safety planning? What community agency/partnerships exist to improve access to care when needed? Who performs a comprehensive risk assessment and ongoing safety monitoring? How do you currently handle re-integration post student hospitalization? Areas of Opportunity What does this look like? How would we measure success?

12 Postvention Urgent response protocol and guide for students, teachers, and staff Oversight and support of crisis intervention and debriefing for both school and community Recovery and healing plan and follow-up Reintegration services for after students are hospitalized or out of school for mental health or suicide attempt Support for postvention school-based infrastructure Resource kit for internal and external communications CRISIS TEAM AT EVERY SCHOOL

13 Postvention Inventory and Opportunities
Postvention: Proactive planning with school, surrounding community and external resources to have comprehensive crisis planning, track and monitor effectiveness and make improvements. Area of Focus What are you doing currently? Service Provider Resources Do you have a crisis response team? Are they trained in suicide postvention? Is there an urgent response protocol for students specific to suicide loss? What barriers to do perceive may exist in having a successful postvention process? What preparations (staff communications, go kits, media, social media, and funeral policies) are in place to support the crisis response protocol? Areas of Opportunity What does this look like? How would we measure success?

14 Identify What are the gaps in the current structure to save student lives in the school? Create goals, objectives, and activities for the academic year What are the priorities? What is the timeline?

15 Enlist Community Leadership Steering Committee
Comprised of parents, mental health providers, law enforcement, community leaders in business and other visionaries in the district Participate in initial training and information sessions Meet quarterly to assist in guiding, supporting, and providing oversight and feedback

16 (Names of Individuals or Groups)
Leader Stakeholder Assessment Identify & analyze key internal and external stakeholders of success in your role. Define stakeholders by answering the following questions: Who has interest in the mental wellness and safety of your District? What enterprise leaders need to become more engage with your District? Who can help you succeed? Who could get in the way of your progress if they are not involved? Who are the known strategic leaders who are already engaged with your District? Who has a strong network of advocates to support your success? Stakeholder (Names of Individuals or Groups) Level of Current Support (High, Med, Low) Importance to Our Success Take Action to Influence? (Yes / No)

17 Connect In order to facilitate closing the gaps, we bring together community-based resources and schools to build a prevention, intervention, and postvention network. Building this network takes time, but the end result is intended to be a seamless stronghold of personnel, communication, and practice that saves youth lives

18 Evaluate and Adjust Program evaluation Data collection
Hope Squad data (suicide concerns in counseling centers) Model fidelity Formative evaluation data (how is the process going?) Parent study (some schools) Program improvement based on evaluation findings Hope Squad data- how many referrals are coming in, what are the nature of these referrals, what trends are we seeing? Fidelity and outcomes, program endorsement Formative evaluation data- feedback on implementation through consistent communication, adjust as we go

Mental Wellness and Safety Plan PREVENTION INTERVENTION POSTVENTION Hope Squad, peer-to-peer intentional outreach program Resource guide for easy access to information for adult responders Urgent response protocol and guide for students, teachers, and staff *Suicide prevention/resource app Imminent risk plans with safety planning, training and support Oversight and support of crisis intervention and debriefing for both school and community Community and Parent education and training Community mental health partnerships for streamlined access to care Recovery and healing plan and follow-up Prevention research and evaluation Reintegration services for after students are hospitalized or out of school for mental health or suicide attempt Mental health activities and events Suicide safety intervention program Support for postvention school-based infrastructure Hope Squad leadership support Resource kit for internal and external communications Student safety and education plan CRISIS TEAM AT EVERY SCHOOL

20 Questions? Jennifer Wright-Berryman, Ph.D.
Keith Kline, Ph.D.

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