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French Revolution Workbook pg. 22-24.

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Presentation on theme: "French Revolution Workbook pg. 22-24."— Presentation transcript:

1 French Revolution Workbook pg

2 Essential Question Write down at the top go pg. 22 in the margin
Was the French Revolution successful, why or why not?

3 French Revolution Revolutions Workbook. 22-24 Video Link:
OiM& 1st = Video 4 2nd = Video 3 – 9:08 3rd = Video 3 – 5:54 6th = Video 5 – 7:19 7th = Video 3 – 8:00

4 After Video # 1 Stand-Up, Hand-UP, Pair Up and Discuss…
If you won the lottery tomorrow, 100 Million Dollars, what would you do between now and the end of the year?

5 After Video # 2 Agree Disagree Statement:
There should be no limits on free speech, people should be able to say whatever they want, wherever they want. Agree Disagree

6 After Video # 3 Stand-Up, Hand-UP, Pair Up and Discuss…
What is the main job of a government?

7 Stop at Video 5: 1:13 AGREE Disagree Statement:
Louis XVI deserves to die AGREE Disagree

8 Stop At Video 6: 2:45 Read: Revolutions Book: Pg. 37-38
Articles 7 and 8 Is the National Assembly keeping true to their ideals?

9 Stop After Video 7 Discuss:
How do you prove a negative? How can you every prove that you are not something?

10 Who is the worst? Louis XVI Marie Robespierre Marat

11 How does absolute power affect people?

12 Warm Up # Describe the conditions that existed in France that were causing the people to be unhappy with their leaders.

13 Warm Up # Can peace ever come from violence, why or why not?

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