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Today is a SILENT, INDEPENDENT work day.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is a SILENT, INDEPENDENT work day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is a SILENT, INDEPENDENT work day.
Be the Light Project – due next Friday! 1) Do your thing  Document! (Work log and photos, videos, or examples of what you did) 2) Written Reflection 1-2 pages Discuss: What your project was (be brief) Why you chose this particular project Describe how it affected others Describe how it affected you What did you learn about being a light in the darkness from this project? Staple your yellow Work Log to your reflection 3) Presentation (Gallery Tour: poster or trifold) Include: Name of project, Logo, Slogan, Mission Statement (all from your project proposal) Brief statement of the problem (from your research) Brief explanation of your solution What effect did it have? Call to Action – a statement to convince others to do the same kind of thing you did. Visuals – photos, videos, samples, props, etc.

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