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Monday Warm-Up Take a copy of the reading in your folder and read over the excerpts from Brookes diary After completing the reading, in your warm- up section,

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Presentation on theme: "Monday Warm-Up Take a copy of the reading in your folder and read over the excerpts from Brookes diary After completing the reading, in your warm- up section,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday Warm-Up Take a copy of the reading in your folder and read over the excerpts from Brookes diary After completing the reading, in your warm- up section, describe the experiences of Bernard Joseph Brookes in your own words Be ready to share with the class!

2 Life in the Trenches Watch the following video about life in the trenches during WWI Life in the Trenches Pay attention to the conditions that they were forced to deal with in the trenches Be ready to share with the class

3 Trenches Activity The classroom has been arranged like trenches for today Everyone is going to sit on the floor between the rows of desks just like they are in the trenches I will be reading passages from the book All Quiet on the Western Front and showing images of life in the trenches While hearing the passages and looking at the images try to put yourself in a soldier’s shoes in WWI You will be writing a journal that answers questions about your experience in your notebook

4 Book & Movie

5 1-Fear and Anticipation
War Noises 1-Fear and Anticipation

6 Reflection Questions Answer the following questions in a journal format for Fear and Anticipation: As you sit in the trench what would be some of your fears? What are some of the dangers that you face while in the trenches? How are you preparing yourself, both physically and mentally, for those dangers?

7 2-First Bombardment

8 Reflection Questions Answer the following questions in a journal format for First Bombardment: There has been constant shelling for three days. How does your head feel? What type of destruction do you expect there to be after the shelling? Do you fear for your life? Why or why not?

9 3- Gas Attack

10 Reflection Questions Answer the following questions in a journal format for Gas Attack: Your gas mask irritate the skin of your face and itches. What should you do? Why? The soldier next to you does not survive the gas attack. What should you do with the body?

11 4-Daily Life

12 Reflection Questions Answer the following questions in a journal format for Daily Life: Your ration for the day is a tin of ham and a piece of bread. How will you make that last for the day? Rats infested the trenches. One has nibbled on your bread. Will you still eat it? What would you do to get rid of the rats? It looks like it is going to rain. What type of conditions must you prepare yourself for in the trenches?

13 5-Dealing with Boredom and Cramped Living Quarters

14 Reflection Questions Answer the following questions in a journal format for Dealing with Boredom: Few attacks occurred during daylight hours, but it was important to stay low and not be seen. What would you do with your time? Explain what you would do on a normal day in the trenches.

15 6-Morale

16 Reflection Questions Answer the following questions in a journal format for Morale: Pretend you are the captain and it is your job to reassure your men. How would you inspire confidence in your troops to keep fighting? How does constant fear effect your men? How can you help them with that?

17 Letter From The Trenches
During their down time, soldiers spent time writing to family and friends back home. ON YOUR OWN, you are going to continue to pretend you are a soldier in the trenches. You will be writing a letter home describing your experiences in the war Some things you can include: Experiences in the war or trenches Your hopes for the war and its outcomes Your plans for after the war Hand in your letters when completed

18 Exit Ticket #1 The conditions of the trenches are characterized as horrific. Which of the following is NOT something soldiers in the trenches had to deal with? Trench Foot Large numbers of rats Unsanitary and uncomfortable conditions No risk of attack from enemies

19 Exit Ticket #2 What was the area between front line trenches known as?
No Man’s Land No Rat’s Land Every Man’s Land No Women Allowed

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