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Ch. 15 Civil War Vocabulary Correct Definitions

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1 Ch. 15 Civil War Vocabulary Correct Definitions
1. Blockade - Using troops or ships to prevent passage of supplies 2. States’ Rights - Belief that individual states should have more power than the federal government 3. Conscription - Forced enrollment & service in the military 4. Quinine - A drug used to fight malaria and other “fever diseases;” 5. Sovereignty - A supreme level of authority 6. Unionist - During the Civil War, a person who supported The North and its beliefs & causes. 7. (To) Secede - To withdraw 8. Perpetual - Continuing forever 9. Vigilantes - People who act as a private “police force” and take the law into their own hands. 10. Preventative Strike - An attack undertaken to prevent the enemy from possibly attacking in the future. 11. Homespun - A loosely woven, homemade article of clothing; handmade cloth 12. Ordinance - A decree or law

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