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SCOMBC MBEIC Straight Talk Live -8/11/06.

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Presentation on theme: "SCOMBC MBEIC Straight Talk Live -8/11/06."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCOMBC MBEIC Straight Talk Live -8/11/06

2 One on ONE WITH: Ray Jensen

3 What business are you looking for?
Carl- Low hanging fruit Ray- No, fruit on the ground Look at your portfolio of business and identify those clients that came on board rather smoothly. Research the why, how, when and where. Stay there in your hunt for business and don’t move to low hanging exclusively until you have exhausted your search. Then low hanging to step ladder to plane to spaceship.

4 Fruit on the ground There are corporations looking for “YOUR
Business”. They may be local, regional, national or global. They maybe fortune 500 or mid market in size. It may take entry from another Mbe’s relationship, a JV, Strategic alignment, or a new venture. Key Learning: Stop Chasing The Circuit!

5 The Circuit Every- Diversity Event MBE Cattle Call
Online bid opportunity Web blast regarding inclusion Low bid opportunity Corporate open house Regional gathering Program Percentage of minority offering

6 Understand the Value Equation
You must do your homework to define what this means to the company you are calling on: Cost Ability to go global New Technology Innovation Relationship Cost Savings Poor incumbent supplier Entry into new markets for the corporation

7 Will the Supplier diversity manager or SCOMBC get me business?
Not exactly: Certification, Programs, Training, MBEIC, National Connection Access Opportunity Coaching Networking Connections Sponsorship Endorsements Confirmations Direction setting Warm leads We need MORE

8 What is the MORE C-Suite relationship / contacts
Purchasing relationship / contacts End user relationship / contacts Leveraged relationships Incumbent sponsorship Gauge on Company Sincerity Define success pre-engagement

9 The New GAME What is in it for the Corporation?
Bring bottom line dollars to the corp. How will you strengthen communities you work in on behalf of the corp. How will you be an asset beyond your product or service How will your award of business benefit the corp.

10 Tipping Point Jim Lowery- Quid Quo Pro
Carl Satterwhite- Give 2 Get 2 Give If your not getting enough, your not giving enough

11 Executive Straight Talk
MBEIC Program Dayton

12 WHAT IS IT? IT IS A PLACE That Must Be Created!

13 WHERE IS IT? Where you have expectation you have anticipation.
Where you have anticipation and faith You have and atmosphere conducive for miracles

14 The Creation I called 12 certified MBE CEO’s who were personal friends and told them each I need you. We came together and agreed to “Help” each other be successful in business!

15 Why is it? Because we need it! We often complain about others having
a good old boy/girl network. So we created our own.

16 What is the mission To release your faith for business
Growth by learning a powerful business strategy: GIVE 2 GET 2 GIVE

17 What is the vision That SCOMBC certified mbe’s will learn
that none of us are better than ALL of us. Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure

18 So what is the proof Business leads & deals closed
CFO recommendations and hires Marketing lessons and deals closed Video taped presentations & growth Best Practices Strategies, innovation, creativity

19 So how does it work There are only two questions:
What does your company need? How can we help you today?

20 What is the agenda The host will share from a Varity of areas:
SCOMBC, Cincinnati, Dayton & Columbus business opportunities, Executive Straight Talk Meetings, Tuck, Kellogg, NMSDC, Books, Movies, Government Yet Mostly From The Heart!

21 Straight Talk Topics Available to share with Dayton



24 R U Ready 2 Day?

25 NOT GETTING? Then your not giving!

26 Synopsis of trainings Kellogg Tuck Wisconsin

27 Synopsis of conferences
NMSDC Nationals NMSDC Regional SCOMBC All Ohio SCOMBC Board of directors New York Annual Gala SCOMBC Annual Gala

28 MBE Success Stories Fortune 500 Mid Market Small Business MBE to MBE

29 What we are reading Blue Ocean Strategies CEO’s Who Get It

30 Questions?

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