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Topic 9: Impacts of Law Topic 10: Federalism

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Presentation on theme: "Topic 9: Impacts of Law Topic 10: Federalism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic 9: Impacts of Law Topic 10: Federalism
Mandatory Slides: Order of Slides: (Each slide is worth 10 points) Slide 1: Hierarchy of Law Slide 2: Define Civil Law and Criminal Law Slide 3: Define Constitutional Law, Military Law, and Juvenile Law Slide 4: Identify Local, State and Federal governments responsibilities (For each case refer to previous PowerPoint. Include the name of case, date of case and results from our previous PowerPoint) Slide 5: Case Summary 1 Marbury v. Madison Slide 6: Case Summary 2 Plessy v. Ferguson Slide 4: Case Summary 3 Brown v. Board of Education Slide 5: Case Summary 4 Gideon v. Wainwright (right to an attorney) Slide 6: Case Summary 5 Miranda v. Arizona (due process) Slide 7: Case Summary 6 In re Gault (due process for juveniles) Slide 8: Case Summary 6 Tinker v. Des Moines Slide 9: Case Summary 7 U.S. v. Nixon Slide 10: Case Summary 8 Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier Slide 11: Case Summary 9 Bush v. Gore Slide 12: Sources Page-

2 Federal- State- Local-
Hierarchy of Law Federal- State- Local-

3 Civil Law- Criminal Law-
Types of Law Civil Law- Criminal Law-

4 Constitutional Law- Military Law- Juvinile Law
Types of Law Continued Constitutional Law- Military Law- Juvinile Law

5 Marbury v. Madison

6 Plessy v. ferguson

7 Brown v. Board of education

8 Gideon v. Wainright

9 Miranda v. Arizona

10 In re Gault

11 Tinker v. Des Moines

12 U.s. V. Nixon

13 Hazelwood V. Kuhlmeier

14 Bush v. Gore

15 Sources:

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