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“Day C” November 15, :51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science

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Presentation on theme: "“Day C” November 15, :51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day C” November 15, 2018 7:51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science
7: :51 Math 8: :53 Science 9: :55 Exploratory 10:57 -11:27 11:29-12:31 LUNCH (1st Lunch) Social Studies 12: :33 English 1: :35 locker

2 Do Now In your notebook, copy the table, and place each word in the appropriate column. Gain Loss Deposit Credit Debit Charge Receive Below Zero Owe Withdraw Positive Number Negative Number

3 Do Now In your notebook, copy the table, and place each word in the appropriate column. Gain Loss Deposit Credit Debit Charge Receive Below Zero Owe Withdraw Positive Number Negative Number Gain Deposit Credit Receive Loss Debit Charge Below Zero Owe Withdraw

4 Objective: Positive and Negative Numbers on a Number Line
I will be able to place positive and negative numbers on a horizontal and vertical number line. So I can understand the relationship of an integer and its distance to zero and how to utilize this knowledge to find its opposite. I will also apply these skills to real world examples to eventually express each situation as an integer. I will know I got it when I can complete at least 80% of my white board problems correctly. 6.NS.C.5, 6.NS.C.6a, 6.NS.C.6c Pick up new packet (put name and class on it)

5 Vocabulary Integers below zero Positive owe number line withdraw
Gain horizontal Deposit vertical Credit degrees Receive Fahrenheit Loss Opposite Debit Charge Negative


7 Opening Problem On your white board please draw horizontal and vertical number lines. Try and place these numbers on both number lines: -3 5

8 Let’s try some examples
On your white board draw horizontal and vertical number lines. First we are just going to work on placing positive and negative numbers on the number line.

9 and their opposites

10 -4 2 4 -2 4 2 -2 -4 -2 4 2 -4

11 Now you try some examples
On your white board draw horizontal and vertical number lines. Graph each point and its opposite on the number line. Explain how you found the opposite of each point What does each tick mark represent? -2, 4 and 6 Pg. 3

12 How do you feel? topic.

13 Here’s another one… On your white board draw a horizontal number line.
Pg. 3 On your white board draw a horizontal number line. 1. Choose an integer between -5 and Label it R 2. What is the opposite of R? Label it Q 3. State a positive integer greater than Q, label it T. 4. State a negative integer greater than R, label it S. 5. State a negative integer less than R. Label it U.

14 Pg. 3 Think about it… Carlos uses a vertical number line to graph the points -4, -2, 3, and 4. He notices that -4 is closer to zero than -2. He is not sure about his diagram. Use what you know about a vertical number line to determine if Carlos made a mistake or not. (support your explanation with a number line diagram).

15 Polling time… The opposite of a positive number will_______ be a positive number. Always Sometimes Never Pg. 3

16 Polling time… The opposite of zero will_______ be zero. Always
Sometimes Never Pg. 3

17 Polling time… The opposite of a number will_______ be greater than the number itself. Always Sometimes Never Pg. 3

18 How do you feel? topic.

19 Real-World Positive and Negative Numbers
Open your packet to page 5. Write each individual description as an integer and model the integer on the number line using an appropriate scale. Now you try the rest


21 Write an integer to represent each of the following situations: (whiteboards)
A company loses $345,000 in 2011. You earned $25 for dog sitting. Jacob owes his dad $5. The temperature at the sun’s surface is about 5,500°C. The temperature outside is 4 degrees below zero. A football player lost 10 yards when he was tackled. Pg.7

22 Write an integer to represent each of the following situations:
A gain of 56 points in a game A fee charged of $2 A temperature of 32 degrees below zero A 56-yard loss in a football game A 12,500 deposit. Pg. 8

23 If there is time… Adding positive and negative numbers

24 Let’s try some addition on a number line
1 + (-2)

25 What about the inverse? (-2) + 1

26 What does this look like on a vertical number line?
1 + (-2) (-2) + 1

27 How do you feel? topic.

28 Now you try some -2+2 -4 +5

29 How do you feel? topic.

30 Ticket to Go -5 10 Plot these two points on both number lines.

31 Homework Pg. 6

32 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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