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The Water Planet Investigation 7, part 1 TG- P.223-233.

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1 The Water Planet Investigation 7, part 1 TG- P

2 Quick Write Using a clean sheet of paper, write down everything that you know to answer the following question: What is the water cycle? TG- P.234 TG -Assessment P.437

3 The Water Planet Looking at the globe:
Suppose that you are a visitor from another planet approaching the Pacific Ocean. How would you describe the planet? TG-P.234

4 The Water Planet You may have heard of Earth as being described as a water planet. If your first view of the Earth were the Pacific Ocean, it certainly seem so. Of all the planets in the Solar System, Earth is the only one with vast oceans of water. About 70% of the earth’s surface is covered in water TG-P.234

5 Earth’s Water Inventory
Not all of Earth’s water is located in the oceans. Where are other locations for water on Earth? TG-P.234

6 Earth’s Water Inventory
Rivers and Streams Lakes and Ponds Atmosphere Aquifers or Ground water Glaciers, Snow and other Ice Soil Moisture Water in Living Things Bottled Water for drinking TG-P.234

7 Earth’s Fresh Water Only a small portion of earth’s water is fresh water. What do we mean by fresh water? TG-P.234

8 Earth’s Fresh Water Fresh water contains no salt
Most of Earth’s fresh water is locked up in as ice in glaciers and in polar ice caps TG-P.234

9 Earth’s Fresh Water When you add the amount of ocean water and ice together, you find that 99.4% of Earth’s water is inaccessible to humans How much of Earth’s water is potentially available? = ??? 0.6% of Earth’s water is available for human use TG-P.234

10 Earth’s Fresh Water Turn to page 45 in the Weather and Water Resource Book In what form is water found in the atmosphere? Water vapor, ice, snow, hail, sleet, rain In what form is water found in glaciers? Ice, solid water TG-P.234 Student Resource Book P.45

11 Earth’s Fresh Water What is groundwater?
Water that is found underground in spaces between rock particles, in cracks, and in other solid earth deposits TG-P.235

12 Earth’s Fresh Water In what form is water found under the ground or as groundwater? Mostly liquid, but some water might exist as ice if the ground is cold, or as water vapor in spaces between rocks and in soil TG-P.235

13 Earth’s Fresh Water Other than glaciers and icecaps, where else might fresh water be located? Lakes, rivers, ponds groundwater, atmosphere and soil TG-P.235

14 Earth’s Water Distribution
1000ml This represents Earth’s water Residue from dipped pipette All water in streams and rivers One drop All water in atmosphere Two drop In soil Three drops Lakes and ponds Inland salt water seas 6 ml Aquifers (groundwater) 21 ml Icecaps and glaciers How much is left in the beaker? What type of water do you think it is? Where do you think this water is? Model it in your notebook. TG-P.235

15 Water Cycle Game I want you to imagine that you are a water molecule about to enter the Water Cycle. Nine group of 3 (may be off a bit) Oldest member is the roller Second oldest member is the recorder Youngest member is the reader TG-P.236

16 Each group will begin in one of the nine locations:
Water Cycle Game Each group will begin in one of the nine locations: animal atmosphere glacier groundwater lake ocean plant river soil TG-P.236

17 Water Cycle Game Rules Record every destination
At each destination, roll die to find out where you travel next. Complete ten rolls When done sit with group. All group members must record information on lab sheet. TG-P.236 Student Lab Notebooks - p.43 Special Teacher Masters p

18 Water Cycle Game Results
On the board, the group member who recorded during the game writes how many times they were at each location. We’ll add together to analyze. TG-P.236 Student Lab Notebooks - p.43 Special Teacher Masters p Transparency #24- P.344

19 Discuss Water Cycle The results of the water cycle game represents water molecules traveling through the environment in ways that are different from the picture of the water cycle that we are familiar with. What surprised you? What didn’t surprise you? TG- P.238

20 Discuss Water Cycle The water cycle shows water rising from the ocean and forming clouds, which move over the mountains and drop precipitation. The water flows to the sea and the cycle is complete. TG- P.238

21 Discuss Water Cycle How is what you learned from the Water- Cycle Game different from this “classic” water cycle? TG- P.238

22 Discuss Water Cycle In reality, some water does follow the classic cycle, but there are lots of other cycles too. We saw water escaping from plants, condensing as dew, and going into soil, where it could be used again by plants. TG- P.238

23 Discuss Water Cycle Water vapor rising from the ocean condenses and precipitates right back into the ocean, never reaching land. Water gets “stuck” in the ocean for a long time, never entering the water cycle at all. TG- P.238

24 Discuss Water Cycle The water cycle is VERY complex.
The water Cycle is any movement of water that follows a path that moves water around Earth Movement can take place between atmosphere TG- P.238

25 Discuss Water Cycle Movement can take place between:
Atmosphere and Land Land and Sea As a Solid Liquid or Water Vapor TG- P.238

26 Water Works Video Why is water significant to those who live on Earth?
All living things need water to survive. We use it for drinking, irrigation, recreation, transportation and electric power generation and we manage it for flood control TG- P.238 Video- Water Works: Careers in Hydrology

27 Water Smart: The Sun, Water Cycle, and Climate
Follow along jotting notes for each question. TG- P.238 Video- Water Works: Careers in Hydrology

28 Reading and Reflecting
Read Earth: The Water Planet Draw an accurate representation of the COMPLEX Water Cycle. Show all nine stops we used in the game Show two forms of precipitation Show condensation Show evaporation Show radiation, reradiation, conduction, convection TG- 239 Student Resource Book: P.45-47

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