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Provision 2 Breakfast & Community Eligibility(CEP)

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Presentation on theme: "Provision 2 Breakfast & Community Eligibility(CEP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Provision 2 Breakfast & Community Eligibility(CEP)
What is it and How it works Mark Bordeau Director of Food Services

2 Goals of the Night What is Community Eligibility Provision(CEP)
How does it work How much does it cost What is Provision 2 Breakfast

3 What is CEP Offer all Students Free Lunch/ Breakfast to all Students
Based on amount of students directly certified from SED Must have at least 40% directly certified by April to be eligible SED uses a 1.6 multiplier to figure reimbursement rate

4 Do We Qualify High School does not qualify
Elementary-46.57% directly matched as of April 2015

5 Cost of Doing CEP 46.57 x 1.6=74.52 SED would reimburse us 74.52% at free rate SED would reimburse us at 25.48% at paid rate If counts stayed same as we would of lost around $37,700 in revenue. Total Lunch Revenue Before CEP $148,362.03 After CEP $122,721.89 Lunch revenue lost $25,640.14 Total Breakfast Revenue Before CEP $60,518.52 After CEP $48,992.04 Lost Revenue $11,526.48

6 What is Provision 2 Breakfast
Schools that opt for Provision 2 offer breakfast to all students at no charge. Provision 2 schools pay the difference between the cost of serving meals at no charge to all students and the federal reimbursement. ( paid for by increased participation) Schools with high percentages of low-income students participating in breakfast – 70 % or higher– are able to use Provision 2 for breakfast successfully.

7 HOW does Provision 2 work?
Base Year – In the first year of Provision 2, School provides breakfast to all students at no charge. school tracks meal categories (free, reduced price and “paid”). Oct 2015 to Sept 2016 would be the base year Based % are then used for years 2 through 4 – For at least the three years following the Base Year, School counts only meal totals while continuing to offer breakfast to all students at no charge. Reimbursement for years 1 through 4 – We then calculate our federal meal reimbursements by applying the percentages of free, reduced price and “paid” meals served during the Base Year to the total number of meals served during each of the following years. Renewals – At the end of the four year cycle, We can continue under Provision 2 for another four years if the income level of the population has not improved by more than five percent.

8 Harpursville Numbers for 14-15
W.A. Olmtead Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Free 74% 70% 72% 71% 77% Reduced 9% 12% 13% 15% 11% Paid 17% 18% 16% 14% 155 MS/HS 63% 62% 64% 65% 66% 67% 19% 5% 23% 24% 21% 20%

9 Why Do Provision 2 Breakfast
Provision 2 increases student participation in school breakfast Children who eat school breakfast have more nutritious diets than children who don’t, regardless of income level. Better nutrition in children leads to better academic performance, behavior and learning environments. Providing school breakfast at no charge promotes the value of good nutrition to all students.

10 1st Year Cost If 15-16 was identical to 14-15
Elementary -$7520 High School-$3962

11 16-17 revenue ADP increases by 100 a day
Samples of How to Increase revenue ADP increases by 100 a day Elementary increases by-$32,517 High School increases by-$26,074 Elementary-Breakfast in the Classroom High School-Reimbursable Vending

12 Thank you!

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