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Robust Vocabulary: Lesson 18.

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Presentation on theme: "Robust Vocabulary: Lesson 18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robust Vocabulary: Lesson 18

2 To make something or someone
attract To make something or someone want to come to you.

3 An area of land that a person
territory An area of land that a person or animal sees as home.

4 relieved To feel happy because a worry is gone.

5 volume How loud or soft a sound is.

6 To put all your attention on
concentrate To put all your attention on one thing.

7 When you sing, dance or act
performance When you sing, dance or act in front of an audience.

8 To use new or different ideas
creative To use new or different ideas to make or do something.

9 expression To use your voice, your face or your body to add meaning to what you say.

10 Everyone in the world knows about it.
universal Everyone in the world knows about it.

11 Something that you can hear.
audible Something that you can hear.

12 Which of these is something universal?
laughing when happy speaking the same language driving a car

13 Which of these is something universal?
laughing when happy speaking the same language driving a car

14 Which child is being creative?
the child who is cleaning the child who is painting the child who is sleeping

15 Which child is being creative?
the child who is cleaning the child who is painting the child who is sleeping

16 When should you be audible?
when you are listening to your mom when you are reading in the library when you are playing with friends

17 When should you be audible?
when you are listening to your mom when you are reading in the library when you are playing with friends

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