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Methane, Farms, & Climate Change By: John THorpe

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1 Methane, Farms, & Climate Change By: John THorpe
Lunch & Learn Methane, Farms, & Climate Change By: John THorpe

2 Methane is 23x more powerful than co2
Methane contributes to 30% of the atmosphere current climate warming. Researchers say that 1% of the methanen that is trapped under the arctic alone could have the same warming effect as all of the co2 pumped in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution.

3 Cow Agriculture Cows emit massive amount of methane through beleching.
Cows have 4 stomachs & they digest their food in their stomachs. They eat food, regurgitate it as cuel & eat it again. Their stomachs filled with bacteria and that produce methane. The average cow produces enough methane per year to do the same greenhouse damage as four tons of cO2 If a car gets 20 miles per gallon & drives 10,000 miles a year that would equal 1 cow.

4 Hog Agriculture Hog manure is made up of 4 gases: hydrogan Sulphide, Carbon dioxide, ammonia, and methane. Energy

5 NC Agriculture Methane
8.7 million hogs in NC 810,000 cows in NC NC rank 39th in cattle per person NC rank 2nd in hogs per person Duplin County produce twice as much untreated manure as the sewage from New York City Metro areas

6 Other animal Agriculture Gases
Nitrous oxide is 296x worst than co2 pre pound, Nitrous oxide is naturally present in the atmosphere Animal agriculture produce 65% of the worlds nitrous oxide 2/3rd of all ammonia comes from cows

7 NC Agriculture Business
NC value of agriculture exports $3,937,500 per year U.S. food & Agriculture organization say that agricultural methane output could increase 60% by 2030 due to the the amount of agriculture food being produced

8 Potentual econmical Boom
“If you reduce the amount of methane in the atmosphere the levels go down fairly quickly within decades” – MPH PHD Kirk r. Smith at the University of California Berkeley Aerobic methane oxidation Tree Farms Methanotrophs Farms

9 New Education High Schools
Jr. & Sr. in high school should have high school choices School of the Arts, School of science, School of agriculture, School of technology.

10 Research Triangle Park
North Carolina can put aside money to develop affordable ways to oxidize methane. We can lure companies to help develop such products if they bring their headquarters to nortn carolina. If we keep development of these products public (state-owned) we can sell the products to other souvernties.

11 NC Universities North Carolina State and North Carolina A&T State can develop ways to reduce the amount of methane cows and hugs emit.

12 Randolph county Tree farms
New Legislation could requrie farm owners who owns cows or hogs to buy a tree from a tree farmer for each of the cows or hogs they own. Randolph county could make a lot of money from this, just but turning their property to “Tree Farms”

13 Putting NC to work The entire world wants to lower the warming of the earth, but no state has taken the task into their own hands. If we can effectively reduce the amount of greenhouse gases from agriculture, we will be consided the “clean capitol” of the world. This will bring millions of compaines, and tourists.

14 What Can We Do The eat less beef & Pork. Farm our own food.
Invest in education.

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