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Identify Key Concepts of the Army Profession

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1 Identify Key Concepts of the Army Profession
1 Minute Facilitator Talking Points: Facilitator introduces him/herself and the topic. Ask: Did everyone do the assigned reading? Was it familiar from PME and other training you’ve had in the past? Seek: This conversation should be quick and lighthearted but should establish the level of familiarity with ADRP 1 and matters of the Army Profession and the Army Ethic. Photo:

2 General Milley Addresses Army Profession Forum

3 Learning Objectives List Key Attributes of a Profession List the Essential Characteristics of the Army Profession Define Professional Certification Criteria (Character, Competence, and Commitment) List the Communities of Practice and Cohorts Identify the Main Components within the Army Profession List the Distinctive Roles of Trusted Army Professionals

4 Attributes of a Profession
Diagnosis Healing Credentials Build slide: You are on vacation and get sick. Who do you go see? A perfect stranger who happens to claim to be a doctor. What do you expect? What are you looking for from the doctor? What assumptions are you making about the doctor? Most people mention a vital service, deep expertise, application of abstract knowledge in non-routine situations, ethical behavior, self-policing….. These characteristics are essential for trust between professions and the societies they serve. Think about it: You will walk into the office of a perfect stranger with your well-being in your hands and say, “Heal me. If you want to give me a shot, I’ll let you. If you tell me to take a pill, I’ll take it. If you need to operate, I’ll let you.” That’s pretty amazing. But what’s even more amazing is that you’ll do the same with your child. Autonomy Patient Focused Expertise TRUST Ethical Code Self Regulation Certification

5 Attributes of the Army Profession
Situational Understanding Security Credentials Build slide: You are a American citizen and you need security. Where do you get it? Perfect strangers who claim to be trusted Army professionals. What do you expect? What are you looking for? What assumptions are you making about Army professionals? This slide parallels the message on the previous chart, highlighting what most people think of -- a vital service, expertise, reliability, discipline, ethical conduct….. Demonstrating these characteristics establishes trust between the Army profession and our fellow citizens whom we serve. Think about it: You will permit people you do not know to be armed by you and defend you against all enemies (foreign and domestic), you may even join the Army Profession, or consent to your sons and daughters to join the profession. That’s pretty amazing; and you would never do this if you did not trust the Army to take care of you and/or your children. Q14_11. I believe I am responsible to live by the Army Ethic after completion of my service % Q14_10. I consider myself a Soldier for Life, accountable for my decisions and actions, in accordance with the Army Ethic. 88% Q14_2. It is important to me to be recognized as an Army Professional % Q14_7. In living my professional identity, the moral principles of the Army Ethic always serve as my guide % Q14_9. When "off duty" my conduct is always in accordance with the Army Ethic % Q10_4. My personal values and Army Values are consistent (not in conflict) % Q14_5. I see myself as an Army Expert in the performance of my Duty % Q14_3. I see myself as a "Trusted Army Professional." % Q37_1. I understand my role and responsibilities as a Steward of the Army Profession % Q37_3. I see myself as a responsible Steward of the Army Profession % Q14_1. I am an Army Professional % Q14_4. I see myself as an Honorable Servant in defense of the Nation % Q14_8. When "on duty" my conduct is always in accordance with the Army Ethic % Q36_8. I am committed to efficient and disciplined use of Army supplies and resources entrusted to my care % Q14_6. I see myself as a responsible Steward of the people and resources entrusted to me by the American people % Q33_3. I am committed to contributing honorable service as an Army Professional % Autonomy Mission Focused Expertise TRUST Ethical Code Discipline Certification

6 Trust in Institutions by Gallup Poll (2018)

Essential Characteristics of the Army Profession TRUST MILITARY EXPERTISE STEWARDSHIP OF THE PROFESSION HONORABLE SERVICE ESPRIT DE CORPS OUR ETHICAL APPLICATION OF LANDPOWER THE BEDROCK OF OUR PROFESSION OUR LONG-TERM RESPONSIBILITY OUR NOBLE CALLING TO SERVICE AND SACRIFICE OUR WINNING SPIRIT Trust between Soldiers and Army Civilians Trust in the Army by Army Professionals and their Families Trust between the Army and the American People Trust among Leaders, Peers, and Subordinates The Army Ethic – The Heart of the Army Loyalty Duty Respect Selfless Service Honor Integrity Personal Courage

8 Certification Process
Profession of Arms Soldiers (Regular Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve) Aspiring professionals Certified Army Civilian Corps Army Civilians Army veterans of honorable service and Army retirees

9 Army Professional Certification Criteria
Character: Is an Army professional’s dedication and adherence to the Army Ethic, including Army Values, as consistently and faithfully demonstrated in decisions and actions. Competence: Is an Army professional’s demonstrated ability to successfully perform duty with discipline and to standard. Commitment: Is an Army professional’s resolve to contribute honorable service to the Nation and accomplish the mission despite adversity, obstacles, and challenges.

10 Communities of Practice
The Profession of Arms: is a community within the Army Profession composed of Soldiers of the Regular Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve. The Army Civilian Corps: is a community within the Army Profession composed of Civilians serving in the Department of the Army.

11 Cohorts Officers Oath of Office Leaders of the Army
Command at all levels Staff and functional areas Responsible for all their units do or fail to do Soldier’s Creed Title 10 Standards of Exemplary Conduct Warrant Officers Warrant for WO1 Oath of Office for CW2-CW5 Technical Experts Command units and detachments Prior service or direct entry Soldier’s Creed Enlisted Oath of Enlistment Includes Junior Enlisted Soldiers and NCOs Backbone of the Army Develop, train and lead Soldiers Maintain standards and discipline Soldier’s and NCO Creed Army Civilians Oath of Office Leaders of the Army Staff, technical, and sustainment expertise Provide stability and continuity Civilian Corps Creed Code of Ethics for Government Service

12 One Army, Indivisible John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019

13 FY19 Authorized End Strength 487,500 Soldiers in the Regular Army
Service Serve on active duty for President Subject to UCMJ Federal Roles Fight and win our Nation’s wars Provide logistics and support to enable the other services Provide assistance during national emergencies Humanitarian assistance Can only be employed for law enforcement in special circumstances On 14 June 1775, The Second Continental Congress formed the Continental Army as a means for the American colonies to fight the forces of Britain Oldest service of the military Full-time, permanent land-based military force Generally provide the quickest capability for deployment

14 Army National Guard FY19 Authorized End Strength
343,500 Soldiers in the Army National Guard State Role Ordered to service by Governor Protect life and property Preserve peace and public safety Emergency relief during natural disasters Search and rescue operations Defense support to civil authorities Maintenance of vital public services Counter-drug operations Subject to civil laws Can be employed for law enforcement Federal Roles Ordered to active duty by President Maintain forces for mobilization during war Provide assistance during national emergencies Operational reserve for Regular Army to fight and win our Nation’s wars Units are primarily combat arms and operations Subject to UCMJ Can only be employed for law enforcement in special circumstances

15 FY19 Authorized End Strength 199,500 Soldiers in the Army Reserve
Federal Role – Unit Ordered to active duty by President Maintain forces for mobilization during war Provide assistance during national emergencies Operational reserve for Regular Army to fight and win our Nation’s wars Units are primarily force sustainment and operations support Subject to UCMJ on active duty Can only be employed for law enforcement in special circumstances Federal Role – Individual Ordered to active duty by President Individual mobilization augmentees in crisis or for Active Duty Operational Support Individual Ready Reserve Subject to UCMJ on active duty

16 Distinctive Roles of Trusted Army Professionals
Honorable Servants of the Nation: In our role as honorable servants of the nation, we are professionals of character. Army Experts: We are competent professionals. Stewards of the Army Profession: We are committed professionals, accountable to each other, the profession, and the American people.

17 Reflection What is the main take away from what you learned? Why do you think it is important to understand the material? How will this information benefit you in the future?

18 The Army Ethic – The Heart of the Army
Army retirees and Army veterans of honorable service Certified professional Training, education, evaluations, promotions, and assignments Aspiring professional Oath of Service Voluntary Entry End of official service Progressive certifications Initial certification Member of the Army Profession Professional Certification Process Army Ethic – The evolving set of laws, values, and beliefs, embedded within the Army culture of trust that motivates and guides the conduct of Army professionals bound together in common moral purpose. Our Long Term Responsibility Esprit de Corps Our Winning Spirit Stewardship of the Profession The Bedrock of our Profession Trust Our Noble Calling to Service and Sacrifice Military Expertise Our Ethical Application of Landpower Honorable Service Essential Characteristics of the Army Profession Army Professional – A Soldier or Army Civilian who meets the Army Profession’s certification criteria in character, competence, and commitment. Profession of Arms – A community within the Army Profession composed of Soldiers of the Regular Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve. Army Civilian Corps – A community within the Army Profession composed of civilians serving in the Department of the Army. Communities of Practice Army Profession – A unique vocation of experts certified in the ethical design, generation, support, and application of landpower, serving under civilian authority and entrusted to defend the Constitution and the rights and interests of the American people. The Army Ethic – The Heart of the Army Loyalty • Duty • Respect • Selfless Service • Honor • Integrity • Personal Courage Trust among Leaders, Peers, and Subordinates Trust between Soldiers and Army Civilians Trust in the Army by Army Professionals and their Families Trust between the Army and the American People

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