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Homeless Sunday Time to listen to what God has to say about homelessness; to connect with homeless people; to challenge accepted solutions; and to commit.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeless Sunday Time to listen to what God has to say about homelessness; to connect with homeless people; to challenge accepted solutions; and to commit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeless Sunday Time to listen to what God has to say about homelessness; to connect with homeless people; to challenge accepted solutions; and to commit through practical action

2 Who becomes homeless? …and if you’re poor
ANYONE! But…it’s more likely if: You’ve experienced relationship breakdown You are a private renter You’re young and inexperienced You have a drink or drug problem You have mental health problems or a learning disability You’ve lived in an institution You’ve experienced abuse You’re unemployed …and if you’re poor

3 What’s homelessness like?
Boredom Poor health – mental and physical Pressure and stress Labelled and marginalised Dispirited and hopeless

4 Homelessness In Wales July To September households in Wales threatened with homelessness 1585 households accepted as homeless 675 households secured accommodation 405 households qualified to have accommodation secured for them

5 Households Temporary Accomodation
1935 households across Wales Private sector main form of temp accommodation At end September households in B & B of these 15% had children

6 Can we help? Yes we can!

7 Please pray …for homeless people and those who work with them

8 Please welcome …new people into your church and your community

9 Please volunteer …with projects that help

10 Please challenge …political representatives to make a difference

11 Please give generously
…to Housing Justice and local homelessness organisations

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