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2016-2017 Report Card Updates How confident are we that the grades assigned to our students are consistent, accurate, meaningful, and supportive of learning?

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Presentation on theme: "2016-2017 Report Card Updates How confident are we that the grades assigned to our students are consistent, accurate, meaningful, and supportive of learning?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report Card Updates How confident are we that the grades assigned to our students are consistent, accurate, meaningful, and supportive of learning? 4/6/2019 Baltimore County Public Schools

2 Professional Learning Expectations
Outcomes: I can find and utilize the Grade and State Reporting Calendar to ensure all interims and report cards are distributed on time. I can articulate the changes to the report cards with students, parents, and staff. The information in this Power Point needs to be shared with all stakeholders no later than September 29, 2016. I can explain the new marking period codes and the BCPS grading scale. Read slide

3 Grade and State Reporting Calendar
The Grade and State Reporting Calendar provides and overview of grade-reporting windows, timeline for pulling grades, and when report cards and interims will be distributed. You can find the Grade and State Reporting Calendar on the BCPS Grading and Reporting Intranet page. All students in grades 1-12 will receive both an interim and a report card each marking period. Interims and Report cards for grade 1-12 must go home on the date indicated on the Grade and State Reporting Calendar SIS administrators will receive technical training on the creation and distribution of interims and report cards. The Grade and State Reporting Calendar provides and overview of grade-reporting windows, timeline for pulling grades, and when report cards and interims will be distributed. You can find the Grade and State Reporting Calendar on the BCPS Grading and Reporting Intranet page. All students in grades 1-12 will receive both an interim and a report card each marking period – This includes the first marking period of first grade. Interims and Report cards for grade 1-12 must go home on the date indicated on the Grade and State Reporting Calendar Each school as a Student Information System administrator. SIS administrators will receive technical training on the creation and distribution of interims and report cards.

4 Changes to the Report Cards
All report cards: All report cards now have a consistent look and basic information across all grade levels. All report cards now use the term Marking Periods (MP).   Read slide

5 Highlight changes

6 Changes to the Report Cards
Learning Skills and Behavior section has been replaced with the BCPS Skills and Conduct Indicators. The BCPS Skills and Conduct Indicators rubric will be attached to all elementary report cards – Grades 1-5

7 Updates for Grades 3-5 Early dismissal totals have been added to the attendance section of the report card. It was determined that Fall Placement no longer needs to appear on the elementary report card so it is not included. Starting in Grade 3 certificate-bound students achievement will be graded on a pass/fail. A “Categories” heading has been added The category codes have been updated to align with 4-point learning progression scale. Teacher names have been added for each subject. Learning Skills and Behavior section has been replaced with the BCPS Skills and Conduct Indicators.

8 Highlight changes Achievement codes: Reminder: Only certificate-bound students may be graded on a pass/fail Category Codes: The category codes have been updated – A 3 indicates a student is meeting the standard Teacher’s names have been added

9 Highlight changes Early dismissals have been added Learning Skills and Behavior section has been replaced with the BCPS Skills and Conduct Indicators.

10 New Marking Period Codes
All the marking period codes can be found in the REPORTING PROCEDURES, GRADE CALCULATIONS, AND CODES section of the Grading and Reporting Procedures Manual. Grading and Reporting Website Over the next few slide we will highlight a few of the new Marking Period codes. You can find all the marking period codes starting on page 35 of the manual.

11 Marking Period Grades Grades 1 & 2
For Grades 1 and 2, achievement codes rather than letter grades will be used. The achievement codes appear on the first page of the report card as abbreviations with definitions beside them as follows: CD Consistently Demonstrating The student acquires and applies the concept or skill consistently with minimal teacher support. P Progressing The student acquires and applies the concept or skill frequently and needs additional teacher support at times. N Needs Development The student acquires and applies the concept or skill rarely or does so with much teacher support. Additional practice is needed. NA Not Applicable Not applicable The marking period codes for grades 1-2 remain the same

12 Marking Period Grades Grades 3-12
Outstanding Students performing at this level demonstrate a distinguished and strong command of the knowledge, skills, and practices embodied by the standards. Students at this level are meeting or extending the standards at their grade level. B Above Average Students performing at this level demonstrate a moderate command of the knowledge, skills, and practices embodied by the standards. Students at this level are approaching the standards at their grade level. C Average Students performing at this level demonstrate a developing command of the knowledge, skills, and practices embodied by the standards at their grade level. D Below Average Students performing at this level demonstrate a beginning command of the knowledge and/or skills embodied by the standards assessed at their grade level. E Failing Students performing at this level demonstrate no evidence of the knowledge, skills, and practices embodied by the state standards assessed at their grade level. The descriptors for the letter grades have been updated and are now consistent across all grade levels – 3-12 Please notice that an A equates to a student who is meeting or extending the standards at their grade level.

13 Insufficient Evidence Codes
Incomplete/Insufficient Evidence (I) Code Incomplete/Insufficient Evidence (I) codes will be issued only for marking period grades and only upon approval of the principal/designee when students have been unable to complete required course work due to absences or other extenuating circumstances. Incomplete/Inefficient Evidence (I) codes must be converted to a letter grade no later than two weeks after the issuance of the report card, except in unusual circumstances as approved by the principal/designee. At the end of the two weeks, the teacher must complete a Grade Change Form to change the Incomplete (I) code to the appropriate grade and notify the student and parent/guardian. If the teacher does not submit a Grade Change Form, the Incomplete (I) code will be calculated as a failing grade (E) when computing the final course grade. An Incomplete (I) code will be treated as a failing grade (E) in terms of academic eligibility. Incomplete (I) codes will not be issued for Marking Period 4. The (I) code will be issued only for marking period grades and only upon approval of the principal/designee when students have been unable to complete required course work due to absences or other extenuating circumstances. Incomplete/Inefficient Evidence (I) codes must be converted to a letter grade no later than two weeks after the issuance of the report card. If the teacher does not submit a Grade Change Form, the Incomplete (I) code will be calculated as a failing grade (E) when computing the final course grade.

14 Pass/Fail Codes for Certificate Bound Students (Grades 3-12)
Pass (P) Code Passing (P) codes will be issued when certificate-bound students successfully complete a marking period or course. Fail (F) Code Failing (F) codes will be issued when certificate-bound students do not meet with success in a marking period or course. Students earning a Failing (F) code will be considered ineligible for extracurricular activities. Passing (P) codes will be issued when certificate-bound students successfully complete a marking period or course.

15 Satisfactory (S) and Unsatisfactory (U) Codes
Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory codes are for on-line course that do not begin and end within traditional marking periods. An unsatisfactory code will be calculated as an E when determining eligibility for extracurricular activities.

16 Grading Scale – Grades 3-12
90–100 Outstanding B 80–89 Above Average C 70–79 Average D 60–69 Below Average E 0–59 Failing (No Credit Awarded) All marking period grades will be based on the BCPS grading scale. Teachers cannot establish their own grading scales.

17 Professional Learning Expectations
Outcomes: I can find and utilize the Grade and State Reporting Calendar to ensure all interims and report cards are distributed on time. I can articulate the changes to the report cards with students, parents, and staff. The information in this Power Point needs to be shared with all stakeholders no later than September 29, 2016. I can explain the new marking period codes and the BCPS grading scale.

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