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Seeing the Forest through the Trees:

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Presentation on theme: "Seeing the Forest through the Trees:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seeing the Forest through the Trees:
Windsor Forest High School Earning Your Shield Welcome to the Castle!

2 Freshman Academy Assistant Principal Freshman Academy Counselor
Administration Derrick Butler Building Principal Jennifer Dobbins Freshman Academy Assistant Principal Michelle Williams Freshman Academy Counselor

3 Graduation Day Earning Your Shield
Students need 24 units to graduate Credits need to be earned in specific subject areas Students are required to complete at least one career pathway Students are required to complete 20 hours of community service by the completion of junior year.

4 Requirements for graduating High School
Required Area of Study1 Units Required English Language Arts 4 Mathematics Science Social Studies 3 Health & Physical Education 1 World Language 3 College Prep Pathway or Or 1 CTAE Pathway CTAE Pathway *(must be in approved sequence of courses) 4 CTAE Pathway only Electives 5 College Prep Pathway Students OR 3 CTAE Pathway Students Total Minimum Units 24

5 Requirements for promotion to the 10th grade
Students must: Earn 1 Credit in Mathematics Earn 1 Credit in Science Earn 1 Credit in Social Studies Earn 1 Credit in Language Arts Earn 1 Credit in an elective course

6 Students who enter Grade 9 in 2013-2014 and beyond are required to complete a Career Pathway.
There are four (4) Pathway Options: CTAE (Career Technical and Agricultural) 4 units in a coherent sequence of CTAE courses leading to college readiness and a career readiness certificate endorsed by related industries Advanced Academic English, Math, Science, Social Studies Fine Arts Visual Arts, Theater, Music, World Languages French, Spanish

7 Georgia Milestones End of Course Study/Resource Guides
EOC Testing Some of your courses have End Of Course Exams which are 20% of your final grade: Algebra I Biology 9th Grade Literature Geometry Physical Science Georgia Milestones End of Course Study/Resource Guides 7

8 9th Grade Course Rigor Class of 2020 must have 4 rigor courses to be eligible for the HOPE Scholarship What are the requirements? Advanced Placement Language/Composition Advanced Placement Language/Composition (American Literature/Composition) IB Communication IB English B SL IB English B HL Advanced Placement Literature/Composition IB English 11 / IB English SL (American Literature) IB English 12 / IB English HL (World Literarture) Statistics* IB Math Methods IB Math Studies SL IB Math SL IB Math HL GPS Advanced Algebra GPS Pre-Calculus Advanced Placement Calculus AB Calculus Mathmatics III: Advanced Algebra / Statistics Mathematics IV: Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry/Statistics Accelerated Mathematics III: Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry/Statistics Accelerated GPS Pre-Calculus CCGPS Advanced Algebra CCGPS Pre-Calculus Accelerated CCGPS Pre-Calculus IB Biology SL IB Biology HL IB Enviromental Systems Human Anatomy/Physiology Chemistry I Physics I AP World History IB History of the Americas SL IB 20th Century History IB History of the Americas HL IB French SL IB French HL French II French III French IV IB Spanish SL IB Spanish HL Spanish II Spanish III Spanish IV


10 Tardies Lost Instructional Time
Possible missed work (i.e. Bellringers) Class Disruptions School Time Lost Decreases potential success rate in class Decreases on-time cohort graduation rate If you have a yellow form in your folder. Please meet in room B3 after this session.

11 Helping Your Child Succeed


13 Support Structures for Students and Parents
After school tutorials PBIS RTI Peer Mediation Freshman Newsletters Gear Up Program Helpful websites for parents Weebly

14 Please remember to visit our schools website for up to date information.
You may also schedule an appointment with the counseling office for specific student needs. WELCOME TO THE CASTLE!

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