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Progressive Education

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1 Progressive Education
Cassandra Fortson and Kali Clayton

2 Summary Focuses on what Progressive Education is
Characterizes the values of progressive education: attending to the whole child, community, collaboration, social justice, intrinsic motivation, deep understanding, active learning, and taking kids seriously Tells information of what Progressive Education isn’t and why it should be used over Traditional Education Informs us of how rare Progressive Education is

3 Main Take Away (1) Research of learning based effectiveness favor Progressive education, yet it is still rare. More Traditional based learning has been shown to have no positive effect.

4 Main Takeaway (2) Progressive Education: How Children Learn.
Teaches children how to think. A test cannot measure a child’s performance. More emphasis on learning by doing. Focuses more on life-long learning and social skills

5 Main Takeaway (3) Traditional vs. Progressive Education
Clear and distinct rules Learning from textbook and teachers Parents are outsiders and sometimes uninvolved School is perceived as a task Progressive No set rules Learning through experience Parents are the primary teachers, goal setters, resources School is challenging and a fun part of life

6 Questions 1. If Traditional based learning has fewer positive effects and Progressive Education is more productive, why do you think Traditional Education is more common? 2. Standardized tests are not common in Progressive Education. Regarding standardized testing, do you think they are accurate and needed within the education system?

7 Questions (cont.) 3. Is progressive education still present in today’s school? 4. What method do you think is more effective: traditional or progressive education?

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