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KASB Live March 8 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "KASB Live March 8 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 KASB Live March

2 The State Board “inflation adjustment” proposal continues the work of the 2018 Legislature plan to restore constitutional funding at 2009 levels, when adjusted for inflation, by 2023.

3 Plan adds $90 million per year “on top of” base increases already approved.

4 After 8 years of basically flat funding, general fund (base aid) LOB and special ed aid is projected to increase nearly $1 billion between 2017 and 2023.

5 But adjusted for inflation, will likely still be below 2009 level (depending on actual inflation – does not account enrollment growth, student needs, more expectations.

6 Since 2009, Kansas has fallen behind other states, especially those with highest student outcomes. Proposed funding will help us catch up.

7 Based on current economic estimates, Kansas will continue to spend less of total taxpayer income on K-12 education than any year from 2000 to 2012.

8 We know funding supports higher educational attainment because it has in the past – until 2009, Kansas funding consistently increased more than inflation.

9 We know funding matters because:
Much additional funding has been targeted at higher achievement: special education, early childhood, at-risk, alternative schools; or social concerns like safety, nutrition and technology. Three Kansas Legislative cost studies based on higher outcomes, as well as national studies. Comparison with other states. Cost of proven programs that could be expanded, such as early childhood programs, Jobs for America’s Graduates-Kansas (JAG-K) and the Reading Roadmap. We know why funding matters: Society expects more: higher graduation rates, more students successful in college and the workforce, more services, solving social issues. Achievement isn’t random: students with issues OUTSIDE the school’s control (poverty, disability and mental illness) have lower achievement. Overcoming those challenges usually takes more resources to make up for resources those students lack. School costs (salaries, buildings) usually rise faster than inflation.

10 Kansas schools: achievement and efficiency
Kansas ranks 9th on average 15 national indicators Every state ranking higher spends more (2016) Regional ranks: Iowa (#4), Nebraska (#7), North Dakota (#8), Minnesota (#11) all spend more; Missouri (#12) spend $124 less. Kansas higher than U.S. average on all 15 indicators (spends $1,700 less) Kansas higher than overall peers on all 15 indicators (spends $838 less) Kansas higher than student peers on 13 of 15 ($2,982 less) Kansas higher than adult peers on 14 of 15 ($1,592 less) Kansas higher than distribution peers all 15 ($45 more)

11 Kansas teacher salaries falling behind inflation since 2009
Kansas teacher salaries falling behind inflation since Two years of higher funding has helped restore some of that loss. Four more years will go farther.









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