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Blood Supply of the CNS.

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1 Blood Supply of the CNS

2 Lecture Objectives Describe the four arteries supplying the CNS.
Follow up each artery to its destination. Describe the circle of Willis and its branches. Discuss the principle of end artery type of circulation. Describe venous drainage of the brain.

3 Vertebral Artery Branch of the 1st part of the subclavian a.
Ascends the neck through the upper sex transverse vertebrae Inters the skull through foramen magnum Both sides unit to form the basilar a.

4 Vertebral Artery Branches Meningeal aa. Anterior spinal a.
Posterior spinal aa. Posterior inferior cerebellar a. (PICA) Medullary aa.

5 Basilar Artery Ascend in front of pons
Participate in forming circle of Willis Branches Anterior inferior cerebellar aa. (AICA) Pontine aa. Superior cerebellar aa. Posterior cerebral aa. (end branches) Inferior & posterior parts of cerebrum

6 Blood Supply to Cortex Circle of Willis

7 Blood Supply to Cortex Vascular Territories

8 Blood Supply to Cortex Vascular Territories

9 Blood Supply to Cortex Vascular Territories

10 Blood Supply to Deep Structures

11 Internal Carotid Artery
Ophthalmic a. Posterior communicating a. Anterior choroidal a. Anterior cerebral a. Middle cerebral a.

12 Middle Cerebral Artery
Language areas (left MCA in most people) Motor & somatosensory cortex (except- lower limb & perineum) Auditory cortex Lenticulostriate arteries- basal gangila & internal capsule (genu)

13 Middle Cerebral Artery

14 Middle Cerebral Artery

15 Anterior Choroidal Artery
Hippocampus, uncus & amygdala Choroid plexus (temporal horn of lateral ventricle Globus pallidus, putamen, part of thalamus Internal capsule (posterior limb)

16 Anterior Choroidal Artery

17 Anterior Cerebral Artery
Motor & somatosensory cortex (lower limb & perineum) Corpus callosum (except- splenium) Olfactory bulb & tract Recurrent artery of Heubner Head of caudate (ventral part) and adjacent putamen Internal capsule (anterior limb)

18 Anterior Cerebral Artery

19 Posterior Cerebral Artery
Hippocampus Parahippocampal gyrus Calcarine branch- all primary & some association cortex for vision Posterior choroidal artery Choroid plexus (lateral & 3rd ventricles) Thalamus (posterior part) Fornix Tectum

20 Posterior Cerebral Artery

21 Blood Supply to SC One anterior spinal a.
Vertebral aa. Two posterior spinal aa. Vertebral aa. 25% PICA 75% Anterior & posterior radicular aa. Arise at every spinal level Serve their respective roots & ganglia

22 Blood Supply to SC Anterior & posterior spinal medullary aa.
Arise at intermittent levels Serve to augment the BS to SC Artery of Adamkierwicz Unusually large spinal medullary a. Usually on the left In low thoracic or upper lumber levels

23 Blood Supply to SC Spinal cord Ischemia Anterior spinal a.
Small & tenuous Occlusion produces bilateral damage (below lesion) Affects Corticospinal tracts Paraplegia below lesion Spinothalamic tracts Thermoanesthesia and analgesia Descending autonomic tracts Loss of bladder & bowel control Anterior gray horn Near enlargement – weakness of limb muscles

24 Veins of the Brain Superior cerebral veins → SSS
Superficial middle cerebral veins → cavernous sinus Deep middle cerebral vein Anterior cerebral basal vein Striate veins Thalamostriate vein Choroid vein Internal cerebral vein Great cerebral vein ↓ straight sinus External cerebral veins Internal cerebral veins

25 Veins of the Brain

26 Veins of the Brain

27 Dural Venous Sinuses Location Drains ….. Fate
Superior sagittal sinus Venous lacunae Inferior sagittal sinus Straight sinus Occipital sinus Transverse sinus Sigmoid sinus Cavernous sinuses Superior and inferior petrosal sinuses

28 Dural Venous Sinuses

29 Blood Brain Barrier protects cells from some toxins and pathogens
proteins & antibiotics can not pass but alcohol & anesthetics do Structure tight junctions seal together epithelial cells continuous basement membrane astrocyte processes covering capillaries

30 Blood Brain Barrier Areas without BBB Structure
Area postrema in the floor of the fourth ventricle Areas in the hypothalamus Structure Endothelial fenestrations

31 Blood Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier
Structure Endothelial cells BM of endothelial cells Pale cells BM of choroidal epithelial cells Tight junctions seal the choroidal epithelial cells

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