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Assessments and Education Health and Care Plans Autumn Term 2014
Points of Clarification 1. Nomenclature: Child = under statutory leaving age (16 years) Young person = person over compulsory school age (16-25) 2. Key message – the same principles and the same vision applies to all ages 0-25 years 3. Post 16 Institutions often use the term ‘learning difficulties’. The term SEN is used in the Code across the 0-25 age range but has the same meaning. 1
From 1 September, Education, Health and Care plans will replace statutory statements of SEN and post 16 Learning Difficulty Assessments, for all new referrals. It will be based on a new co-ordinated assessment process. All young people who receive support as a result of an LDA who need an EHC plan should have one by September 2016. The process of transitioning statements to EHC plans should be complete by April 2018.
EHC needs assessments Purpose of the assessment process:
To establish whether an EHC plan is needed (decision is based on whether special educational provision is needed beyond what is normally available to mainstream educational institutions) To identify detailed needs across education, health and social care, the desired outcomes and provision needed to enable the needs and outcomes to be met “The needs of the individual child or young person should sit at the heart of the assessment and planning process. LAs must have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the child and their parent or the young person, their aspirations, the outcomes they wish to seek and the support they need to achieve them.” (Para 9.22 Code of Practice)
EHC needs assessments Advice and information must be sought* as follows: (CoP paras ) The child’s parent or young person, and wherever possible the child Current educational institution attended, or person responsible for educational provision Health care professionals An Educational psychologist Social care (from children’s or adult services) From Y9, advice on preparing for adulthood and independent living From any person requested by the child’s parent or young person Any other advice or information which the LA considers appropriate e.g. from a youth offending team *The LA must not seek further advice if it has already been provided and the person providing the advice, the LA and the child’s parent or young person are all satisfied that it is sufficient for the assessment process.
Statutory timescales for EHC needs assessment and plan development (max 20 weeks)
A Quality EHCP Meets the requirements of the Act, regs and the Code.
Describes positively what children and YP can do Clear, concise, understandable and accessible
EHCP - Ground rules EHC plans must include sections A-K.
Sections must be separately labelled from each other using the letters. Sections do not have to be in letter order. May use an action plan in tabular format to include different sections and show how provision will be integrated, as long as sections are separately labelled. (CoP – para 9:60)
EHCP Sections A: Views, interests and aspirations
B: Special educational needs C: Health needs D: Social care needs E: Outcomes F: Special educational provision G: Any health provision reasonably required H1: Social care provision under S2 of Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 H2: Any other social care provision I: Placement J Personal budget K: Advice and information received
Section A - Views, interests and aspirations
Aspirations and goals for the future Details about play, health, schooling, independence, friendships, FE, employment (where practical). A summary of how to communicate with children and YP children and YP’s history. If written in first person, clear whether children and YP is being quoted directly, or if the views of the parents or professionals are being represented.
Section B – Special educational needs
Describe in detail all the child’s SEN identified during the assessment. Should also include a description of the child’s current functioning – what the child can and cannot do. SEN may include those requiring health and social care provision where such provision is for the child or young person’s education or training ACID TEST - Could a person new to the child easily find out what are the priority areas of focus for the child’s educational development ?
Examples of SEN: 1. Significant difficulties with concentration, motivation and application, which affect his ability to learn in all subjects. Dominic needs to improve his concentration. 2. Difficulties in coping with the structure of the school day. Emma needs to manage the school day structure. 3. Delay in the development of his spoken skills. Peter needs to learn to hold clear conversations with others. 4. Delays in the development of social skills. Gemma needs to be able to make and maintain relationships with others. 5. Unpredictable behaviour and difficulty in managing her anger and frustration. Fatima needs to learn to respond calmly when faced with unexpected events. 6. Poor self-help skills. Gill need to be able to feed and dress herself.
Section C – Health needs
EHCP must specify any health needs identified through the EHC needs assessment which relate to the child or young person’s SEN. Some health care needs, such as routine dental health needs, are unlikely to be related. CCG may also choose to specify other health care needs which are not related to the child or young person’s SEN (e.g. a long term condition which might need management in a special educational setting) ACID TEST - Could a person new to the child easily find out what are the priority areas of focus for the child’s health related intervention?
Section D – Social Care Needs
EHCP must specify any social care needs identified through the EHC needs assessment which relate to the child or young person’s SEN or which require provision for a child or young person under 18 under S2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970. LA may also choose to specify other social care needs which are not linked to the child or young person’s SEN. Could include reference to any child in need or child protection plan – such inclusion must only be with the consent of the child and their parents. ACID TEST - Could a person new to the child easily find out what are the priority areas of focus for the child’s social care intervention?
Section E - Outcomes A range of outcomes over varying timescales, covering education, health and care as appropriate Distinction between outcomes and provision - provision should help the children and YP achieve an outcome. Steps towards meeting the outcomes. Arrangements for monitoring progress Forward plans for key changes, such as changing schools, moving from children’s to adult care and/or from paediatric services to adult health, or moving on from further education to adulthood. For children and YP preparing for transition to adulthood, the outcomes that will prepare them well for adulthood.
Section F – Special educational provision
Must specify the special educational provision necessary to meet the SEN of the child. Detail appropriate provision to meet each identified SEN and quantify provision as necessary. Provision should be described in such a way as to leave no room for doubt about: - what is to be provided, and by whom - how it will be delivered. Where health or social care provision educates or trains a children and YP, it must appear in this section. Should specify: facilities and equipment, staffing arrangements and curriculum; modifications or exclusions to National Curriculum; residential accommodation
F. Special Educational Provision
B. SEN E. Outcome F. Special Educational Provision Malie has significant difficulties in language, both in understanding what others say and in using speech herself. She needs to develop the use and understanding of spoken language. By the end of Year 6, Malie will be holding conversations with other children and adults, describing in simple detail things about her everyday life. A language programme delivered for a minimum of 15 minutes each day individually or with one other child. The programme will be devised by a speech and language therapist (SaLT). At least one weekly session will be taught by Malie’s teacher. The remaining sessions will be delivered by a TA who has received training from the SaLT. The SaLT will monitor Malie’s progress and review the programme once each term, which may include: joint target setting with school staff evaluation of programme in discussion with school staff and Malie’s parents demonstration of activities/strategies observation in class.
F. Special Educational Provision
B. SEN E. Outcome F. Special Educational Provision Malie has significant difficulties in language, both in understanding what others say and in using speech herself. She needs to develop the use and understanding of spoken language. By end of Y6, Malie will be holding conversations with other children and adults, describing in simple detail things about her everyday life. A language programme delivered for a minimum of 15 minutes each day individually or with one other child. The programme will be devised by a speech and language therapist (SaLT). At least one weekly session will be taught by Malie’s teacher. The remaining sessions will be delivered by a TA who has received training from the SaLT. The SaLT will monitor Malie’s progress and review the programme once each term, which may include: joint target setting with school staff evaluation of programme with school staff and Malie’s parents demonstration of activities/strategies observation in class.
F. Special Educational Provision
B. SEN E. Outcome F. Special Educational Provision Anna does not yet have numeracy skills, and needs to develop these By the end of secondary education, Anna will master functional numeracy skills that will help her to be more independent in her daily life. An individualised programme of numeracy for a minimum of 15 minutes each day, planned and monitored by a qualified teacher At least half-termly sessions where she uses her numeracy skills in real life situations e.g. role playing shopping or following a new time schedule. Teaching staff supporting Anna’s numeracy development will be trained in planning and differentiating learning tasks and opportunities according to her developmental stage and needs Annual assessment to identify the provision of appropriate ICT technologies to support the development of her numeracy skills.
F. Special Educational Provision
B. SEN E. Outcome F. Special Educational Provision Hugo communicates verbally usually on a two-word level. He can sometimes use the same word for different meanings, and is reliant on familiar others to understand what is said to him. Hugo's behaviour and how he interacts with other people and his environment are consistent with his diagnosis of Autism Hugo will be able to communicate and interact with familiar people and access services and other new opportunities. Hugo's social and emotional health will grow so that he can cope with change, overcome anxieties and engage in a range of activities that he enjoys and/or he needs to engage in, and which contribute towards the quality of his life. Provision of a 16 hour per week inclusive group learning curriculum to develop social confidence and life skills, practised in college and in the community through a range of classroom, experiential and practical learning opportunities. A programme with a high level of staff support to keep Hugo safe: 1:2 in the classroom and 1:1 in the community. Teaching and support staff will be appropriately qualified and experienced in meeting the needs of students with ASD. Daily provision of a programme where Hugo can continue to learn and experience using a range of communication strategies and techniques. Staff will use a range of appropriate communication strategies with Hugo, including visual timetables. An identified member of staff with SEN expertise will oversee the programme.
Section G - Health provision reasonably required
Must be detailed and specific and should normally be quantified, e.g. in terms of the type of support and who will provide it. Must be clear how the provision will support outcomes. Health care provision reasonably required may include: specialist support and therapies, such as: medical treatments and delivery of medications; occupational therapy, and physiotherapy, a range of nursing support, specialist equipment, wheelchairs and continence supplies. highly specialist services needed by only a small number of children which are commissioned centrally.
Section H1 – Social Care provision under S2 of 1970 CSDPA
Must be detailed and specific and should normally be quantified, in terms of the type of support and who will provide it Must specify all services assessed as being needed under section 2 of the CSDPA. These services include: practical assistance in the home provision or assistance in obtaining recreational and educational facilities at home and outside the home assistance in traveling to facilities adaptations to the home facilitating the taking of holidays provision of meals at home or elsewhere provision or assistance in obtaining a telephone and any special equipment necessary non-residential short breaks
Section H2 - Any other social care provision reasonably required
May include provision identified through early help and CiN assessments and safeguarding assessments. Must only include services which are not provided under Section 2 of the CSDPA. Includes residential short breaks and services provided arising from their SEN but unrelated to a disability. Should include any provision secured through a social care direct payment. Include any adult social care provision to meet eligible needs for YP over 18 under the Care Act 2014.
Section I – Placement Name and type of the school, maintained nursery school, post-16 institution or other institution to be attended by the child or young person and the type of that institution Where the name of a school or other institution is not specified in the EHC plan, the type of school or other institution to be attended by the child or young person. These details must be included only in the final EHC plan, not the draft EHC plan sent to parents.
Section J – Personal Budgets
Detailed information on any Personal Budget that will be used to secure provision in the EHC plan. Should set out the arrangements in relation to direct payments as required by education, health and social care regulations. The SEN and outcomes that are to be met by any direct payment must be specified.
Section K - Advice and information
The advice and information gathered during the EHC needs assessment There should be a list of this advice and information.
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