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Memory *ENCODING*.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory *ENCODING*."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory *ENCODING*

2 What is “encoding”? Getting information into our brains so we can later remember it 2 kinds: Automatic Effortful processing

3 Automatic Processing You remember where information was on a page during a test. Where did I leave my shoes? (walk through the day) “I ran into you 3 times today!” Reading BECAME automatic… but it was effortful first.

4 Effortful Processing Requires effort and attention!
Reading a boring book for school other examples? What do you do to remember things for a long time? REHEARSE: conscious repetition But the amount remembered depends on time spent learning… don’t over learn

5 Tricks for remembering!
Spacing effect: distribute rehearsal over time Serial position: remember the first and last thing Next-in-line effect: remember things in order of appearance 1 hour before sleep FACT! No such thing as “sleep learning.”

6 How do we encode? By meaning By visualizing By mentally organizing

7 1. By Meaning When you process verbal information- semantic encoding
You remember the WHAT- you’ll remember the lecture notes, but not the lecture itself How many of you learn like this?? Principle learning and elaboration

8 2. By Visualizing Involves imagery Which word would you remember?
can you picture where you were yesterday? Who was with you? What were you wearing? Which word would you remember? Cigarette, void, typewriter, process Remember what you can “picture” Mnemonic devices: connecting something new with picture you’ll remember

9 3. By Mentally Organizing
Chunking- information combined into units Think of examples (animals, flowers, number patterns, etc.)

10 In review… What are the two ways we process information?
Automatic and effortful Name one “trick” for remembering? Spacing, serial position, next-in-line, 1 hour before sleep What 3 ways do we encode information? By meaning, visualizing, and mentally organizing

11 Remember to read the book too!!
QUESTIONS? Remember to read the book too!!

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