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Training tool Admin Expense reports

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1 Training tool Admin Expense reports

2 Training objective At the end of the training session, admin will be able to Configure the expenses types used by the company Define employees’ refund profiles Create an expense reports for an employee Approve and control expense reports Proceed of refund of an expense report and create associated exports.

3 Training program Module area Create and Approve expense reports
Expense reports management Accounting export Admin area Create and modify the settings of expenses types and expense reports profiles Report criteria management.

4 Module area

5 Create and manage expense reports
Create a new expense report for an employee Access: Expense reports > Manager view > New expense reports Select the concerned employee

6 Create and manage expense reports
Create a new expense reports for an employee Access: Expense reports > Manager view > New expense reports For each expense fill-in: The date The expense type The expense amount Report criteria A receipt Save

7 Approve or reject an expense report
Without the need to access to the expense report detail Access: Expense reports > Manager view

8 Approve or reject an expense report
With access to the expense report detail Access: Expense reports > Manager view

9 Expense reports management
Put the expense reports in «  to be reimbursed » Access: Expense reports > Manager view Expense report Actions

10 Accounting export management
Create an accounting export Access: Expense reports > Expenses analysis / Accounting export

11 Accounting export management
Create an accounting export Access: Expense reports > Expenses analysis / Accounting export Create a file to the format of your accounting software

12 Accounting export management
Create the SEPA transfer Access: Expense reports > Expenses analysis / Accounting export

13 Accounting export management
Create the SEPA transfer Access: Expense reports > Expenses analysis / Accounting export SEPA export is now created

14 Accounting export management
Create the payment form Access: Expense reports > Expenses analysis / Accounting export

15 Accounting export management
Create the payment form Access: Expense reports > Expenses analysis / Accounting export The payment form is now created

16 Expense report management
Put the expense reports in «  to be reimbursed » Access: Expense reports > Manager view Expense reports Actions

17 Admin area

18 Create and modify the settings of expenses types and expense reports profiles
Create an expense report profile Access: Admin area > Expense reports > Expense report file This tab allow to configure the following elements: The frequency Max number per month Activate the probative supporting documents Data to display and enter for each expense Expense report display options Printout options

19 Create and modify the settings of expenses types and expense reports profiles
Create expense report profile Access: Admin area > Expense reports > Expense report file This tab allow to configure the following elements Accounting account VAT account VAT rate and recoverable VAT rate Type : Actual expenses, Fixed, Kms expenses Invitee management Deduct meal voucher from sender Add a receipt Controls on input

20 Report criteria management.
Create or copy a report criteria Access: Admin area > Expense report > Report criteria > Open Report criteria allow you to assign time spent on one or more activities for statistical purposes or as part of intermediate approval.

21 Report criteria management.
Create or copy a report criteria Access: Admin area > Expense report > Report criteria > Open In « General » Tab you can: Give a name to the criteria in « description » Check «Display in Expense reports » to use this criteria in Time sheets. Check «Make input mandatory” if you wish this criteria to be mandatory in the expense reports.

22 Report criteria management.
Create or copy a report criteria Access: Admin area > Expense report > Report criteria > Open > Choose the criteria > Accounts In « Accounts » Tab: Click on the three points, then press « Insert a new line » to create an account In the new line created, input the name in the account in the « account » column, and then the data you want in the other columns. Press « Save ».

23 Report criteria management.
Configure a report criteria Access: Admin area > Expense report > Report criteria > Open > Choose the criteria > Accounts In «  Accounts » TAB Click on the « pencil » button to modify the account The « visible for » Tab allows to limit the visibility of an account to some users. The last Tab has the name of the next criteria and allows to connects all the criterias.

24 Report criteria management.
Deactivate an account Access: Admin area > Expense report > Report criteria > Open > Choose the criteria > Accounts In the « Accounts » Tab Uncheck « active » to deactivate an account Click on « Save ».


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