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Harlingen CISD Budget Preparation Notes

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1 Harlingen CISD Budget Preparation Notes
Budget Instructions

2 Outlined To Principals
HARLINGEN CISD BUDGET CALENDAR Feb-19 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 Review Comptroller's Certified Property Numbers 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Budget Process Dept Meeetings Outlined To Principals 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Campus Budget Meetings Board Meeting 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S p r i n g B e a k 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Budget Due to Start Analyzing Business Office Health Insurance 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Human Resource Review of New Salary Items 31

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 Senior Staff Review of Campus/Dept Budget 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Completion of Regular Board Special Programs Meeting and Support Service Budget 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 District Operations Secretarial Training Review of Special on Purchasing Start Requests of Schools Supplies 28 29 30

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 School Board Election 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Review Board Budget Project Review Projected Proposed Workshop Preliminary 19/20 ADA Revenue Estimates Salary Schedule (1) Local Property and Special Values Pops 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Regular Board Determine District Operations Budget Review Panel Meeting Salary Increase Complete Prioritization Reviews Budget, Recommendation of Non-allocated District Initiatives & Requests Non-allocated Resources 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Human Resources Completion of Initiate Dr. Cavazos's Budget Review by Review of Preliminary New Salary Items Budget 26 27 28 29 30 31 Review of Building Complete Superintendent's Complete First Draft Dr. Cavazos's Maintenance, Renovation Of District's Budget Review of First and Future Construction District Budget. Personnel Draft Needs and Facility Requirements

6 Official Public Hearing
HARLINGEN CISD BUDGET CALENDAR Jun-19 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Notice of Public Finalized Projected Budget Hearing should Revenues Be done by this day (10 days prior to Meet) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Board Budget Determine Workshop Health Insurance (2) Preimiums 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Administrative Regular Board Budget Workshop Meeting 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Official Public Hearing Budget must be Budget and Tax Rate Adopted by the Adopted by 30th Board 30

7 Introduction The District’s budgeting process is based under a Site Based Management philosophy Site-Based Management allows the principals an increased budgetary authority at the campus level. The main advantage of site-based budgeting is that it allows the school personnel to make budgetary decisions for their own campuses. Elementary Campuses budgets are prepared by grade level Secondary Campuses budgets are prepared by department. Department Budgets are prepared using a Zero Based Budget Approach. Zero based budgeting basically makes depts. justify the programs activities and services on an annual basis while justifying any increase with their budgets. Campuses submit their budgets directly to their Administrator. The Business Office will review and make sure you stayed within your allotment. Department Heads submit to your supervisor. Budgets are due March 22, to the Business Office at Budget Instructions

8 Budget Allocation Budget FY

9 Campus Allocation Fund 199 Function 12 – Should agree to your Library allocation Fund 199 Program 21 – Should agree to your GT allocation Fund 199 Program 22 – Should agree to your Vocational allocation (secondary campuses only) Fund 199 Program 23 – Should agree to your Special Ed allocation Budget Instructions

10 Campus Allocation- cont.
Fund 199 Program 24, 26, 28, 29, 30 – Should agree to your State Comp allocation 24 is for 001 and 002 campus 26 is for 003 campus 28 & 29 is for campus 118 29 is for campus 121 30 is for all other campuses Fund 199 Program 25 – Should agree to your Bilingual allocation Fund 199 Subobj 310 –Should agree to your Elem. Choir allocation Budget Instructions

11 Allocations for Campus & Departments
All campus budgets are based on student allocations. Student enrollment numbers are based on last Fall’s PEIMS submission. The following slides will include the various cost allocations per student. Budget Instructions

12 Preparation The principal or director is responsible for submitting the budget for all items needed on their campus/dept. with the exception of the following items: Payroll Costs The payroll budget for each campus will be prepared by the Business Office and Human Services after staffing requirements have been determined. Budgeting for salary and benefits for teachers, para- professionals, administrators and hourly staff. Any new items such as car allowances, stipends and/or extra duty pay must be approved by the Human Services Department. These forms will be prepared and submitted online through Applitrack. Human Services will go over the instructions on that process next. Payroll Costs that will be funded through the campus allocation must be submitted on Form 006 which will be completed on your Budget Workbook. Utilities-Completed by District Operations Water, Gas, Phone, Electricity Other items designated as Central Office responsibilities. Copier Rental and repair Computer Repair and Maintenance Consultants for in-service at a District-Wide Level Replacement Computers Budget Instructions

13 Preparation – cont. Certain items associated with Library functions will be submitted through the Coordinator of Media Services. Your library budget should be budgeted to the accounts on your budget allocation worksheet All requests for items to be constructed by maintenance, major repairs, or proposed renovations should be completed on Form This form is also created on your Budget Workbook. The Asst. Superintendent for District Operations will review all submitted forms. Use Form 003 -”Requests for Projects” Do not include these items in your budget. If approved, they will come out of the maintenance budget. An approval or denial will be ed to your office after a decision has been made by Mr. Tapia. Budget Instructions

14 Allocations Your campus budget will be submitted based on a per student allocation as follows: Elementary-$82.50 per student Middle School-$ per student High School-$ per student The projected enrollment is based on the current year’s Fall PEIMS Submission. FTE’s for special populations are based on data collected from program directors. The following allocations will be used for the libraries: Elem M.S. High School Region One $ $ $3.00 Periodicals $ $ $2.45 Library Supplies $ $ $1.50 Programed AV Mat $ $ $3.00 Library Books $ $13.50 Your campus allocations for library will cover the above costs. Budget Instructions

15 Allocations-Continue
In addition to the previously mentioned allocations, principals receive monies for their special populations as follows: Bilingual $30.00 Special Education $75.00 At Risk $15.00 Gifted and Talented $50.00 Vocational $200.00 Title I Part A $20.00 Migrant $35.00 These are supplemental dollars to be used in those programs. Budget Instructions

16 Allocations-Continue
Administrative Technology-The business office will budget monies for each campus for the replacement of Campus Administrative Computers as follows: Elementary $1,710 Middle Schools $3,420 High Schools $4,000 The monies will be budgeted in the following accounts XXX You can use this account when needed. Budget Instructions

17 FORMS Budget Form – BD-001 Budget Form – BD-002
Budget Form #1–Summary recap form must be completed by the Principal/Budget Secretary to summarize the requested items from the departments’ staff. Budget Form – BD-002 No Longer Necessary Requests for Projects-District Operations Form BD-003 Complete for requests of items to be constructed by maintenance, major repairs or proposed renovations. Do not include these items in your budget This will be completed in your Budget excel workbook and routed to District Operations from the Business Office. Personnel Action Request Form BD-004 This form will be completed and submitted online through Applitrack. It will NOT be completed in your Budget Workbook. Budget Form – BD-005 Budget Instructions

18 Forms-cont’d Request for 2019-2020 Salary Budgeted Items-Form BD- 006
Payroll costs that will be funded through campus allocations I.E. summer students Coop Students This will be completed in your Budget Workbook. Additional Items Needed - Form BD-007 Use this form to submit any additional items that you need that were not included in your budget. We will review and fund those items, if monies are available. Human Service Personnel Forms – BD-008 and 009 These will be done online through Applitrack. Separate instruction will follow from Human Services on this process. They will not be created on the Budget Workbook. Budget Instructions

19 Budget Instructions

20 Budget Instructions

21 Budget Instructions

22 Budget Instructions

23 Conclusion If you have any questions, please call:
Ida Ambriz or Ramon Mendoza – Budget Instructions

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