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AND The Russian Revolution

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1 AND The Russian Revolution
Animal Farm AND The Russian Revolution

2 George Orwell ( ) Grew up poor, but attended exclusive private schools on scholarship  class awareness 1936 fought with socialists in Spain against Franco and Fascists POLITICAL writer Against totalitarianism

3 Socialism Economic system in which goods and production are controlled by the government OR the community as a whole (vs. capitalism)

4 Communism political system in which the government controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people. (vs. democracy)

5 Totalitarianism a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed

6 Proletariat the lowest, working class of people who have no property and must sell their labor to survive Large percentage of population, but very little power

7 Propaganda information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

8 Scapegoat a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.

9 Allegory A story that has a deeper or more general meaning in addition to its surface meaning. Allegories are composed of several symbols and/or metaphors. Convey a message and give commentary on life and/or human behavior. Ex. The tortoise and the hare, biblical stories

10 Satire a technique used to criticize a group or event through mockery, irony, or sarcasm Makes someone or something look bad by imitating it in a ridiculous way

11 Causes of Massive Discontent in Russia
Serfs emancipated (freed) in 1861, but not enough land for everyone to own and farm  moved to cities, which became overcrowded Russia began to industrialize, but at the cost of low wages and poor working conditions for the proletariat (working class) and increases taxes for the middle class.

12 Causes of Discontent (Continued)
The creation of the Marxist Social Democratic Labor Party begins the revolutionary movement. The MSDLP breaks into 2 competitive groups, the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. The disastrous military defeats of World War I had resulted in 2 million Russian soldiers dead and severe food shortages across the country.

13 The Russian Monarchy begins to fall apart
Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia is passive; lack of ability and strong will Influenced by wife Alexandra and her advisor Rasputin, causing corruption and bribery. Abdicated 1917  democratic provisional government takes control, but is overthrown by the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin in November 1917. Nicholas and his family are executed in 1918

14 More Problems in Russia
The Russian Civil War ( ) is fought between the “reds” (Lenin and the communists) and the “whites” (defenders of old Russia—monarchists). The reds win, and the country is under communist rule. Lenin’s death creates a power struggle between Trotsky and Stalin. Stalin takes control and becomes a dictator, crushing all opponents, such as Trotsky. Stalin signs a non-aggression treaty with Hitler, who eventually betrays the pact by invading Russia in 1941, causing Russia to join the Allies against Germany.

15 Karl Marx ( ) German economist and philosopher whose ideas form the basis of Marxism ( did not participate in the Russian Revolution) Wrote The Communist Manifesto: the working class will overthrow the ruling middle class  classless society will result  Primary means of production to be owned by the state (government). Capitalism  Communism

16 Vladimir Lenin Founded Russian Communist Party Exiled by Nicholas II
Led Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 Involved in Russian Civil War ( ) Died 1924  power struggle

17 Joseph Stalin “Man of steel”
Became leader of the Bolsheviks (and Russia) after Lenin’s death 1930s began to execute all threats  millions put to death, including many Bolsheviks. Promoted a “cult of adulation” to proclaim him a genius By 1938, had a complete dictatorship

18 Leon Trotsky 2nd in command to Lenin Charismatic speaker
Military tactician Pushed for industrialization Banished from Russia by Stalin in 1928 Assassinated in Mexico 1940

19 Pravda Means “truth” Official newspaper of communist party in Russia
Propaganda for the Communist Party Power of “information”

20 About Animal Farm Inspired by the sight of a small boy whipping a large horse: humans exploit animals just as totalitarian government exploits its citizens Is an ALLEGORY  most characters, places,and events are SYMBOLIC Satirizes not only the Russian Revolution, but also human nature itself Presents a picture of socialism gone wrong Has a strong message (not just political) to the reader…what is Orwell trying to tell us?

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