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We asked … Kilwinning residents responded 48.22% 15.68% 14.79%

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1 We asked … Kilwinning residents responded 48.22% 15.68% 14.79%
74% 25% 1% female male other/prefer not to say 15.50% of people had positive experience of services 338 Respondents 20.12% of people had negative experience of services 48.22% of respondents said: ‘What matters is … services are available when people need them’ Partnership staff 15.68% of respondents said: ‘What matters is … services are accessible to everyone’ ‘What matters is … staff are well trained and good at their job 15.68% ‘What matters is … staff members exhibit compassion, care and are respectful and person-centred 12.43% W A I T 14.79% of respondents said: ‘What matters is … waiting lists for services are addressed’

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