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UW meets the Cloud Service Planning & Migration

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1 UW meets the Cloud Service Planning & Migration
Terry Gray, PhD Associate Vice President, Technology Strategy & Chief Technology Architect University of Washington August 2009

2 Meeting objectives UW populations Platform migration Svcs/Contract model Service requirements (free & premium) Drivers & Constraints

3 Possible Meeting Objectives
Help MS plan evolution of & BPOS Help MS understand UW drivers & constraints Help UW make planning decisions e.g. fall roll-out, domains, & contract choices Reach common view of desired Services/Contract paradigm Discuss requirements for both free & premium services

4 About UW $3.5 Billion/yr enterprise Driven by research $$
“The purpose of industry is to convert ideas into $$; the purpose of universities is to convert $$ into ideas” --former UW VP for Research Research Universities: Best thought of as a federation of a thousand independent businesses.

5 UW Populations not counting partners, applicants, patients, etc
GROUP SIZE DATA OWNER Faculty 14K UW Staff 30K Students 48K Personal + UW (10K are also employees) Alums > 100K Personal

6 Platform Migration PAST FUTURE Personal Cloud Services Personal Cloud
40K 40K Dedicated Exchange Dedicated Exchange 5K 10K Premium Cloud (BPOS) Deskmail (Uniform Access) 50K 10K Free Cloud (O.L. Or GAEE) (Alumni ) 40K +++ 5K New Alums

7 Service/Contract Paradigm
We want “branded” for students and alums, but make no claim to their data... Except for ~10K student employees! We don't think separate ID s for students vs. student employees is workable. We need institutional access to fac/staff data even on “free” cloud services. Issues: How many services, contracts, credentials Relationship of insititutional & consumer svcs

8 Drivers & Constraints Strategy: Enable choice of MS or Google
Students: STFC decision on UA funding Fac/Staff: Oracle Calendar phase-out Constraints MS calendar sync timing (summer 2010) MS BPOS evolution timing (summer 2010) MS Online Apps timing (summer 2010) MS Contract (Fall 2009) Google/MS calendar interop not yet solved

9 Cloud Services Roadmap
Timeline Students Faculty / Staff Fall 2009 Announce availability of UW Google Apps and Windows Live services Accept early F/S adopters (both MS & Google) Winter 2010 Announce phase-out of Deskmail for students; No new student Deskmail accounts Announce F/S early adopter program (both MS & Google); Begin work on premium svcs Spring 2010 Begin DIY migration of existing student Deskmail accounts and data Begin testing / integration of new MS features, as available Summer 2010 Continue DIY migration of existing student Deskmail accounts and data Begin transition of OL and local Exchange users to BPOS Fall 2010 Retire student Deskmail servers Implement “Dedicated Exchange” plan

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