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Tips for a Successful Practice

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1 Tips for a Successful Practice
Prior to your appointment take the time to meditate and set the intention for the session. Then, once you feel the hook-up, say a prayer of intention. Here is an example of the prayer I use. Please feel free to modify the words that feel comfortable to you. Mod 4 Wk 20 Vid 1 © Jean Slatter

2 Tips for a Successful Practice
The Prayer: Let me be a clear conduit for my client’s HG to talk through me and allow myself to be a vessel for that information to come through. I ask that I am able to easily and correctly interpret the information their Higher Guidance imparts and that the words that come to my mouth are spot on and exactly what the client needs to hear. © Jean Slatter

3 Tips for a Successful Practice
The Prayer (continued): I ask that every word that comes to my mouth or to my client’s mouth is divinely inspired and is for their highest and greatest good and my highest and greatest good. I ask that at least one piece of information that is of paramount importance to them is brought forth in the session. © Jean Slatter

4 Tips for a Successful Practice
Listen to the clients’ words carefully and type as accurately as you can because often your client will unknowingly be dropping hints about the answers they are seeking. Throughout the session you may need to put your pendulum down to type notes, but it’s important. Mod 4 Wk 20 Vid 2 © Jean Slatter

5 Tips for a Successful Practice
Here’s an example of what I say at the beginning of an initial session: “I’m so glad to have this opportunity to be of service to you. It’s best if you are in a quiet, private location and can have me on speaker phone so that your hands are free to take notes.” © Jean Slatter

6 Tips for a Successful Practice
“The flow of our session will be like this: There will be a quick ‘get acquainted’ period where I will learn what your concerns and questions are. Then there will be a short meditation wherein I will ask you to close your eyes, and I will get in touch with your Higher Guidance – that innate wisdom that knows everything about you.” © Jean Slatter

7 Tips for a Successful Practice
“In order to relay and decipher the messages from your Higher Guidance, I may use intuition tools such as pendulum dowsing, tarot and other oracles. Is that alright with you?” © Jean Slatter

8 Tips for a Successful Practice
“If your Higher Guidance leads us to and reveals the root of any imbalances, there are various energy healing techniques I will use to help clear the imbalances. Everything will be directed by your Higher Guidance.” © Jean Slatter

9 Tips for a Successful Practice
“In working together, we will get creative with questions that are specific to you. When you allow me to tap into your Higher Guidance, we can find some revealing answers. The questions asked will depend on what you tell me, and more importantly, what your Higher Guidance wants to bring to your awareness.” © Jean Slatter

10 Tips for a Successful Practice
“After all, your Higher Guidance knows you even better than you know yourself! Usually, your Higher Guidance answers according to the concerns that we will be discussing; however, occasionally your Higher Guidance will bring up other questions and concerns that are going to be a priority.” © Jean Slatter

11 Tips for a Successful Practice
“Neither will your Higher Guidance bring up something that you are already aware of and working on. Instead, your guidance will use this time to illuminate fabulous new insights and AHA’s.” © Jean Slatter

12 Tips for a Successful Practice
“You can be assured that your Higher Guidance will lead you to the fastest, most effective way to bring you to your greatest joy. This is an interactive session in which you are free to ask questions throughout the session.” © Jean Slatter

13 Tips for a Successful Practice
Then say, “so tell me about yourself and what you want to get out of this session …” Next you will do a short meditation … © Jean Slatter

14 Tips for a Successful Practice
While spinning the pendulum, ask the client to close their eyes, take some deep breaths and focus on their center and core feeling relaxed and grounded. Just keep breathing deeply. Ask the client to mentally give you permission to tap into their Higher Guidance and the wisdom of their body. © Jean Slatter

15 Tips for a Successful Practice
Spin the pendulum, and when it stops, your Higher Guidance is connected to their Higher Guidance. Once connected, go to the Treasure Map, and ask the question. “Where do we need to start?” © Jean Slatter

16 Tips for a Successful Practice
It’s fun to know that often whatever their Higher Guidance wants to talk about, will be brought up in clues and signs a day or two prior to the appointment. © Jean Slatter

17 Tips for a Successful Practice
At the end of the session, recap explaining all that was discovered, and give assignments to create accountability. Then, reschedule another appointment with your client. Dowse when the appointment will be. © Jean Slatter

18 Etiquette for working with clients © Jean Slatter
Mod 4 Wk 20 Vid 3 © Jean Slatter

19 Tips for a Successful Practice
Keep in mind the intention you set in the prayer prior to the session. Can I? May I? Should I? Remember, first and foremost, YOU are to be a conduit for the Higher Guidance to speak through you, and that is what makes Higher Guidance Life Coaching so unique and valuable. © Jean Slatter

20 Tips for a Successful Practice
Stay in Integrity: Your access to your client’s Higher Guidance is ONLY for the time that you are on the phone with them. You disconnect from their Higher Guidance when you hang up the phone. Don’t try to connect without their knowledge; this is an invasion of privacy and NOT your business. © Jean Slatter

21 © Jean Slatter
no PPP for this video Mod 4 Wk 20 Vid 4 © Jean Slatter

22 Tips for a Successful Practice
Fear #1 “I’m not ready!” Fear #2 “How can I work with clients when I’ve got my own stuff?” Fear #3 “I won’t get clients.” Fear #4 “I won’t be able to connect.” Mod 4 Wk 20 Vid 5 © Jean Slatter

23 Tips for a Successful Practice
Ask your Guidance to send you clients you can be of service to. You can’t be attached to the results. You can’t take credit for what happens, nor can you feel responsible. You can’t take it personally. Mod 4 Wk 20 Vid 6 © Jean Slatter

24 Tips for a Successful Practice
If you’re going to do this as a business, you must make money. Your clients want to be in a different place than where they are in life. They may need clarity. They may desire a closer connection to Spirit. Mod 4 Wk 20 Vid 7 © Jean Slatter

25 Tips for a Successful Practice
They may want to know what their body is telling them. Listen to what your client has to say. Find out what your client’s main concern is. Tell them what you’re going to do, do it, then tell them what you did. © Jean Slatter

26 Tips for a Successful Practice
Utilize one of the most powerful medicines on the planet: the placebo effect! Ask for testimonials. Choose your clientele. Figure out what are the qualities of the clients you want to attract. © Jean Slatter

27 Tips for a Successful Practice
Once you figure out your clientele, be exactly like the clients you want to attract. Find a way to make yourself accountable! © Jean Slatter

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