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[Responses to Comments on ]

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1 [Responses to Comments on 802.22.3]
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 [Responses to Comments on ] IEEE P Wireless RANs Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Wendong Hu as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

2 Outline Comments from and response to 802.19
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Outline Comments from and response to Comments from and responses to Comments from and responses to Comments from and responses to Paul Nikolich Comments from and response to James Gilb Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

3 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Abstract This document provides responses to comments received on the PAR and 5C Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

4 Comments from 802.19 November 2009 Month Year
doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

5 Questions and Responses to 802.19
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question: Section 5.1 states that the approximate number of people expected to work on this project is 100 Problem: Completion of the current standard and current population working on the draft indicates that there may not be 100 people with time available to work on this project Solution: In response to this comment please provide a basis for this number Response: Accept comment Proposed Resolution Change the number in the PAR to 30 Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

6 Questions and Responses to 802.19
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question: Section 5.4 -The purpose discusses enabling rapid worldwide deployment Problem: Neither the Need (PAR) or the Technical or Economic Feasibility (5C) discuss enabling rapid worldwide deployment Solution: Remove comments about rapid worldwide deployment, or address rapid worldwide deployment in the Need and the Technical and Economic Feasibility sections Response: Accept comment Proposed Resolution Delete the comment about rapid worldwide deployment Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

7 Questions and Responses to 802.19
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question: Explanatory Note The explanatory notes includes the sentence “The IEEE standard is intended to be integrated to IEEE standard” Problem: It is unclear what integrating the standard into the standard means Solution: Please explain what this means or as an alternative remove this sentence Response: Accept comment Proposed Resolution Change the sentence to state: “The IEEE standard is intended to be integrated into IEEE family of standards” Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

8 Comments from 802.11 November 2009 Month Year
doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

9 Questions and Responses to 802.11
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question 1: Doc /1106 discusses possible issues with the PAR and 5C submitted by Peter E Response: Accept document Proposed Resolution See document IEEE addressing the questions and comments in doc Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

10 Questions and Responses to 802.11
November 2009 doc.: IEEE /1220r0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question: 2.1 Title of Standard- Cognitive Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Policies and procedures for Scalable operations of Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN) in the TV Bands. Issue 1: delete “Policies and procedures for “ from the title. This is a standard for… Response: Accept comment Issue 2: The full title is not listed in the PAR form.. It should have the Boiler Plate from 802 followed by “Part 22” followed by the designation that this is for the “WRAN..” and then the specific designation of what is being covered. Issue 3: the title for should be Distinct and yet consistent with the 802/ family of titles. Proposed Resolution Change to: “Information Technology -Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Specific requirements – Part 22.3: Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN), Cognitive Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Standard for scalable operation in the TV Bands” Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics Jon Rosdahl, CSR

11 Questions and Responses to 802.11
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question: Section 8.1 Notes- Remove the following text “Item Number: 5.5 (Need for the Project): The IEEE standard is intended to be integrated to IEEE standard. This may be more correctly included in 5.5. Response: Accept comment Proposed Resolution Modified text accordingly Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

12 Questions and Responses to 802.11
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question: 5C Distinct Identity- a) Substantially different from other IEEE 802 standards. Table Issue 5: Page 8 of r0 shows several errors in the table and in the explanation notes. Please correct as noted in 11-09/1106r0. Response; Accept comment Proposed Resolution Necessary corrections/changes have been made in the revised PAR/5C document. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

13 Questions and Responses to 802.11
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question: Technical Feasibility the statements are very broad, and in some cases not accurate…” Existing 802 wireless standards in other bands (e.g h) have demonstrated that detection and avoidance of operation in spectrum occupied by licensed  users is technically feasible.” The h does not do detect and avoid (DAA) it only specified DFS and TPC. Response: Accept comment Proposed Resolution The statement was modified appropriately The statements should address the “demonstrated” technology that show the technical feasibility. The statement was modified to provide the “demonstrated” technologies (by cited examples) that can be leveraged by the proposed Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

14 Questions and Responses to 802.11
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Questions and Responses to Question: Technical Feasibility (continued) Issue 8: The addition of “Scalable” as the main focus, should be addressed in the 5C to show the distinct difference from the base 22 standard. Response: Accept comment Proposed Resolution The distinct different from the base 22 standard of the is provided in a revised text. Issue 9 (to be renumbered as #1): If is an extension of , and creating a “Scalable” extension of the standard, then this should be an amendment. The Amendment should be created after the standard is approved to allow a consistent target for the amendment to modify. Response: Reject Comment “Scalable” is not an extension of It addresses a different area of TVWS operation of WRAN as opposed to that of , and does not depend on the completion of project. Proposed Clarification Propose a clarification by changing the wording for the purpose to: “The purpose of this standard is to specify scalable wireless regional area network (WRAN) operations in the TVWS, enabling WRAN deployments and communications in flexible network topologies and range, with greater network coverage, offering a variety of in-door and out-door network services. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

15 Comments from 802.16 November 2009 Month Year
doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

16 Comments from IEEE 802.16 General Comments:
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from IEEE General Comments: This is a clearly immature document, with significant level of self-inconsistency and ambiguity. It has not reached the level of clarity that is required for acceptance of a PAR at NesCom. Response: WG believes the revised document meets the requirements as an acceptable PAR at NesCom.  The PAR needs to be self-contained, and terminology (examples: Mode 1, Mode II, Scalable, Seamless handoff, ….) should be clearly defined and not require the use of external references except for background information. Response: WG believes the revised document addresses the concerns The Working Group Chair’s name is misspelled in Section 3.1 Response: This is corrected in the revised document. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

17 Comments from IEEE 802.16 Distinct Identity issue
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from IEEE Distinct Identity issue We have questions on distinct identity of Portable WRAN cells versus WLANs operating in the TV Whitespace. We believe that Wireless Local Area Networks are addressed better by IEEE Std We also note that this statement in the notes section (8.1) indicates a violation of distinct identity: “Scalable WRAN services may include: 1) wireless broadband access, 2) WiFi-like services to end-users, and 3) seamless integrations of the above 1) and 2)”. Response: One distinct identity of Portable WRANs versus WLANs is the capability of devices to communicate with WRAN devices in an interoperable manner WG believes that WRAN is an appropriate alternative to WLAN to address wireless broadband access over small communication ranges in the TV bands especially when WRANs are to be operated. The quoted statement has been revised. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

18 Comments from IEEE 802.16 In Section 5.2 (Scope of Proposed Standard )
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from IEEE In Section 5.2 (Scope of Proposed Standard ) We see no text indicating that this P standard would support compatibility with the P project, except for the vague statement “The IEEE standard is intended to be integrated to IEEE standard” in the notes.To maintain distinct identity, it would be appropriate to support backward compatibility with P instead of defining a completely incompatible PHY or MAC specification. Response: WG agrees that P technology be compatible with the technology. This is indicated in the 5C. New text has been added in section 8.1 (additional explanatory notes) to highlight the interoperability between and technologies. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

19 Comments from IEEE 802.16 In Section 5.2 (Scope of Proposed Standard):
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from IEEE In Section 5.2 (Scope of Proposed Standard): What does “scalable operations” imply? What is not within such a scope? We believe it is too broad and unclear. Perhaps it would be beneficial to itemize those aspects that are not included within the concept of “scalability” Response: The following definition of scalable WRAN operations has been added to the revised PAR document:”Scalable WRAN operations: deployments and communications of WRAN devices in flexible network topologies and network coverage with flexible communication range for a variety of in-door and our-door wireless broadband access services”. We don’t believe enumerating what “scalability” is not would be helpful. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

20 Comments from IEEE 802.16 In Section 8.1 Additional Explanatory Notes:
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from IEEE In Section 8.1 Additional Explanatory Notes: What does “Scalable WRAN communication ranges” mean? Does it include typical ranges of WMANs, WLANs, WPANs, and Wireless Body Area Networks? Response: “Scalable WRAN communication ranges” refers to variable ranges of communications as allowed for fixed and personal/portable devices in the FCC rules. It includes typical ranges of from 10s of meters to 10s of kilometers.   What does the phrase “seamless handoff” imply here? Does this mean handoff within the fixed WRAN network (intra-network) or across fixed and portable WRAN cells (inter-network)? We believe the term “seamless” in connection to handoff is superfluous. Also, is handoff to P supported? Response: The phrase “seamless handoff” means inter-network handoff between fixed and the portable WRAN cells as well as between different portable WRAN cells. We agree “seamless” is superfluous. Text has been modified accordingly. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

21 Comments from Paul Nikolich and James Gilb
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from Paul Nikolich and James Gilb Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

22 Comments from Paul Nikolich
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0021r0 November 2009 Comments from Paul Nikolich There is a fair degree of common language in the coexistence language taken from the above 3 draft PARs addressing the TV Whitespace bands. Since the 3 draft PARs (dot 19, dot11 and dot22) are being proposed simultaneously the groups haven't had much time to work on coordinating their activities on the draft PAR language. However it will be useful for EC members to better understand how the groups are thinking about coordinating their coexistence specifications going forward. I understand the groups have begun general discussion on coordinating their activities--this is good. I believe any specifics that each of you can provide regarding future coordination mechanisms among the 3 projects would be useful to the EC members. Response: 1) IEEE standards will adopt coexistence specifications that do not conflict with those adopted by ot 19 and dot11. 2) IEEE WG will establish liaisons with TAG19 (or future WG19) and WG11 for coordinating activities in developing coexistence mechanisms. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics

23 General Comments from James Gilb
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0021r0 November 2009 General Comments from James Gilb It appears that we have multiple PARs that potentially deal with the same problem but leading to different solutions to the same problem. There can be reasons to do this, but I think we would benefit by working together in some of these areas. For example, the systems in these bands will need to access a database of incumbents. The access to this database should be the same in any standard we develop. Response: WG agrees to work together with other WGs in some common areas of TVWS operation and jointly develop common solutions to specific issues such as incumbent database access and coexistence WG will establish liaisons with TAG19 (or future WG19) and WG11 for coordinating activities in developing solutions to the common problems. Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics

24 General Comments from James Gilb (cont’d)
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0021r0 November 2009 General Comments from James Gilb (cont’d) Coexistence: We (802) have proposal for a project to define coexistence between these systems, but neither PAR references this. I would hope that we can find some language that strongly encourages the TVWS MAC/PHY groups to adopt the work of the coexistence group. However, I would not be happy with the case where the groups were held up waiting for completion of the coexistence standard. I would encourage the TVWS and to find agreement on language that requires support of the methods, if they are completed in a timely manner. Response: WG will support the work of and their timely conclusion Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics

25 Specific Comments from James Gilb
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Specific Comments from James Gilb See document IEEE for resolution Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics John Doe, Some Company

26 Comments from Bob Grow Work of SCC41
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 November 2009 Comments from Bob Grow Work of SCC41 WG quotes IEEE project in the PARs.n Slide 26 Wendong Hu, STMicroelectronics Page 26 John Doe, Some Company

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