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The College Application Process

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Presentation on theme: "The College Application Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 The College Application Process

2 Selecting a College Involves Many Things
Self – Assessment Information Gathering Selection Process Filing Applications The Wait The Final Choice

3 Self-Evaluation The first step in finding the right match
Goals and values Academic interests, abilities and learning style Activities and outside interests Your personality and relationships Career awareness and interests

4 Information Gathering
Sending for Course Catalogues Using Computer Software and Internet Using Print Resources at School, Home and Library College Fairs College Visits

5 Minimum Requirements of Many 4-Year Colleges
Years English Science (2) Social Studies Mathematics 3 Foreign Language 3 Electives

6 Relative Importance to College Admissions Decision

7 Selecting a College Reach Selection Process Possible Likely

8 Ways to Apply Early Action Early Decision (binding) Regular Admission
Rolling Admission

9 Admission Criteria Intended major Activities outside the classroom
Athletic talents Special talents, skills and interests Legacy sometimes a factor

10 Transcript GPA (weighted and unweighted)
Standardized test scores (ACT or SAT) Courses taken and level of difficulty (Advanced, Honors, or AP) School activities (CSF, sports, clubs, organizations, employment, volunteer activities, community service, etc…)

11 SAT I and SAT II ACT Tests commonly taken in spring of junior year and fall of senior year Sat II required only for some private schools ACT sometimes replaces SAT I and SAT II at some schools

12 Recommendations Give your teachers plenty of notice
(two weeks minimum) Supply the teacher with an informal resume of activities, interests, goals.

13 Ethnicity Alumni relationship Geographic location
Other Admission Criteria Ethnicity Alumni relationship Geographic location

14 Essay…a few pointers for parents
Should be Don’t lose sleep over it! edited for mechanics, spelling, grammar, punctuation and typos. Don’t rely on spell-check Proofread Average words

15 Essay Student should Write in student’s own voice
Not try to sound impressive Be genuine Take time to concentrate on content, insights Write several drafts Take a close look at organization, structure and transitions Not digress from topic Essay should give honest insight into who student really is and how student views the world

16 Selective Colleges High school record Admission tests Recommendations
Application/essay Other factors

17 Final Notes: Students should: Visit the counselor often
Use resources in Guidance Office Visit schools Talk to friends, family, teachers Start early

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