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Report Back of “The 7th European Conference for Social Work Research”

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1 Report Back of “The 7th European Conference for Social Work Research”
Tanni Hsu

2 What is “European Conference for Social Work Research” (ECSWR)
Annual conference which has been taken place in Europe since 2011 Aims at: Sharing and debating research findings and ideas Networking Organizes by European Social Work Research Association and a local host committee

3 ECSWR 2017 April 19-21, 2017 (3 days) Aalborg, Denmark

4 ECSWR 2017 (Cont’d) April 19-21, 2017 (3 days) Aalborg, Denmark

5 ECSWR 2017 (Cont’d) Theme: Challenges in Social Work Research – Conflicts, Barriers and Possibilities in relation to Social Work 4 keynote speeches and 7 parallel sessions, with some pre-conference activities

6 ECSWR 2017 (Cont’d) Keynote 1: Interviews and stories as descriptive events Keynote 2: Social work research and accountable practice – Challenging dogma in uncertain times Keynote 3: The productive human beings - or on the construction of alternatives in social work research Keynote 4 : Complexities and dynamics of trans-disciplinary discipline – Challenges for research and community building

7 Observation 1: Academia-dominated Social Work Research in Europe
For the conference itself: 90% of the participants were scholars For the research being presented: Limited involvement of frontline social workers Research on Practice Dominating Model Practice Research Emerging Model

8 Observation 2: Lack of Evidence about Latest Development of Practice Research in HK
Challenges of the information society How do we come from data to information From information to knowledge From knowledge to meaning From meaning to prediction How shall we talk about meaning and prediction if we don’t even have data about the current situation of practice research in HK, e.g. percentage of social service agencies who conducts research

9 Observation 3: Importance of Qualitative Research being Realized in Europe and other Asian countries
Presentation of scholars from Taiwan: Qualitative research is very valuable which every student should learn it before becoming frontline social workers Reflection on social work education in HK: To what extent efforts are made in teaching social work research and specifically qualitative research? Social Work Education Social Work Research Qualitative Research

10 Ways forward What coming next?

11 Culture change Evidence-based approach Garth Nowland Foreman (2011)
DIY training available Templates, tools and resources Clearinghouse of our research Register of researchers, evaluators Code of Practice Student links Meta-research ‘What Works’ Engaging funders Forums to share research Awards for community researchers Awards for NGOs Funding for community research Culture change Green: What our Council has been doing, including in-house training for agency members (one-off training and mentorship training), Forums and salons for sharing research, Engaging funders for service impact study and service development study /engaging funder for building up the capacity of agencies in doing practice research Light Green: Areas we are developing, including website on resources and tools Blue: Areas to be explored Garth Nowland Foreman (2011)

12 Walk together and walk far
Salons Showroom of good research Knowledge and experience exchange Welcome agencies to contact us direct Agency visits Government Departments Universities Other potential parties, e.g. Google, Microsoft 8th Conference cum Workshop

13 Thank you!

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