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Universal public voice, commissioning and ‘patient engagement’

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1 Universal public voice, commissioning and ‘patient engagement’
Paul Hodgkin FRCGP, Chief Executive, Patient Opinion

2 Feedback from patients, carers and families, and staff will help to inform… the right choice of hospital or clinical department and will encourage providers to be more responsive Equity and Excellence, 2010

3 If the fundamental purpose of the Government’s proposed changes to the NHS – putting the patient first – is to be made a reality, the system that emerges must be grounded in systematic patient involvement NHS Future Forum

4 From hierarchies….

5 To networks

6 Networks where everyone has
a public voice

7 Everyone can comment


9 This is difficult for organisations

10 There is no escape

11 Networks are changing health care

12 Patients are changing health care

13 How does the NHS view all this?

14 We’ve always done it this way
You’re lucky to have us We’d love to but not enough time/money Tried it before It’s just the latest fad… wait and it will go away



17 Patients as a source of help
Moving beyond ….. Surveys and hand-helds Focus Groups User reps and patient groups Mystery shoppers Patients as a source of help




21 Patient Organisations
HealthWatch Voluntary Sector Automatic notification Staff respond Author comment Comments from others Service improvement publish Comment from patient This slide shows the process of sharing a story. The person submits their story, either directly on the site, through a feedback leaflet in the post or on our 0845 number. It is read by the Patient Opinion team, which includes two GPs and an ex mental health social worker, and is either published untouched or edited in accordance with our editorial policy. Most stories are published within 2 days, very many within the same day. When it is published, the author receives an alert to let them know. Relevant staff within the relevant trust also receive an alert, which links them straight through to read the story on our site. This is also the case for relevant stakeholders. So if a LINk has a subscription covering the trust, they will receive an alert. If the trust staff or LINk staff are responders/administrators, they are able to respond. If they do, the author is ed when their response is published (again, responses are all read by the PO team). The author is welcome to add a further comment if they wish, as are the responders. We have patient groups, the Department of Health, CQC, PCTs, LINks and charities receiving alerts and very many are now responding. Local government National government and MPs

22 So how can this help service improvement?
System-wide metrics rank responsiveness


24 So how can this help service improvement?
System-wide metrics rank responsiveness Industrialising patient-led improvements using television Aligning patient and system-motivation to deliver QIPP.

25 Patients and QIPP – improving VTE prevention
Identify – patients at risk Inform – them about best VTE care Ask – did they get best care? Change – staff behaviour via public nudges

26 Everyone has a voice

27 Every voice matters

28 Thank You

29 Number of people using a service
The ‘thoughtfully passionate’ are key to improving services but until now have been hard to identify. Platforms like Patient Opinion dramatically reduce the cost of finding them Number of people using a service Thoughtfully passionate people (who are now cheap to identify) Known/Complaints Indifferent Concerned Passionate Low strength of feeling High © Patient Opinion

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