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S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity

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Presentation on theme: "S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity"— Presentation transcript:

1 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
Morning registration mathematics activity Aligned to the Renewed Framework for Mathematics Stoke-on-Trent Primary Maths Team

2 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
WHAT IS IT? Up to 10 mathematics questions per day based on the Renewed Framework for Mathematics. Questions 1-5 consolidate maths from the previous unit. Questions 6-10 are based on the previous year’s coverage of the next unit (following Block sequence A B C D E). This will support you in pitching the learning appropriately for the next unit and gathering evidence for APP. WHAT IS IT NOT? SODA is NOT intended to be used during any part of the daily mathematics lesson. It is an ADDITIONAL resource to support the CONSOLIDATION of learning which has taken place previously.

3 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
WHEN? During the registration period at the start of the day. Pupils could record their answers in a ‘SODA’ book. Go through the questions and discuss strategies the children used with the pupils during registration. Ensure that you model the correct mathematical vocabulary and always encourage the children to use it correctly. HOW? Use SODA as it stands or personalise the questions for your pupils by adapting / replacing them.

4 Councillors on Line Year 6, Block B, Unit 1 Monday, Wednesday & Friday - based on Year 6, Block A, Unit 1 Tuesday & Thursday - based on Year 5, Block C, Unit 1

5 Monday 15th September 2008 1. 0, 3, 6, 9 … will 300 be in this sequence? 2. Which is warmer -4°C or -1°C ? 3. The answer is 4.5 what is the question? 4. 29 x 5 5. 3, 6, 12, 24, … continue this sequence, which number is nearest to 100? 6. Start at 8, keep adding 19. (8, __, __, __, __,) 7. What is the difference in temperature between -1°C and 8°C ? 8. The answer is 10.6 what is the question? Year 6 Block B Unit 1

6 Tuesday 16th September 2008 Represent this bar chart as a pictogram. Decide how many pets each picture is worth. Year 6 Block B Unit 1

7 Wednesday 17th September 2008
1. Start at 19 keep subtracting 17 (repeat 4 times) 2. The temperature rises 10°C from -3°C. What is the new temperature? 3. Write an addition calculation, answer 0.4 4. 4 x 2.3 , 2200, 1100, what is the rule? 6. 72 ÷ 6 7. 2, 5, 11, 23 what is the ‘rule’ of the sequence? 8. 0, 1/3, 2/3 …. fill in the missing numbers… 5 1/3 Year 6 Block B Unit 1

8 Thursday 18th September 2008 We collected this data. Name Tally
Ben IIII IIII III Sam IIII Jack III Hussain IIII I Patrick IIII IIII Ashley III 1. Represent this data in a bar chart. 2. Which name is the mode? 3. Write 3 more questions shown by this data. Year 6 Block B Unit 1

9 Friday 19th September 2008 1. Write a subtraction calculation, answer 0.4 is the answer odd or even? 3. Draw a number line from -5°C to 5°C ? 4. Complete the sequence 2, 5, 11, 23, __, __, __, 5. Start at 323 keep subtracting 100 (repeat 4 times) 6. Write a multiplication calculation, answer 0.4 is the answer odd or even? 8. What number is 3/5 along the number line? Year 6 Block B Unit 1

10 Monday 22nd September 2008 1. Count in 0.3s from 0.9 to 3.3
2. Write a division calculation, answer 0.4 – 217 is the answer odd or even? 4. What number is 3/5 along the 0-1 number line? 5. Order from coldest to warmest 4°C, -5°C, 5°C, -1°C 6. Round 367 to the nearest 10? …to 100? 7. Write 3 decimals (U.t) which could round to 51. 8. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, will 2200 be in this sequence? Year 6 Block B Unit 1

11 Tuesday 23rd September 2008 How would you plan an investigation to answer the question ‘Do the children in our class watch too much TV?’ What information would you need to gather? What questions would you ask? How many people would you ask? How could you represent the results? How would you know when you had found the answer? Year 6 Block B Unit 1

12 Wednesday 24th September 2008
1. Write all the decimals (U.t) which round to 51. 2. Round 5280 to the nearest 100? 1000? 3. 23 x 15 4. What number is 4/5 along the 0-1 number line? 5. Order from warmest to coldest 2°C,-12°C,6°C,-6°C 6. Round 2345 to the nearest 10? 100? 1000? 7. 25 x 14 8. What number is 3/5 along the 0-2 number line? Year 6 Block B Unit 1

13 Thursday 25th September 2008 Represent this bar chart as a pie chart (next slide) Year 6 Block B Unit 1

14 Thursday 25th September 2008 Year 6 Block B Unit 1

15 Friday 26th September 2008 1. What is the smallest decimal (U.t) which
rounds to 86? 2. Round 4.5 to the nearest integer (whole) ? = 3.4 4. The temperature drops by 12°C from 5 °C. what is the new temperature? 5. Estimate the number of children in the school 6. What is the largest decimal (U.t) which 7. Round 9.7 to the nearest integer. ? = 2.8 Year 6 Block B Unit 1

16 Monday 29th September 2008 ? = 4.9 2. Round 13.4 to the nearest integer. 3. Round 2.52 to one decimal place ? = 5.2 5. The temperature decreases by 20°C from 14°C. What is the new temperature? 6. The temperature increases by 19°C from -3°C. What is the new temperature? 7. Partition 3.62 into units, tenths and hundredths 8. ? = 0.58 ? = 8.06 Year 6 Block B Unit 1

17 Tuesday 30th September 2008 Year 6 Block B Unit 1

18 Wednesday 1st October 2008 1. 1.963 + ? = 1.969
2. How many x and ÷ calculations can you make using 12? 3. How many x and ÷ calculations can you make using 1.2? 4. round to one decimal place x 6 6. Round to one decimal place x 3 8. The difference in temperature between 18°C and -7°C. 9. Partition 9.49 into units, tenths and hundredths Year 6 Block B Unit 1

19 Thursday 2nd October 2008 What is the mode of these shoe sizes?
What is the mean of these shoe sizes? What is the mode of these ages? What is the mean of these ages? Year 6 Block B Unit 1

20 Friday 3rd October 2008 ? = 7.528 2. How many x and ÷ calculations can you make using 24? 3. How many x and ÷ calculations can you make using 2.4? 4. order smallest to largest 0.5, 0.35, 0.3, 3.5, 3.55 5. order largest to smallest 1.22, 2.12, 1.2, 2.21, 2.1 6. Partition 4.09 into units, tenths and hundredths 7. order smallest to largest 3.4, 5.3, 2.7, 2.3, 3.5 8. 7.0, 8.1, 9.2, ___, ___, ___ 9. What is the rule of the sequence above? Year 6 Block B Unit 1

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