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The Team Bus - Team Builder

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1 The Team Bus - Team Builder
Instructions Using flip chart paper, draw the outline of a bus. Add components to the bus and explain what each stands for and how they can relate your team. Your team will have 20 minutes to draw the bus and then each team will take 5 minutes to present their TEAM vehicle. Example: “We drew the antennae so that we have good communication” The Team Bus Activity: Team Time: minutes Purpose: An interesting method of demonstrating the core skills needed for a team. Process: Using flip chart paper, draw the outline of a bus. Instruct the group to add components to the bus and explain what it stands for and how they can relate that to the team. Give one example and then let them go. Break team into groups of four or five. Allow 20 minutes for the team to draw the bus and 5 minutes for each team to present their vehicle. The total time depends on the number of groups you have. Some examples: Draw the antennae so that we have good communication or the wheels keep us in motion. The rearview mirror to keep an eye on where we have been, head lights to help us find our way, a trunk to store all our knowledge and tools, the gas tank to provide energy when we need it, etc. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 20 Minutes 5 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 1 1

2 All Aboard! - Team Builder
Instructions Your job is to get as many people off the ground as you choose, for as long as you choose. The Rules: Off the ground means that no one may touch the ground. You may only use yourself and the telephone books. You cannot use anything else in the room to assist you. Again, you have 10 minutes to complete the job. Your job is to get as many people off the ground as you choose, for as long as you choose. Any questions? All Aboard Time: 20 minutes Participants: 8 or more Purpose: This is a quick warm-up activity designed to stimulate thoughts about what makes a team effective. Process: Place three phone books on the ground. Explain that this is an exercise that will allow the team to examine how effectively they work together as a team. Say, "Your job is to get as many people off the ground as you choose, for as long as you choose." The Rules: "Off the ground means that no one may touch the ground. You may only use yourself and the telephone books. You cannot use anything else in the room to assist you”. Say, "You have 10 Minutes to complete the job." and repeat "Your job is to get as many people off the ground as you choose, for as long as you choose." Ask for questions, clarify anything then start the clock. Review: Have the team rate their effectiveness on a 1-10 scale (1 meaning you didn’t work well together, 10 meaning you were extraordinary). They should then comment on their ratings. Ask, "What would you have had to do to rate your teamwork a 10?” Ask high raters what made them rate the team so high (or low depending on response.) See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 10 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 2 2

3 Numbers - Team Builder Instructions We’ve given each team member a piece of paper with a number on it and a blindfold. Team members now look at but must not share their numbers or talk at any point throughout the exercise. Now put on your blindfold. Your challenge as a team, is to arrange yourselves in a straight line, in less than 10 minutes, AND in numerical order. Keep in mind you are blindfolded and SAFETY is our # 1 consideration! Numbers Time: 30 minutes Participants: 6 or more Purpose: This activity will help participants to realize the benefits of leadership, trust and communication. Props: Blindfold, large area Process: Give each participant a piece of paper with a number on it and a blindfold. Once blindfolded, they must arrange themselves in a straight line in numerical order (10 minutes or less). The Rules: The participants must not share their numbers or talk at any point throughout the exercise. Safety should be a prime consideration and if any dangerous situations occur, the activity should be stopped. Review: Have the team rate their effectiveness on a 1-10 scale (1 meaning you didn’t work well together, 10 meaning you were extraordinary). They should then comment on their ratings. Were there any leaders throughout the activity? What difficulties did they face? How did they feel throughout the activity? What worked? What didn’t work? What would they do differently next time? See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 10 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 3 3

4 Team Totem Pole - Team Builder
Instructions Each member of the team will draw a picture that best represents them on a sheet of flipchart. They will then list the strengths and skills that they contribute to the team. When each member has finished their part of the totem pole, we will tape them together on the wall one on top of the other (the flipchart sheets, not the participants!) Each member of the team then describes their strengths to the team. Then discuss how each of their skills complements one another. Team Totem Pole Time: As required Participants: 2 + Purpose: To help participants recognize their own strengths as well as the teams. This is particularly useful for helping the team realise that their differences can be an advantage. Props: A sheet of flipchart paper for each participant and a selection of colored pens. Process: Each member of the team will draw a picture that best represents them on a sheet of flipchart (7 minutes). They will then list the strengths and skills that they contribute to the team. When each member has finished their part of the totem pole, tape them together on the wall one on top of the other (the flipchart sheets, not the participants!) Each member of the team then describes their strengths to the team (no more than1 minute presentations). Finally, they discuss how each of their skills complements one another. The Rules: Participants must respect each other throughout and be sensitive in their comments. Honest and constructive are key words. Review: What did they learn? How will they use that in the workplace? See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 7 Minutes 60 Seconds Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 4 4

5 Block Up - Team Builder Instructions Team members must build a shared tower using the building blocks provided. Each member of the team is working from the instructions which they have been given on a separate sheet of paper. You cannot talk throughout the activity. The Rules: Participants must not share their instructions with each other at any point. Participants must not talk throughout the activity. Block-Up Time: 30 minutes Participants: 6 or more (if over six then more teams are required or some participants act as observers) Purpose: Great communication activity that proves that sometimes everyone is right! Props: Building bricks (Lego or similar) with 3 different colors at least. Instructions for each of the participants (as described below). Process: Participants must build a shared tower using the building blocks provided. Each member of the team is working from their own instructions that the others are not aware of. They cannot talk throughout the activity. The instructions should be placed on a separate piece of paper for each participant and should either be from the list below or variations on the same theme. Person 1: Your tower must be fourteen stories high Person 2: Your tower must be built with blue and white blocks Person 3: Your tower must be built with blue, white and red blocks Person 4: Your tower must contain at least 20 blocks Person 5: Only you may build the tower Person 6: The third row of your tower must be blue The Rules: Participants must not share their instructions with each other at any point. Participants must not talk throughout the activity. Review: Have the team rate their effectiveness on a 1-10 scale (1 meaning you didn’t work well together, 10 meaning you were extraordinary). They should then comment on their ratings. How did they communicate? Were there any leaders throughout the activity? What difficulties did they face? What frustrations, if any, were there? How did they feel throughout the activity? What worked? What didn’t work? What would they do differently next time? See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 5 5

6 The Floating Stick - Team Builder
Instructions We are about to do an exercise which will demonstrate that anything can be achieved with a little effort and a lot of teamwork. Please line up in two groups facing each other and point your index finger of each hand out in front of you. We will then place a floating stick on top of your outstretched fingers so that it is balanced along the top of each person’s fingers in a straight line. Your team must work together to lower the floating stick to the ground without holding on to it, grasping it or losing contact with your fingers. The stick must remain balanced on each person’s fingers at all times. If at any point someone loses contact with the stick, the task must be restarted. The Floating Stick Duration: minutes Objective: To help participants learn how to work together and communicate. It also highlights that although sometimes difficult, most objectives can be achieved with a little teamwork. Tools: A long, light rod or stick (garden bamboo is perfect). Instructions: Advise participants that you would like them to carry out an exercise which will demonstrate that anything can be achieved with a little effort and a lot of teamwork. Ask the participants to line up in two groups facing each other and point the index finger of each hand out in front of them. Now, place the floating stick on top of their outstretched fingers so that it is balanced along the top of each person’s fingers in a straight line. The team must lower the floating stick to the ground without holding on to it, grasping it or losing contact with their fingers. The stick must remain balanced on each person’s fingers at all times. If at any point someone loses contact with the stick, the task will be restarted. Note: As the participants carry out the task they will find that the rod goes up rather than down. Only with concerted effort and a lot of careful communication can they get the rod to move down. If participants comment that they are going to give up, then provide them with ideas and suggestions that will help. The trick is to take things slow, calmly and carefully and eventually the stick will go down. Debrief: What was your initial reaction? How well did you cope as a group? What was difficult about the task? What skills did the team need to succeed? What were your strengths and weaknesses? How well did you communicate? What would you do differently next time? The Reason? As everyone is trying to keep their finger connected to the stick, the greater upwards pressure is more than the weight of the stick. Therefore, the stick rises rather than falls. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 6 6

7 The Way I See It Instructions Seated in a large circle in the middle of the room, we will be discussing a rather ‘hot’ topic. Please take 10 minutes to discuss your own attitudes and views around this topic. Now I want to ask you to split into equal groups by one of the flipcharts. Each group must now discuss the topic from the perspective of the person whose flipchart they are standing at. So, for instance, if you are standing at the flipchart headed, ‘Sales Manager’, you can only discuss the topic from that person’s viewpoint. Each group should use the flipchart to write down the topic views from their allocated person’s viewpoint. Now I want your group to rotate to the next flipchart and discuss the topic from that person’s perspective The Way I See It Time: 30 minutes Participants: 8 or more Purpose: This is an activity that is designed to assist teams in becoming enlightened to others views. It provides an opportunity for them to, ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’ and see things differently. Process: Place chairs in a large circle in the middle of the room and ask participants to sit in them. Place yourself in the middle of the circle and lead a discussion around a particular ‘hot’ topic. The participants should discuss their own attitudes and views around that topic. (% minutes for each discussion) Place flipcharts around the room with different headings. These should represent a different person or group. Once you have discussed the topic for long enough, you ask the team to stop and split into groups. Each group should go and stand at a flipchart and advise them that you’d like them to discuss the same topic as before, but with a twist. Each individual group is only allowed to discuss the topic from the perspective of the person whose flipchart they are standing at. So, for instance, if you are standing at the flipchart headed, ‘Sales Manager’, you can only discuss the topic from that person’s viewpoint. You can pre-fix the conversations by stating that no cynicism is allowed and discussions must be fair and reasonable. Each group should use the flipchart to write down the topic views from their allocated person’s viewpoint. Once they have done this, rotate the groups until each has discussed the topic from all viewpoints. Finally, bring the main group back together and lead a discussion around their findings. Explore attitude changes, findings and considerations. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 10 Minutes 5 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 7 7

8 Parachute Game- Team Builder
Instructions Standing in a circle around a parachute, we’ll ask each person to hold the edge in front of them so that the parachute is off the ground. Now place a ball in the middle of the parachute and work together to see how high you can flick the ball up into the air. Now, place a ball in the middle of the parachute and take turns to work the ball towards one member of the team. Now using the toy we’ve placed in the center, maneuver it towards one member of the team. Parachute Games Time: 20 minutes Participants: 8 or more Purpose: This is a couple of fun activities designed to help participants experience the practice of working together to achieve an agreed outcome. Tools: A parachute (or bed sheet if not available) 1 x ball A selection of toys Instructions: Participants stand in a circle around a parachute and each hold the edge in front of them so that the parachute is off the ground. You can then practice one of the following two games. Ball Bungee – Place a ball in the middle of the parachute and ask participants to work together and see how high they can flick the ball up into the air. (3 minutes) To me, to you – Place a ball in the middle of the parachute and ask participants to take it in turns to work the ball towards one of the team. Once it reaches that person, they must select a new person to roll the ball towards. (3 minutes) You can now make this activity more difficult by using a toy rather than balls as they will not roll. (3 minutes) Review: Have the team rate their effectiveness on a 1-10 scale (1 meaning you didn’t work well together, 10 meaning you were extraordinary). They should then comment on their ratings. Ask, "What would you have had to do to rate your teamwork a 10?” Ask high raters what made them rate the team so high (or low depending on response.) See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 3 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 8 8

9 Tangles - Team Builder Instructions We are going to split the group into two teams, the Detanglers and the Observers. The Detanglers will be blindfolded and should huddled together. A rope will be rapped around you. Each Detangler is to hold onto the rope with both hands. Now Detanglers will have precisely 10 minutes to form the rope into a perfect square, without taking their hands off of it. When they think they have a square, or when the 10 minutes are up, they must place the rope on the floor and place a foot on it, before removing their blindfolds. Any questions? Tangles Duration: 30 minutes Objective: For participants to experience working in a team and to analyze the performance of their team and/or To help reenergize participants during a training event Resources Needed A long piece of rope (about 4 yards, tied so that it makes a large circle) A clear space large enough to allow the detanglers to move around 5 or more blindfolds Instructions Start by explaining that you are going to split participants into two teams - The Detanglers (minimum of 5 people) and the Observers. Look for volunteers for each group in the first instance, and if none are forthcoming, split the group up yourself. The Detanglers are to be blindfolded and huddled together. Wrap the rope around them, looping it over them, and ask each person in the Detanglers to hold onto the rope with both hands. They have precisely 10 minutes to form the rope into a perfect square, without taking their hands off of it. When they think they have a square, or when the 10 minutes are up, they must place the rope on the floor and place a foot on it, before removing their blindfolds. On completion, ask the Observers to give feedback on how they worked as a team. Lead a short discussion on how team working is important, what worked well, not so well, and what can be improved upon. How can this exercise be related to the work place? See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 10 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 9 9

10 Pop Idols - Team Builder
Instructions We will be splitting up into teams of 3 or 4 people. Your team must decide on a fictitious pop group name for themselves. Your name should be linked to the themes or topics being covered in this training. You must also design an album cover for their pop group using the resources you provide. After 15 minutes you will present you pop group and their album cover to the rest of the group and explain why they made their choices. Pop Idols Duration: minutes Objective: To help consolidate key themes covered during a training event and/or To help reenergize participants during a training event Resources Needed Paper, pens, glue, colored paper foil etc. Instructions Split participants into small teams of 3 or 4 people. Explain that in their teams they have to decide on a fictitious pop group name for themselves. Tell them that their name should be linked to the themes or topics being covered in the training. They must also design an album cover for their pop group using the resources you provide. After 15 minutes they will present themselves and their album cover to the rest of the group and explain why they made their choices. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 15 Minutes 3 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 10 10

11 Team Tube - Team Builder
Instructions Begin by standing in a circle and holding the bicycle inner-tube at waist height. Your team’s task is to climb into the tube one by one. The task is complete when all participants are inside the tube. You’ll have 3 minutes. Any questions? Team Tube 20 minutes Goal: To energize the team and get them working together. Tools: A bicycle inner-tube. Instructions: Ask participants to stand in a circle and hold a bicycle inner-tube at waist height. Explain that their task is to climb into the tube one by one. The task is complete when all participants are inside the tube (3 minute timer). Of course, it initially looks as though not more than two or three will be able to fit inside the tube, but as they progress they will see that all can be included. Uses: Works well with large groups to demonstrate that all can be included if we try hard enough. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 3 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 11 11

12 Bomb Disposal - Team Builder
Instructions Your team’s task is to ‘defuse’ a bomb. You do this by lifting the bomb out of the area using nothing but the string provided and transporting it 10 yards without touching the ground and laying it down in a target area. Your team is not allowed to come within 8-10 feet of the object (=bomb). A safety ribbon is used to cordon off the area which is not allowed to be entered. Bomb Disposal 30 minutes Goal: To energize the team and help them focus on communication. Tools: A jar (must have a rim at the top) filled with colored water (the bomb) Rope, ribbon or something to section off a square around the ‘bomb’ String – used to lift the bomb out of the area Instructions: The group is not allowed to come within 8-10 feet of the object (=bomb). A safety ribbon is used to cordon off the area which is not allowed to be entered. The participant’s task is to ‘defuse’ the bomb. They do this by lifting the bomb out of the area using nothing but the string provided and transporting it 10 metres without touching the ground and laying it down in a target area (defined by the trainer). Uses: This is great for reenergizing a group and is also fantastic for communication, coordination and teamwork. To add a twist, you can ask participants to provide their opinion on how long the task will take or tell them the bomb will go off if not removed to the safe area in 10 minutes. Provide a prize to the closest guess or the best time. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 12 12

13 Picture This - Team Builder
Instructions Your team will need to create a picture that will be used for the front page of a local paper, magazine, company brochure etc. This picture must represent this topic: (TOPIC NAME HERE) The theme of this picture is: (PHOTO THEME HERE) You must create a photograph using all the members of the team. The photo should best represent the chosen topic/theme and look as professional as possible. The only two rules are that everyone should be in the picture and all should be involved in the process. Your team will have 15 minutes to discuss and produce this professional photo. Picture This Duration: 1 - 2 hours Objective: This teambuilding game is useful for identifying how teams interact as well as providing an opportunity for teams to ‘bond’ and work together closely on a fun and challenging activity. Tools: A digital camera, a lead to plug camera into a laptop, projector, relevant props i.e. clothing or items relevant to the chosen topic. Instructions: Participants are told that they need to create a picture that will be used for the front page of a local paper, magazine, company brochure etc. This picture will represent a topic of the trainers choosing i.e. ‘Teamwork!’, ‘Achievement’, ‘Challenge’ etc. (you could even choose a themed event i.e. ‘Cowboys & Indians’, ‘Cops & Robbers’, ‘Famous People’ etc.) The participant’s task is to create a photograph using all the members of the team. This photo should best represent the chosen topic and look as professional as possible. The only two rules are that everyone should be in the picture and all should be involved in the process. There is also a given time limit (15 minutes). If you want to make things competitive, you could pit two teams against each other with the best picture winning. Once the picture/s has been taken, it should be projected onto the screen whilst the review takes place. Review: Have the team rate their effectiveness on a 1-10 scale (1 meaning you didn’t work well together, 10 meaning you were extraordinary). They should then comment on their ratings. How did they communicate? Were there any leaders throughout the activity? Did everyone get a chance to be involved? Were any opinions overlooked? What difficulties did they face? What frustrations, if any, were there? How did they feel throughout the activity? What worked? What didn’t work? How happy are they with the final picture? What would they do differently next time? See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 15 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 13 13

14 Team Core Values & Attributes -Team Builder
Instructions A Team’s Core Values serve to identify the team itself, and they are the bonding glue that holds everything and everyone together. Great teams rally around a vivid vision, a passionate purpose, and compatible core values. A team’s attributes include its collective qualifications, skills, and knowledge. Develop a list of your team’s core values and identify your teams qualifications, skills, knowledge, training, hobbies, and experience (15 minutes). Be prepared to present your team’s Core Values and Attributes (3 minutes). Team C.V. Duration: minutes Objective: This teambuilding activity is useful in helping participants identify their team strengths. Resources Flip Chart and Markers Instructions: Ask participants to develop a list of the Team Core Values & Attributes. They should identify items like qualifications, skills, knowledge, training, hobbies, experience as well as developing a ‘profile’ that succinctly sums up the teams attributes (15 minutes). Review: In review, ask participants what they found out about themselves as a team and how they might use this knowledge going forward (3 minute presentations). The activity can also reveal some unusual and interesting facts about participants. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 15 Minutes 3 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 14 14

15 Play That Tune -Team Builder
Instructions As you can see we’ve provided each member of your team with an instrument. Our objective will be for your team to create a wonderful and a meaningful tune using your instruments. I’ll begin by asking the person with the drums to bash out a continual rhythm that will help to set the tone for the team. We will then move through ALL the instruments, asking each team member to add to the tune until everyone is playing a small part of the piece. Play That Tune – Team Building Duration: 20 – 40 minutes Objective: This team building game sets out to highlight the importance of individuals within a team and that everyone has a role to play. The team building game allows participants to have fun and also highlights a serious point. Resources Needed: Lots of easy to play (or easy to make a sound) instruments, for example: Drums, Bongos, Xylophone, Triangle, Recorder, Jaw Harp, Guitar etc. Instructions: Prior to starting this team building game, the trainer should clearly explain the instructions to the group. Provide each of the participants with an instrument and explain that at the end of the team building game you would like them to have created a meaningful tune between them. Start by asking the person with the drums to bash out a continual rhythm that will set the tone for the team. When there is a set rhythm going from the drummer. Move to the next instrument player and ask them to add a basic tune to the drummer’s rhythm. Continue moving through the instruments asking the person to add to the tune until everyone is playing a small part. If carried out carefully, you will find that the participants can establish something quite tuneful by simply sticking to their role and contributing a small part to the whole tune. You may need to stop, pause or otherwise allow participants to rest or start again throughout the game, but if you persevere with the task you will get some excellent outcomes. The team building game ends when they have achieved the task or the trainer calls a halt to the proceedings. The team building game should be seen as a fun activity that promotes working together as a team. The serious point is that a team is the sum of its parts and that we all have a role to play in creating something worthwhile, which should be discussed during the review. During the review, ensure you allow everyone to talk and discuss their feelings and how they felt the game developed. What was their role? Was it positive? What was the outcome? How did it feel? etc. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 15 15

16 Stepping Stones - Team Builder
Instructions You see 8 ½ by 11” papers laid out on the floor. Imagine these are stepping stones to cross a swiftly moving river. Your team has been stranded and needs to cross the river to get to safety. The only way to cross the river is to use the stepping stones. HOWEVER… Only one person can initially step on each stone because once that person moves off the stone, the stone will sink to the bottom of the river. Your team must work together and communicate effectively to get everyone across. BEGIN! Stepping Stones - Team Building Game Duration: 30 – 40 minutes Objective: This team building game can be used indoors or outdoors and works best with larger groups. The game will help to focus on team skills and encourages participants to communicate and interact. When reviewing this team building game you can focus on leadership skills, communication, group planning and working together as a team. Tools: A set of 8 ½ by 11” sheets of paper. There must always be less sheets than participants, i.e. if you have 15 participants, you only have 10 sheets. Instructions: Advise participants as follows: The team is stranded and needs to cross a river to get to safety. The only way to cross the river is to use the stepping stones (the 8 ½ by 11” sheets, which have already been laid out across the ‘river’). Only one person can step on a stone at any time. Once that person moves from the stone, the stone will sink to the bottom of the river. The task is to get everyone across safely. Your team must communicate effectively to get everyone across. Answer: The participants must ensure that someone is standing on each of the stones available and once on them do not move off that stone until the rest of the team have moved to safety. So, one person moves onto the first stone, then the next person steps on their toe and then onto the second stone. The third person steps on the toes of both the first and second person and waits on the third stone etc. etc. Once all of the stones have a person on them, you can start to move participants across and then once all ‘extra’ people are across you can begin to move the first person on the first stone across and then the second until all are safely across. Review: The review is more important than the task for this team building game. Use the following questions and add in your own… What roles did people take in the group? Was there a leader? Who? Why? Did anyone feel left out? Why? What was the action plan? How did you communicate? What worked well? What didn’t work? What would you do next time? See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 16 16

17 Name Anagram - Team Builder
Instructions Make an anagram from the letters within your name that describes you, a hobby or interest of yours. You can use your middle name if required and you don’t have to use all of the letters in your name. Once you have thought of the anagram derived from letters in your name you are to introduce yourself and explain why you’ve chosen these particular words. i.e. – GARTH – Gregarious, Action Oriented, Racquetball, Helpful. Name Anagram Duration: 2-3 minutes per person Objective This icebreaker is useful to help break the ice in a creative way at the beginning of a training session or meeting. It also provides an element of creativity whilst exploring the personality traits of individuals. Instructions Ask each person to make an anagram from the letters within their name that describes them, or a hobby interest of theirs. They can use their middle name if required and don’t have to use all of the letters. Once they have thought of the anagram from their name they are to introduce themselves and explain why they have chosen that particular characteristic. See more fantastic trainers games, icebreakers, team builders and energizers at 3 Minutes Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 17 17

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