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Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme

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Presentation on theme: "Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme
Delivering at pace

2 Mytholmroyd Setting the Scene
Steven Lee Assistant Director (Strategic Infrastructure) Calderdale MBC

3 400 years of flooding 1615: Earliest flood on record; Elland Bridge is swept away 1722: Ripponden Parish Church and Stirk Bridge are destroyed 1855: 15 yard high wall of water inundates homes, properties and schools 1870: 3 drowned as worst flood of the century hits Valley 1921: Hill slide streams turn to raging torrents and valley inundated 1946: Public call for defence measures as nearly 1000 homes flood 1967: Premises flooded to 2 foot depth, though ongoing improvement scheme helps 1982: August thunderstorms cause severe flooding, main roads shut for 12 days 2012: Highest food flood on record on Calder, river rises 5 metres 2015: Boxing Day floods hit 3000 premises, destroy 2 historic bridges, closes 8 schools, and causes major landslide.

4 River Calder Catchment

5 River Calder Catchment – Key facts
The River Calder flows for approximately 72km from its source, 400m above sea level, to its confluence with the River Aire near Castleford. The Upper Calder Valley is characterised by swift-flowing upland streams which then flow through a series of former mill towns nestling in the narrow valley bottom. Recent Flood events in 2007, 2012, 2013 and 2015 Typical Av. Year Flow c.19m3/s Max recorded flow 374m3/s

6 And the rain fell on saturated ground

7 River gauge data for Boxing Day

8 The hit

9 Impact on Mytholmroyd

10 Impact on Mytholmroyd

11 Mytholmroyd in context

12 Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme: Delivering at Pace
Adrian Gill Area Flood and Coastal Risk Manager Environment Agency

13 The commitment An additional £35m will also be invested in the Calder Valley to better protect 1,600 properties. This will include schemes in Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd. A feasibility study for the Calder Valley is already underway with an action plan for Mytholmroyd due to be published in May and a plan for the whole Valley by this autumn. Defra Press Statement following March 2016 Budget

14 The challenge Delivery an Action Plan for Mytholmroyd by May 2016
Delivery an Action Plan for the Calder Valley by October 2016 Start work on site at Mytholmroyd by Dec 2016

15 Partnership objectives
Engage community Deliver at pace Maximise reduction in flood risk Deliver best possible scheme Affordable within programme budget Minimise impact on community

16 Engage community Visitor Centre Community group meetings
Dedicated engagement officers from EA, CMBC and VBA.  Early establishment of site office





21 Deliver at pace – Asset recovery
Rebuilding of failed embankment between the River Calder and the Rochdale Canal

22 Deliver at pace – Asset recovery
Demolished a dangerous building on a failing culvert, removed the culvert and rebuilt river walls

23 Deliver at pace – Procurement

24 Deliver at pace – Procurement
Competitive tender – quality only. PSC Option E Outline Design Action Plan Planning Applications Site Investigation Development of the ECC CDM PCI “Identify opportunities to accelerate project delivery” ECC Option C Detailed Design & Construction

25 Deliver at pace - Design
Direct Award to existing modelling consultants Very early engagement with statutory consultees Worked closely with recovery programme to maximise opportunities Extra resources from EA and CMBC Risked based decisions

26 Maximise reduction in flood risk











37 Future option: Additional channel widening

38 Future option: Additional channel widening

39 Deliver best possible scheme









48 Affordable within programme budget
Overall programme c.£75m up to 2021 £35m booster funding Approx. £22m FCRM GiA c.£11m secured contributions

49 Affordable within programme budget
Estimated scheme cost £29m £24.5m booster and FCRM GiA £4.5m secured contributions

50 Minimise impact on community: Traffic management
Bluetooth technology used to monitor traffic queues Regular communications enable motorists to plan alternative transport/routes where required Collaboration with other services ensures a coordinated approach Pedestrian crossings modified and crossing operative employed to improve safety

51 Issues, risks and challenges
Importance of effective communications within the team, with partners and community Pressure on key members of staff Traffic management

52 Mytholmroyd Opportunities

53 Partnership governance

54 Investment opportunities
Mytholmroyd FAS £28.4M Hebden Bridge FAS £14.7M A646 Transport Corridor £6.0M ESIF funding for Caldene Bridge £1.6M City Connect Cycling £1.0M English Heritage £0.15M

55 Placemaking opportunities

56 Placemaking strategy

57 22 reservoirs in the Calder Valley

58 Complimentary measure: Natural Flood Management

59 Plate weir Woody leaky dams Gully stuffing

60 Questions?

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