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SERDP Funding Opportunities
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FY 2020 SERDP Funding Opportunities
Herbert Nelson, Ph.D. Executive Director Andrea Leeson, Ph.D. Deputy Director
DoD’s Environmental Technology Programs
Science and Technology Demonstration and Validation
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)
Established by Congress in FY 1991 10 U.S.C. Section DoD, DOE and EPA partnership 6.3 Program Element with statutory authority to support 6.1 through 6.3 High-priority environmental science and technology areas that address DoD unique issues Environmental issues with large costs to DoD
Environmental Technology Development Process
SERDP ESTCP Service Requirements Basic/Applied Research Advanced Development Demonstration Validation Implementation Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense – Sustainment
Threatened and Endangered Species Maritime Sustainability
Environmental Drivers Sustainability of Ranges, Facilities, and Operations Threatened and Endangered Species Maritime Sustainability Toxic Air Emissions and Dust UXO & Munitions Constituents Noise Sustainable FOB Changing Environment
Environmental Drivers Reduction of Current and Future Liability
Contamination from Past Practices Pollution Prevention to Control Life Cycle Costs Groundwater, soils and sediments Large UXO liability Emerging contaminants Elimination of pollutants and hazardous materials in manufacturing maintenance and operations Achieve compliance through pollution prevention
Program Area Management Structure
Weapons Systems & Platforms Environmental Restoration Resource Conservation & Resiliency Munitions Response
SERDP Technical Committees
Program Process SERDP Technical Committees Army Navy Air Force DOE EPA Environmental Requirements Statements of Need Proposals Solicitations Funded Projects
SERDP Solicitations Core Statements of Need (SON)
Multiple awards per SON Multi-year proposals & limited scope proposals Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Universities, industry, and non-governmental organizations Federal Call DoD and other Federal agencies SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) SON $200K or less and approximately 1 year Seeks innovative high-risk and high-payoff work BAA and Federal Call
Core Solicitation Process
SERDP Staff & Technical Committees Broad Agency Announcement Federal Call for Proposals Pre-proposal Staff Review Scientific Merit DoD Relevance Full Proposal Peer Review Technical Committee Review SAB Approval Selection
Core Solicitation Dates
January 8, 2019, 2:00 ET Pre-proposals Due Early February 2019 Full Proposals Requested March 5, 2019, 2:00 ET Full Proposals Due July-August 2019 Selection Notifications Sent September-October 2019 Present to Scientific Advisory Board Spring 2020 Project Initiation Visit the SERDP web site for details
SEED Solicitation Dates
March 5, 2019, 2:00 ET Full Proposals Due July-August 2019 Selection Notifications Sent Spring 2020 Project Initiation Visit the SERDP web site for details
FY19 Solicitation Success Statistics
Core Pre-proposal to Selection Full Proposal to Selection FY19 SERDP BAA 15% 38% FY19 SERDP Federal 21% FY19 SERDP All 18% SEED - N/A
Proposal Selection Criteria - Core
Relevance (Pass/Fail) Does it address the SON Objective? Is it basic research, applied research, or advanced technology development? Technical Merit Overall scientific and technical merit of the submission Personnel Qualifications, capabilities, and achievements Cost Reasonable for the technical complexity Additional Criteria for Full Proposal Evaluation Transition Plan
SEED Selection Criteria
Relevance (Pass/Fail) Does it address the SON Objective? Is it basic research, applied research, or advanced technology development? Technical Merit Overall scientific and technical merit of the submission Strong consideration will be given to innovation Transition Potential Clear identification of the critical proof of concept Identification of the future development path
Hallmarks of a Competitive Proposal
Clearly Addresses the Statement of Need Demonstrates an Understanding of the State of the Science Hypothesis Driven Work Focused on the Technical Approach Detailed approach Clear experimental design
FY 2020 Statements of Need
Biodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Found in Aqueous Film Forming Foams
Improve understanding of biodegradation processes and biological treatment strategies for PFASs in the subsurface. Identification and/or isolation of microorganisms capable of degrading perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), particularly perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). Improved understanding of biodegradation processes that could lead to PFAS biological treatment alone or as part of a treatment train. Biological treatment strategies capable of destroying PFOS and related PFAAs in or extracted from aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF)-contaminated groundwaters. Biological treatment strategies to degrade potential PFAA precursors without production of PFAAs. Identification of enzymes capable of defluorination of PFAAs and/or genes coding for such enzymes.
Development of Passive Sampling Methodologies for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
Develop passive sampling methods to provide repeatable and environmentally relevant measures of PFASs. Develop passive sampling media competent to quantitatively “concentrate” the wide range of PFAS of interest from water. Establish physical-chemical properties, including sorbent/water partition coefficients, molecular diffusivities of PFAS in water and sorbent media. Establish the range of PFAS that can be quantifiably sampled using the sorbent(s). Characterize the impacts of co-contaminants and various water quality and conditions. Develop a fundamental understanding of the natural solid-water sorption coefficients of PFAs as a function of sorbate properties, natural solids, and solution properties. Develop passive samplers that yield representative spatial and temporal interrogation of site contaminants when deployed. Develop passive sampling methods/procedures that are capable of being efficiently deployed and retrieved in widely varying field applications.
Development of Analytical Methods to Assess Leaching and Mobility of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Soils, Sediments, and Solid Wastes Develop standard operating protocols to assess the potential for leaching and mobility of PFAS from solids (solids, soils, and sediments). Rapid, accurate, and reproducible characterization of PFAS in solids is needed to aid in the screening, geochemical assessment, and disposal requirements of PFAS and PFAS-contaminated materials. Development of a standardized method, similar to the Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure, to assess the leachability and mobility of PFAS from solid matrices. Solids may include solid waste, concrete, biosolids, emergency response wastes, and other materials of commerce. Development of new or improved methods to evaluate sorption/desorption affinity of PFAS for specific solid materials of concern to the DoD (e.g., concrete, soils, construction debris, sediments).
Forensic Methods for Source Tracking and Allocation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
Develop improved forensic methods and tools for source tracking and allocation of PFAS. Evaluation of conventional or novel analytical techniques or methodologies to differentiate PFAS from aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) versus non-AFFF sources. Develop spectral libraries of PFAS to include both AFFF-derived PFAS as well as PFAS derived from other sources (e.g., consumer products, utilization in industrial manufacturing processes, landfill leachate, etc.). Improved analytical methods and/or validated models to predict changes to AFFF mixtures over time, including chemical pathways to the most toxic compounds.
Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater
Develop technologies to detect, classify, and remediate military munitions found at underwater sites. Wide variety of aquatic environments. Water depths up to 35 meters are of primary interest. Specific need for systems that can operate in depths less than 5 meters. Munitions of interest range from small projectiles and mortars to large bombs. Proposals addressing any aspect of munitions response for underwater sites will be considered, with particular interest in the following topics: Wide Area and Detailed Surveys Cost-Effective Recovery and Disposal FY 2020 SEED SON with the same technical requirements.
Installation Resilience Research: Theoretical Frameworks for Compound Threats
Improve the analysis of compound threats such as natural hazards, resource unavailability, and technology failure to DoD installations through research focused on the development of appropriate frameworks and modeling methods. Investigate the relationship between risk of compounding events and resilience to them since the lack of recovery and adaptation capabilities hold the potential to contribute to the risk of precipitating additional events. Development of methodological approaches for assessment of the gains of resilience with specific strategies/structures, considering the costs and benefits with and without specific disruptive events and unknown systematics threats. Mapping the interaction of threats in ways that identify installation and facility vulnerabilities to multiple types of events. Development of strategies that support recovery from compound or catastrophic events that consider the role of DoD in the surrounding community.
Improved Understanding of Response of DoD Relevant Marine Mammal Populations to Multiple Stressors
Advance scientific understanding of marine mammal response to exposure from multiple stressors, especially for threatened, endangered, and at risk (TES) species and populations. Advance the understanding of the cumulative effects of exposure to multiple stressors in marine mammals. Of particular interest is interdisciplinary research to explore solutions to the problem of predicting how the effects of two or more stressors interact and affect a population, including the relevant theory, data, and measurement systems required for understanding the cumulative effects of exposure to multiple stressors. Identify and elucidate case studies that apply the Population Consequence of Multiple Stressors (PCoMS) Framework to marine mammals to investigate the effects of multiple stressors on marine mammal individuals and populations.
DoD Wildland Fire Management Research for Improved Military Land Use
Improve understanding of self-organization of convective structures and near-fire smoke plume development for the purpose of ultimately improving the management of fire for military land-use. Improve understanding of physical fire processes at spatial and temporal scales relevant to plumes dynamics, fire behavior, and spotting. Advance understanding of the impact of wild land fires on both ozone and particulate matter. Advance understanding of fuel dynamics and structure, especially fuel moisture dynamics and the importance of fuel heterogeneity as it relates to fire intensity, ember production, emissions, and crown fire.
Development of Advanced Coating Systems
Develop innovative, advanced protective coatings and systems that exhibit improved protective properties, require fewer resources, are easier to use, and are environmentally sustainable. Improve coating lifecycle weapon system compliance to applicable environmental and worker Occupational Health and Safety regulations. Address one or more key technical or operational lifecycle criteria including but not limited to: Scalable, less complex application, curing and/or stripping technique(s) or method(s) Improved, less complex chemistry or composite configurations/layers Improved military operational protective properties Improved energy efficient coating methods and techniques which can reduce friction thus improving air/water flow dynamics (e.g., roughness, thickness, texturing) The ability to selectively strip or apply coatings
Advanced Synthesis Techniques for Military-Relevant Energetic Materials or Significant Precursors
Develop synthetic approaches leading to production of energetic materials and their precursors that will eliminate or drastically reduce hazardous waste streams from nitration processes and other synthesis steps. Specific materials of interest are listed in the SON. Desired technology attributes include: Demonstration of efficient process/es Reduction or elimination of solvents Improved yields Inexpensive and commercially available starting materials Improved lifecycle cost High purity isolated product/s Experimentation on production relevant equipment or equipment that can be scaled to production or pilot levels Compliance with relevant quality and performance specifications
Novel Solutions for Prevention of CMAS Accumulation in Gas Turbine Engines
Develop novel material thermal/environmental high temperature protective or barrier (T/EBC) coatings for increased sustainment and performance of military gas turbine engines. Must prevent buildup of calcia-magnesia-alumino-silicates (CMAS) on engine components. Effort may consist of a modeling component, as well as: Development of particulate resistant and CMAS-phobic high temperature T/EBC and bulk substrate. Characterization of high temperature material in button-cell rig, thermomechanical fatigue and creep testing machines, and hot particulate ingestion jet burner rig. Test evaluations of proposed coated bulk substrate material under relevant engine flow conditions. Comparison of thermal and sand non-adherence performance of the new thermal barrier coating with respect to the current industry standard.
Environmentally Benign Rocket Propellants
Develop lead-free insensitive rocket propellant formulations, specifically focus on one of the following: Develop lead-free extruded double base propellant in a 2.75” configuration that meets or exceeds current Hydra/Zuni performance. Develop lead-free castable propellant minimum smoke propellant for close combat applications that meets current performance without using RDX or isocyanates. Evaluate novel thermal stabilizers which do not form hazardous byproducts. Propellants should be compatible with current processing requirements and deliver comparable performance. Propellants must result in a reduction in overall lifecycle impact and meet insensitive munition requirements.
Development of New Approaches for Demilitarization of Conventional Military Munitions
Develop environmentally friendly approaches for demilitarization of a variety of munitions that currently do not have an identified demilitarization capability or that rely on open burn and open detonation disposal methods. Proposals are specifically requested for: Whole item solution for mixed munition types Disposition of bulk insensitive melt pour explosives for munitions Facilitated removal and disposal of cast cured explosives Demilitarization of pyrotechnic and illumination rounds, countermeasure flares, riot control agents, smoke producing munitions and munitions containing hexachloroethane (HC) as the primary fill (as well as bulk HC)
Reduction of Hazardous Waste Streams from Composite Manufacturing and Repair (SEED)
Develop sustainable materials and processes to enable recertification, reuse, and recycling of composites to reduce waste, as well as environmental and worker exposure to dangerous chemicals and particulates. Of particular interest are solutions including, but not limited to: Best practices in composites use to minimize waste. Identification of alternative uses of scrap and expiring materials. Improvements in methodologies to share expiring materials across the DoD. Protocols to assess the shelf-life of a composite material beyond its expiration date and methods to adjust composite processing to the current state of the material. Methodologies to produce high performance composite materials whereby recovery of the fibers and polymer is possible using a non-ambient stimulus. Development of methodologies to safely handle, reuse, and recycle composite materials. Development narrow-band cure materials that require specific conditions to cure.
Workshops Key to identifying data gaps and research questions
Gather end users, policy makers and technology implementers to brainstorm for two days Generate report summarizing discussions and data needs Feeds into SERDP & ESTCP strategic plan
Research and Development Efforts SERDP Chlorinated Solvents Statement-of-Needs
Technologies Characterization Complexities Decision Support In the last 20 years, SERDP’s focus has been on developing better characterization tools, decision management and support systems, and remedial technologies to aid DoD users. Since then, SERDP’s Principal Investigators (PIs) have completed projects on DNAPL source identification and delineation, impacts of treating sources, plume loading, challenges with fractured media, improved distribution of amendments, plume response, remediation treatment technologies success and vapor phase intrusion. The collective understanding gained through this work has yielded important scientific knowledge that continuously helps DoD site managers. Recent research efforts have focused on remedy optimization, fine scale delineation, post remediation performance, long-term attenuation, mixed contamination, and abiotic attenuation. 2012 2000 2008 1998 2004 2010 2002 2006 2014 2016
Long-Term Attenuation
Research and Development Efforts SERDP Chlorinated Solvents Statement-of-Needs Technologies Characterization Complexities Decision Support In the last 20 years, SERDP’s focus has been on developing better characterization tools, decision management and support systems, and remedial technologies to aid DoD users. Since then, SERDP’s Principal Investigators (PIs) have completed projects on DNAPL source identification and delineation, impacts of treating sources, plume loading, challenges with fractured media, improved distribution of amendments, plume response, remediation treatment technologies success and vapor phase intrusion. The collective understanding gained through this work has yielded important scientific knowledge that continuously helps DoD site managers. Recent research efforts have focused on remedy optimization, fine scale delineation, post remediation performance, long-term attenuation, mixed contamination, and abiotic attenuation. ISCO Long-Term Attenuation In Situ Thermal Abiotic Attenuation In Situ Bio Long-Term Monitoring 2012 2000 2008 1998 2004 2010 2002 2006 2014 2016
Long-Term Attenuation
Research and Development Efforts SERDP Chlorinated Solvents Statement-of-Needs Technologies Characterization Complexities Decision Support MBTs Fine Scale Delineation DNAPL Source Identification Source Delineation Vapor Intrusion In the last 20 years, SERDP’s focus has been on developing better characterization tools, decision management and support systems, and remedial technologies to aid DoD users. Since then, SERDP’s Principal Investigators (PIs) have completed projects on DNAPL source identification and delineation, impacts of treating sources, plume loading, challenges with fractured media, improved distribution of amendments, plume response, remediation treatment technologies success and vapor phase intrusion. The collective understanding gained through this work has yielded important scientific knowledge that continuously helps DoD site managers. Recent research efforts have focused on remedy optimization, fine scale delineation, post remediation performance, long-term attenuation, mixed contamination, and abiotic attenuation. ISCO Long-Term Attenuation In Situ Thermal Abiotic Attenuation In Situ Bio Long-Term Monitoring 2012 2000 2008 1998 2004 2010 2002 2006 2014 2016
Long-Term Attenuation
Research and Development Efforts SERDP Chlorinated Solvents Statement-of-Needs Technologies Characterization Complexities Decision Support Low-K Zones Mixed Contamination Improved Distribution Fractured Media Remedy Optimization Large Dilute Plumes Improved Mixing MBTs Fine Scale Delineation DNAPL Source Identification Source Delineation Vapor Intrusion In the last 20 years, SERDP’s focus has been on developing better characterization tools, decision management and support systems, and remedial technologies to aid DoD users. Since then, SERDP’s Principal Investigators (PIs) have completed projects on DNAPL source identification and delineation, impacts of treating sources, plume loading, challenges with fractured media, improved distribution of amendments, plume response, remediation treatment technologies success and vapor phase intrusion. The collective understanding gained through this work has yielded important scientific knowledge that continuously helps DoD site managers. Recent research efforts have focused on remedy optimization, fine scale delineation, post remediation performance, long-term attenuation, mixed contamination, and abiotic attenuation. ISCO Long-Term Attenuation In Situ Thermal Abiotic Attenuation In Situ Bio Long-Term Monitoring 2012 2000 2008 1998 2004 2010 2002 2006 2014 2016
Research and Development Efforts SERDP Chlorinated Solvents Statement-of-Needs
Technologies Characterization Complexities Decision Support Low-K Zones Mixed Contamination Improved Distribution Fractured Media Remedy Optimization Large Dilute Plumes Improved Mixing MBTs Fine Scale Delineation DNAPL Source Identification Source Delineation Vapor Intrusion Plume Response Post-Remediation Performance Remediation GW Impacts ISCO Long-Term Attenuation In Situ Thermal Abiotic Attenuation In Situ Bio Long-Term Monitoring 2012 2000 2008 1998 2004 2010 2002 2006 2014 2016 In the last 20 years, SERDP’s focus has been on developing better characterization tools, decision management and support systems, and remedial technologies to aid DoD users. Since then, SERDP’s Principal Investigators (PIs) have completed projects on DNAPL source identification and delineation, impacts of treating sources, plume loading, challenges with fractured media, improved distribution of amendments, plume response, remediation treatment technologies success and vapor phase intrusion. The collective understanding gained through this work has yielded important scientific knowledge that continuously helps DoD site managers. Recent research efforts have focused on remedy optimization, fine scale delineation, post remediation performance, long-term attenuation, mixed contamination, and abiotic attenuation. Impacts of Treating Sources
Pending Issues Are we done yet? Implications of shrinking budgets?
Future technologies (omics, sensors, IoT)? How to handle “underperforming remedies”? Accept limits or overwhelm complex sites? How to Reduce Long Term Management & Monitoring Cost? How to Handle Suboptimal Performance? How Common Is it? Is non-optimal performance expected? Opportunities to Reduce Cost & Improve Performance? Less Frequent, Less Intensive Monitoring Inevitable – How to do it best? High-Res? “Transition Assessments” – Will they happen? Do we know how to do it? Unmonitored Natural Attenuation? How do we apply what we have learned to PFAS?
Workshop: Management of DoD’s Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Sites
Held July 2018; attended by ~70 representatives from academia, industry, DoD, DOE, EPA and State agencies Objectives Review current state of the science regarding chlorinated solvent contamination in groundwater; Evaluate whether currently available characterization, remediation, and monitoring technologies meet users’ needs and requirements; and Identify and prioritize remaining research, demonstration and technology transfer opportunities The objectives of this workshop are to (1) review the current state of the science regarding chlorinated solvent contamination in groundwater; (2) evaluate whether currently available characterization, remediation, and monitoring technologies meet users’ needs and requirements; and (3) identify and prioritize remaining research opportunities.
Workshop Approach Formal presentations
State of the science Current management challenges, barriers and limitations to achieving cleanup goals Small breakout group discussions Optimal role for SERDP/ESTCP Each breakout group received focus questions Large group discussion for consensus Approach Workshop held in July 18-19, 2018 in Seattle, WA, the two-day workshop will consist of a limited number of formal presentations describing the state of the science and current management challenges, barriers and limitations to achieving cleanup goals, followed by group discussions to strategize the optimal role that SERDP and ESTCP can take to aid in more effective managing these sites.
Focus Questions Defining the new conceptual site model (CSM) for remaining sites in the DoD inventory. Do we have source zones that still need to be addressed? How should we address back-diffusion? How does the presence of contaminants such as PFASs, ethanes, 1,4-dioxane, and other emerging and recalcitrant compounds impact the CSM?
Focus Questions (cont’d)
Site characterization and fine scale delineation Do we have the tools we need? What major challenges and opportunities in characterizing and managing chlorinated solvent sites remain?
Focus Questions (cont’d)
Long term performance of remediation technologies What are the most promising technologies? What are the opportunities to reduce monitoring and O&M costs?
Focus Questions (cont’d)
Technology transfer issues Where is technology transfer most critically absent? What methodologies could be used to improve technology transfer to key communities?
Focus Questions (cont’d)
Future Directions Are there issues associated with contaminated groundwater that are not being addressed? Do we need to revisit issues we thought to be complete (i.e., petroleum hydrocarbons, etc.)?
Research, demonstration and technology transfer needs
Future Tech transfer Long term performance CSM Site Characterization
Workshop Results Improved understanding & quantification of natural attenuation mechanisms in plumes Quantitative understanding of effect of co-contaminants on CVOCs Integration of information from fine-scale delineation tools for improved decision making at complex sites Comprehensive decision framework for remedy selection Improved CSMs for understanding the factors sustaining and controlling persistent chlorinated solvent plume behavior Fundamental understanding of processes influencing effectiveness and fate of particulate amendments Improved analysis of performance date from P&T systems to predict decline in mass discharge over time Methodologies to determine ability to transition from active measures
Quantitative Groundwater Plume Characterization to Support Transition Assessments
Develop more quantitative assessments of contaminant plumes in groundwater to identify transition points from active to more passive remedial measures, and to assess the impacts of interim remedial measures. Development of tools and techniques to identify trace and discrete contaminant sources for persistent source areas so that they can be captured within conceptual site models (CSMs). Development of tools, methods, and approaches to extract useful rate constants for naturally occurring long-term biotic and abiotic transformation processes. Development of tools and techniques to quantify the processes governing the slow release of contaminants from low permeability zones, so that they can be accounted for in CSM. Development of approaches, methods, and models that will quantify the max concentration of a contaminant that can be allowed in groundwater leaving a contaminated source zone. Improved approaches, methods, and models to determine when to stop pumping groundwater or to transition from active treatment to a more passive treatment strategy. Improved understanding of interim remedial measures.
Washington Hilton Hotel - Washington, D.C.
November , 2018 Washington Hilton Hotel - Washington, D.C.
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