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Year 3 Curriculum Sharing Evening

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1 Year 3 Curriculum Sharing Evening
Mr Poole and Miss Green


3 Year 3 and Key Stage 2 Independence & Responsibility Your child will be expected to take responsibility for his or her own belongings. Children will be in charge of: changing their reading book as well as handing in letters, homework and planners. Swimming/PE kits.

4 Overview – Subject to change

5 Literacy Spelling/Guided Reading – every morning. 1 week GR, 1 week Spelling. Language and Literacy Scheme. Big Write every other week. Discrete grammar sessions during Big Write. Reading – during Guided Reading sessions and Literacy lessons. Book bands from last year continue.

6 A daily ‘Five a Day’ challenge based on arithmetic skills.
Maths Taught daily – Abacus. A daily ‘Five a Day’ challenge based on arithmetic skills. KS2 Calculation policy is on the school website.

7 ∙ Rainforests Egyptians The Stone Age The UK
Topics ∙ Rainforests Egyptians The Stone Age The UK

8 Madame Baillie to teach both classes. Recap the basics first.
French Madame Baillie to teach both classes. Recap the basics first.

9 PSHCE New beginnings and feeling welcome Working and playing together
Exploring feelings Following the SEAL theme for the year Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism

10 PE/Games Swimming every other Tuesday (alternating classes)
PE on a Wednesday Gymnastics Dance Hockey Netball/Football Rugby Basketball Tennis/Rounders Cricket/Sports Day

11 Swimming Year 3 swim every Tuesday at school swimming pool
Your kit should include: costume, towel and swimming hat. Swimming teachers to collect children and set children according to ability.

12 Rewards and Sanctions Team points Star of the week
Value bands - truth, polite, respect, try your best and kindness – they restart in KS2. Codes system Orange – 10 minutes of break time Blue – whole of break See Mrs Salmons and code written in planners

13 Homework Given out on Thursday and collected in the following Thursday
Literacy and Maths homework every week – linked to learning in school 4 times reading a week = 1 TP, 7 times = 3 TP. Signed off in planners

14 Trips and Visits Visit from Virtual Space Reality Plant Talk (TBC)
Zoo Lab Egyptian Day – History off the Page Stone Age Day – Hill End

15 Playtime No official playtime in the afternoon but we are aware that sometimes they will need a break. Healthy snacks – fruit and veg for morning break.

16 Parent Consultations Thursday 6th December 4.30pm-8pm Friday 7th December 8.00am-1:00pm

17 Contact Notes in planners – only checked on Thursdays On the playground after school office for more formal meetings

18 Any Questions?

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