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Helpline: +91 9555 78 1100.

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Presentation on theme: "Helpline: +91 9555 78 1100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helpline:

2 Helpline:

3 Helpline:

4 Helpline:

5 Helpline:

6 Helpline:

7 Helpline:

8 Helpline:

9 Helpline:

10 Helpline:

11 Helpline:

12 Share your location You can share your current location with the people and circles you choose across Google products such as Google+ and Google Now. You can share your pinpoint or city-level location, and you can share different things with different circles. For example, you can share your precise location with family, but share only what city you’re in with your co-workers. You can also change who can see your location or turn off Location Sharing at any time. Helpline:

13 Helpline:

14 Helpline:

15 Helpline:

16 Helpline:

17 Helpline:

18 Helpline:

19 Helpline:

20 Helpline:

21 Helpline:

22 Helpline:

23 Helpline:

24 Helpline:

25 Helpline:

26 For Work Unlimited Helpline:

27 Helpline:

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