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Survival Kits.

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Presentation on theme: "Survival Kits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survival Kits



4 What situation is your survival kit intended?
For survival….Duh! The size of your container will determine Hiking vs car vs boat vs camping

5 What goes in your survival kit?

6 Daytime Signaling Any type of reflective surface Mirror CD
Credit card/ID Piece of metal Surface of phone/ipod etc Whistle Bright colored clothing

7 Night-time Signaling Fire Flashlight

8 First-Aid Band-aides Antiseptic cream Duck tape Cloth Gauze pads
Personal Medications Benadryl Ibuprofen Tylenol

9 Shelter Instant Shelters Long Term Shelters Tarp Rope Garbage bag
Space blanket Rope/cordage Rain poncho Long Term Shelters Rope Nails/screws Rope/cordage The rest can be found in nature

10 Fire Starter Lighter Matches Flint and steel Magnifying glass
Battery and steel wool Bow and drill

11 Tinder TP Paper Vaseline soaked Cotton Dryer lint Natural tinders
Commercial tinders Tampons

12 Water Purification Iodine tablets Commercial filter
Containers for boiling Tinfoil for boiling

13 Water Transportation Ziplocks Bottles Containers Condoms Rubber gloves

14 Food Candy/granola bars Hard candy Crystal lite type powders
Things that won’t spoil Fishing line and hooks Nails for spears

15 Multi-Purpose Devices
Leatherman Nails Swiss army knife Knife Rope Twine Hatchet Any item that can be used for more than one purpose

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