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Literary Terms and Concepts

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Terms and Concepts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Terms and Concepts
Review 3

2 Irony

3 Irony Definition A special kind of contrast between appearance and reality-usually one in which reality is the opposite from what it seems 3 types of irony

4 3 Types of Irony Situational-Contrast between what a reader or character expects and what actually exists or happens Dramatic-Where the reader or viewer knows something that a character does not know

5 3 Types of Irony Verbal-When someone knowingly exaggerates or says one thing and means another

6 Main Idea

7 Main Idea Definition A writer’s principle message.
Main idea of a paragraph is usually found in the topic sentence.

8 Mood

9 Mood Definition The feeling of atmosphere that the writer creates for the reader

10 Motivation

11 Motivation Definition
A circumstance or set of circumstances that prompts a character to act in a certain way or that determines the outcome of a situation or work

12 Narrator

13 Narrator Definition The character or voice from whose point of view events are told

14 Nonfiction

15 Nonfiction Definition
Prose writing that deals with real people, events, and places

16 Novel

17 Novel Definition A long work that takes the average reader several days, or even weeks, to finish.

18 Personal Narrative

19 Personal Narrative Definition
A short form of autobiographical writing in which the author concentrates on a significant experience in his or her life.

20 Plot Climax Rising Action Falling Action Exposition

21 Plot Definition The sequence of events in a story

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