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THE POWER OF FAILURE Building Bounce in a World that Frowns on Failing

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1 THE POWER OF FAILURE Building Bounce in a World that Frowns on Failing
#NHSA15 @AskDocG @AskDoctorG

2 If you could wave a magic wand...
What do you want for your child’s future?

3 hap·pi· ness: noun good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy
INGREDIENTS: Confidence Competence Strong relationships

4 HOW DOES FAILURE HELP? Proves independence → confidence
Leads to competence Builds relationship Teaches resilience. 4

5 WHY DO ADULTS STEP IN? Love. Fear. Guilt. 5

6 SOURCE: Journal of Child and Family Studies, Feb 2013

7 THE COST “Students who reported having over-controlling parents reported significantly higher levels of depression and less satisfaction with life. Furthermore, the negative effects of helicopter parenting on college students’ well-being were largely explained by the perceived violation of students’ basic psychological needs for autonomy and competence.”

The Myth: “Getting involved will make us both feel better!” The Truth: Stepping back helps kids become adults.

9 The ability to RECOVER from ADVERSITY!
WHAT IS RESILIENCE? The ability to RECOVER from ADVERSITY! What do we know? Bad things happen. There are always choices to be made. Feelings change over time. Recovery requires tools and experience. What do they need? PRACTICE.

10 Building resilience requires trust.
FINDING RESILIENCE Building resilience requires trust. What doesn’t work? “Stop crying!” Why not? Disrespectful Strong emotion is a sign of fight or flight. What does work? Communication and repetition.

11 WHAT WOULD BE BETTER? Doing = learning. Doing builds resilience!
Home skills Relationship skills Problem-solving! Look for chances to take one step back.

12 HOME SKILLS Manners Food Clothing Cleaning Privacy Consequences

13 RELATIONSHIP SKILLS Siblings Friendships Relatives Teachers Strangers

14 PROBLEM SOLVING Let life teach the lesson! Praise the process.
Play “What if?” Read a book or watch a show. “I’ll be really interested to see what you do!”

Adult involvement supports Safety Comfort Adult intervention harms Confidence Competence Relationships

16 hap·pi· ness: noun good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy
INGREDIENTS: Confidence Competence Strong relationships

17 Private page NHSA: @AskDocG


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