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Culture and Climate Data Dive

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Presentation on theme: "Culture and Climate Data Dive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture and Climate Data Dive
Please sit in groups. Thanks. January 30, 2018 Margie Johnson, Ed.D.

2 Today’s Purpose and Outcome
Our purpose is to foster a culture of collaboration to support student success. Our outcome for today’s meeting is to model the collaborative inquiry process to analyze the use Panorama culture and climate data and develop next steps for Spring 2018.

3 Groups at Work – 2011 MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved
Culture is like….. Because…….. Groups at Work – 2011 MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved

4 MNPS Collaborative Inquiry
Collaborative Inquiry is a data-based team process that consciously uses the collaborative learning cycle (activating and engaging, exploring and discovering, and organizing and integrating) and the qualities of effective groups (fostering a culture of trust, maintaining a clear focus, taking collective responsibility and data-informed decision-making). MNPS Collaborative Inquiry Community of Practice


6 Observations

7 Observations Staff Survey Fall 2017 Student Survey Fall 2017


9 Groups at Work – 2011 MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved
Given what was discussed today, what might be some next steps? Stop Continue Start Groups at Work – 2011 MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved

10 Exit Ticket Reflection
What might be some actions you take as a result of our time together today? Reflection

11 Feedback--- How Was Today’s Meeting
Individually Use a post-it note to provide feedback.

12 Wrap Up

13 MNPS Collaborative Inquiry Toolkit

14 References Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2011). Groups at work: Strategies and structures for professional learning. Sherman, CT: MiraVia, LLC.

15 Thanks for all you do for our students!
Hope you have a wonderful day!

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