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How can we describe fields, isolines, and gradients on maps?

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Presentation on theme: "How can we describe fields, isolines, and gradients on maps?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we describe fields, isolines, and gradients on maps?
Aim: How can we describe fields, isolines, and gradients on maps?

2 Isolines Lines that connect points of equal field values

3 Examples of isolines: Isotherms: points of equal temperature Isobar:
points of equal barometric (air) pressure Contour: points of equal elevation Concentration of chemicals Anything else you can get a value for. (The weather channel loves isolines!)


5 Field Any region of space that has a measurable quantity at every point Examples: gravity, magnetism, temperature, sound levels, elevation, depth, pressure, wind speed…..etc


7 Rules for Drawing Isolines:
1. Isolines connect points of equal value. 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 15

8 2. Isolines are always gentle, curving lines- no sharp corners.
5 5 10 10 10 10 15 15

9 3. Isolines are always closed curves even though the map might only show part of it.

10 4. Isolines NEVER cross- this would mean that one point has two different values. Ex: one spot has two temperatures? 60 ° 50 ° 40 ° 30 ° X 20° Z Y

11 5. Isolines usually are parallel. (They have a parallel trend.)

12 Highlight data points.

13 Fill in gaps in data.

14 Connect the dots.

15 Go on to the next value.


17 A bit more practice with isolines!
Let’s put in a 10ft contour interval line!

18 A bit more practice with isolines!
Let’s put in a 10ft contour interval line! Well, where would 10 be? Beteween HERE!

19 A bit more practice with isolines!
Let’s put in a 10ft contour interval line! Well, where would 10 be? HERE

20 A bit more practice with isolines!
Let’s put in a 10ft contour interval line!

21 A bit more practice with isolines!
Let’s put in a 10ft contour interval line! Don't forget up here too!

22 A bit more practice with isolines!

23 A bit more practice with isolines!

24 A bit more practice with isolines!
What if we were to use a 5ft contour interval? steep flat

25 Gradient Gradient shows how quickly the value change from one point to another. Rate of change from place to place

26 A gentle (low) gradient changes slowly and the lines are far apart.
A steep (high) gradient changes quickly and the isolines are close together. A gentle (low) gradient changes slowly and the lines are far apart. Steep area Gentle area

27 Calculate the gradient between our school and the upper field!
From your ESRT (front cover) High School Elevation = 350ft Football Practice Field Elevation = 415ft 250 yards

28 =415ft – 350ft 250 yards High School Football Practice Field
Elevation = 350ft Football Practice Field Elevation = 415ft 250 yards

29 = .26 ft/yrd = 65 ft 250yds High School Football Practice Field
Elevation = 350ft Football Practice Field Elevation = 415ft 250 yards

30 How about from this view?
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Elevation Of Cliff x Y Distance Calculate the gradient between points X and Y

31 How about from this view?
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Elevation Of Cliff (feet) x Y Distance (miles) Calculate the gradient between points X and Y 500ft – 100ft 400/3= ft/mile 3 miles

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