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Joint Powers Agreement

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1 Joint Powers Agreement
Ada County-City EMS System Joint Powers Agreement

2 Establish an EMS System to provide optimal patient care and system efficiency through structure and collaboration among elected officials, administrative leaders and the medical community across all EMS agencies. Purpose

3 Development over two years of discussion, debate, reflection and collaboration
Core principles and outcomes defined by the Chief Administrative Officials of the agencies, content drafted by the legal counsel representing the agencies Process

4 Ada County-City EMS System
Joint Powers Board Administrative Committee Medical Directorate Structure

5 Structure Joint Powers Board
Political Authority – elected official representation of each member agency Receive recommendations from the Administrative Committee and the Medical Directorate Approve Standard Operating Procedures for the System Adopt System Medical Protocols Approve budget and financial plan Approve Deployment Plan and response performance standards Unanimous consent requirement Structure

6 Structure Administrative Committee Provide operational expertise
Chief Administrative Official from each member agency Provide operational expertise Develop and recommend System standards to the Board Develop and recommend System Operating Procedures, Deployment Modeling, Financial Planning, QA/QI Processes Provide active coordination between the member agencies Solicit and incorporate stakeholder input Structure

7 Structure Medical Directorate
Two qualified Physicians appointed by the Board Development of the System’s Medical Supervision Plan Clinical management and oversight with a common direction for all agencies Establish Scope of Practice Solicit and incorporate input from the medical community Identify opportunities for improvement of medical care within the System Structure

8 Outcomes Commitment to the System development – “All In”
Common Medical Direction Common Deployment Modeling Joint Purchasing Abilities Established process to share resources Representation of all provider agencies Collaborative development of the optimal EMS System Outcomes

9 Ada County-City EMS System

10 Follow Up Actions Adoption of Joint Powers Agreement
Adopt ordinances (need specifics on ordinances for each group presented to) Follow Up Actions

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