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Council of Chairs Meeting – Fall 2018

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1 Council of Chairs Meeting – Fall 2018
Agenda: Welcome (Jay Yang, Computer Engineering, KGCOE) Conversation with Ellen Granberg, Provost and Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs Ian Mortimer, Vice President, Enrollment Management Break Department Head/Chair/Director Roles, Responsibilities and Authority (James Lee and David Long) Greatest Opportunities, Most Pressing Problems, and What We Can Do about Them (Ellen Granberg and Jay Yang)

2 Council of Chairs (CoC) – A Brief Overview
Began about 3 years ago - Steering Committee formed soon after. The Steering Committee was formed by the former Provost Haefner asking the Deans to nominate from Chairs/DHs/Directors. Mission/Purpose of CoC (draft based on experiences so far): Professional and leadership development for chairs/DHs/Directors. Provide feedback/comments to the Provost and other senior leaderships. Direct communication of institute directions and policy changes. Networking with peers. CoC Steering Committee is working with the Provost on Who are in the CoC? Length and frequency of CoC meeting. Communication and engagement of the broader CoC.

3 Council of Chairs – Benefits and Suggestions
Collectively advocate for an appropriate staffing model to support department operations. Enable chairs to have direct impact to institute policies. Sharing best practices – for a variety of responsibilities. Communication of changes and priorities of the institute, providing better transparency in an effective/efficient manner. Get involved as volunteers or serve on the steering committee. Leadership development. Networking with peers. Guest Speaker(s). Meeting length and schedule. Years of service as Chairs/DHs/Directors

4 Council of Chairs – Prioritize Problems and Opportunities
Pressing Problems Greatest Opportunities How to prioritize? Let others (e.g., Dean) decide? Faculty/staff opinions? When I can get to it … What can we do about them if we are the President / Provost / VP for the Day?

5 Council of Chairs – Topics of Interests
Administrative: simplifying decision making, admin bloat, transparency, … Budget: budget process, factors for more resources, flexibility to invest, … Compensation: merit increase, cost of living, compensation for leadership, … Curriculum: cross/interdisciplinary, manage all flavors of experiential learning, assessment, new program, co-teaching, … Development: leadership, admin pathway, promotion mentoring, … Evaluation: annual evaluation, chair evaluation, … Management: unit collegiality, compliance, enrollment management, … Staff: pathway for promotion, not enough, staff title and compensation, … Faculty: recruitment and retention, … Student: recruiting, mentoring, … Workload: teaching vs. scholarship, … Space: research and classroom, … Communication: transparency, … Years of service as Chairs/DHs/Directors

6 Council of Chairs – Prioritize Problems and Opportunities
Breakout Discussions (10-min): For each table, come up with 3 Pressing Problems Greatest Opportunities Action Items Report back ONE for each item from each table (10-min) Open discussion on thoughts not covered (10-min)

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