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Free African Americans in the colonies were allowed to do what?

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Presentation on theme: "Free African Americans in the colonies were allowed to do what?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Free African Americans in the colonies were allowed to do what?
To be slave holders and own property

2 Which of the following was a factor in the growth of southern Slavery?
Plantation system

3 Give me the Slave Codes

4 What was the Great Awakening?

5 What was Montesquieu’s contribution to ideas about government?
Separation of Power and or Checks and Balances

6 Slave Codes

7 If the English colonies had not had so many plantations, it is likely that…
Slavery would not have taken root or survived for as long as it did Settlers would have enslaved Native Americans instead of African Americans. Parliament would have forbidden slavery.

8 What started the French and Indian War?
British settlers pushed west into French and Native American lands.

9 Why did the colonial assemblies reject the Albany Plan?

10 At the beginning of the French and Indian War who was losing battles?

11 What turned the tide in favor of Britain?
New and better leadership My man William Pitt

12 What event was the key to the French defeat
What event was the key to the French defeat? It was the last large battle.

13 What was the Albany Plan Union?

14 Why did this line anger the colonists?

15 What was the most significant effect of the Treaty of Paris, 1763?


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