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Characteristics Based Dues Rules

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics Based Dues Rules"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics Based Dues Rules
Michael Lazzara Program Manager, Customer Education

2 Agenda 1. Learning Objectives
2. Defining Characteristics Based Dues Rules 3. Why to Utilize Characteristics Based Dues Rules 4. How to Create a Dues Rule 5. Troubleshooting Steps Q&A Webinar Title

3 Learning Objectives 1. Know how to define a dues rule.
2. Understand the reasons for utilizing the Dues Rule feature. 3. Knowledge of how to create a dues rule so that it successfully adjusts the dollar amount on a dues invoice. 4. Understand that when setting criteria for dues rules, selections made at each step impact available selections in later steps. Webinar Title

4 Defining Characteristics Based Dues Rules
Characteristics Based Dues Rules are a feature of the YM platform that allow for automatic calculation of membership dues amounts based upon specific member profile data. These calculations can key off various aspects of profile data ranging from member type, the date of joining as a member of the organization, custom field values and more. When these rules are triggered, they display as separate line items on the member’s dues invoice. Webinar Title

5 Why to Utilize Characteristics Based Dues Rules
1. A member’s dues amount is not a flat rate (or prorated by day) 2. The dues structure requires the system to look at data values within the member profile. 3. A mathematical calculation is needed to provide the appropriate dues amount. 4. There is a need to have separate line items visible on the member’s dues invoice. Webinar Title

6 Creating Characteristics Based Dues Rules
1. Naming the Dues Rule. 2. Setting the Conditions for the Dues Rule. 3. Establishing the Dues Calculation Formula. 4. Linking the Dues Rule to the appropriate Membership(s). Webinar Title

7 Troubleshooting Steps & Tips
1. Check the configuration! 2. Check the configuration! 3. Check the configuration! Are you picking up a theme? 4. Check the member’s profile data to ensure it meets the requirements necessary to trigger the dues rule. 5. If there are custom fields involved in the dues rule, review the set up of the custom field. Webinar Title

8 Thank you!

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